Article: Morrissey interview in The Daily Beast – Obama ‘Has Meant Nothing’ and Trump ‘Can’t Be Allo

Re: Morrissey interview in The Daily Beast – Obama ‘Has Meant Nothing’

The title as the article is very misleading ( what else is new). Read in context he makes some good points. Good for him.
Ohhhh daaaayum. Morrissey's right. Barry ISN'T the first black president.

Fantastic interview. Nice to see Morrissey with all cylinders consistently firing again -- he's certainly rolling strikes these days. I can't see him becoming anything but more and more treasured as the years go by.
Fantastic interview. Nice to see Morrissey with all cylinders consistently firing again -- he's certainly rolling strikes these days. I can't see him becoming anything but more and more treasured as the years go by.

Oh f*** off. Were you the same dumbass always telling Kristeen Young that her star was about to rise? Are you on "in case Moz is reading morale patrol?" Because if so he needs to tone down the political rhetoric of which he exhibits no knowledge of. There's a reason Larry King is intrigued by Morrissey, he's a fan of media idiots. Only Morrissey can save himself by NOT repeating the speeches of politicos talking nonsense at Vegan Hollywood Hills Noshfests. Do some reading.

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HAS MEANT NOTHING are fighting words. I'm sick of this.
Oh f*** off. Were you the same dumbass always telling Kristeen Young that her star was about to rise? Are you on "in case Moz is reading morale patrol?" Because if so he needs to tone down the political rhetoric of which he exhibits no knowledge of. There's a reason Larry King is intrigued by Morrissey, he's a fan of media idiots. Only Morrissey can save himself by NOT repeating the speeches of politicos talking nonsense at Vegan Hollywood Hills Noshfests. Do some reading.

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HAS MEANT NOTHING are fighting words. I'm sick of this.

Lol, I can assure you I find Kristeen Young and her work not worth pondering, and only a fool would think Morrissey reads this site. But you know, CG, keep telling yourself whatever you to in order to get through the day.

As far as reading, ignorance, et al... et tu, Brute? You might want to venture out of the bubble on occasion.
Totally disagree. If anything, Morrissey sounds very tuned into the light-skinned vs. dark-skinned dynamic that's been discussed amongst the African-American community for decades. It's real, it exists, and it's certainly not racist to point it out.

It's a waste of time. It's not worth debating unless your interests lie in the purity strains of genetic make-up which is the epitome of RACIST.

He keeps going back to Ferguson, that Obama should've supported "his people" more. Obama is EVERYONE'S people, that's why he's commander in chief. He has to maintain CALM.

When Larry asked Morrissey if he missed food that wasn't Vegan and he ALMOST said yes then backed off at the thought of a Newkirk tonguelashing, Morrissey was being POLITICALLY MINDED and keeping the peace, like Obama did during Ferguson.
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I really don't think Clinton is trying to "appear" middle class in the least. I do feel she cares more about the middle than any of the Republican candidates. I do agree she is a bit self absorbed, but only a tad compared to those in the clown car on the right. You might want to start learning the Canadian anthem, evennow. We don't need you. You can go. Oh and I view you as the biggest arse kisser poster on the site. Kiss them all over the place. l hope your lunch break is going well. (insert wink emoticon) Barf.

Viva free speech and the anonymous voice on Solo.

Another voice from the weeds. Hard to decipher one from the next. You really could have stopped after the first bolded text above as that was the last place in your post that you made coherent sense. Oh, you are 100% wrong, the US needs me and all the other overly taxed professional lemmings to pay for bloated Democratic initiatives and programs. I will leave the arse kissing to you and Ms. Clinton. Anonymous = Cowardliness. Step up and own your words ANON or else your opinion is worthless to me, and thank you, I did enjoy my lunch today :D GFY.

Lol, I can assure you I find Kristeen Young and her work not worth pondering, and only a fool would think Morrissey reads this site. But you know, CG, keep telling yourself whatever you to in order to get through the day.

As far as reading, ignorance, et al... et tu, Brute? You might want to venture out of the bubble on occasion.

Closing laptop. Have a nice day.
Totally disagree. If anything, Morrissey sounds very tuned into the light-skinned vs. dark-skinned dynamic that's been discussed amongst the African-American community for decades. It's real, it exists, and it's certainly not racist to point it out.

what a ridiculous thing to say. i doubt moz even has spoken to an african american.
It's a waste of time. It's not worth debating unless your interests lie in the purity strains of genetic make-up which is the epitome of RACIST.

He keeps going back to Ferguson, that Obama should've supported "his people" more. Obama is EVERYONE'S people, that's why he's commander in chief. He has to maintain CALM.

When Larry asked Morrissey if he missed food that wasn't Vegan and he ALMOST said yes then backed off at the thought of a Newkirk tonguelashing, Morrissey was being POLITICALLY MINDED and keeping the peace, like Obama did during Ferguson.

How is colorism not worth debating? Do you understand what it is?

Morrissey did say yes to Larry's question, and it immediately occurred to him to share his solution to leather shoes, which I assume is one of the things he felt was difficult to find/replace for vegans. Your reading of what occurred is kinda batty.
what a ridiculous thing to say. i doubt moz even has spoken to an african american.

he's probably one of those "i'm not a racist, i have a black friend kind of people (a black fan or a chicano fan let's be honest here)
yes, no doubt.
moz and damon spend mucho time discussing colorism while in the hot tub swinging from a bottle of southern comfort. LOL
Morrissey's comments about Obama not being authentically black are crass, ignorant and embarrassing. I'm confident they would appear that way to many black people in America

Outside of writing pop jingles, Morrissey is truly out of touch. He continues to compound any defense relating to his "racism."

If anything, Morrissey's comments make him seem more like the Donald Trump of pop.
Also, please sit down with a poor, black American who had NO health insurance eight years ago and tell them to their face that Obama does NOTHING for them now that they have an inkling of universal healthcare coverage. Please do this after pretending to have cancer. You need to reign it the f*** in and do some goddam research before telling crowds of people NOT to vote while the f***tards NOT attending your concerts vote IN dumbasses like Trump. You are doing a DISSERVICE to the greater good while riding the coattails of a comedian in need of medication whispering bullshit in your ear.

Spot on Crystal. Obama's changes in health insurance were positively revolutionary. What has Mozzer done for black America? Jack shit. Morrissey's talking out of rear cleavage.
The best Moz interview in a good while. I love how he speaks out for the underclasses. Also, great that he (almost) cleared up the "cancer" mess.
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what a ridiculous thing to say. i doubt moz even has spoken to an african american.

Let's say your RIDICULOUS assertion is true -- Moz has never, ever spoken to an African-American. (Oy vey). What does that have to do with his awareness of colorism? Let's say his only knowledge of it is from seeing Spike Lee's School Daze. (Again, oy vey.) Does that mean he shouldn't broach the subject?
Spot on Crystal. Obama's changes in health insurance were positively revolutionary. What has Mozzer done for black America? Jack shit. Morrissey's talking out of rear cleavage.

No the health insurance issue has f***ed people over in a lot of ways.
“Can you imagine the international stage announcing the arrival of President Trump? On the basis of his name alone he can’t be allowed to represent America,” he said.

I'm certainly able to imagine a 2016 Trump/Morrissey ticket as both are said to be simply gaga over immigration, an issue for which I care very little, one that's merely discussed to arouse the conceit of whites no matter their partisan outlets. Morrissey, I'm sure, perceives the connection between police criminality and young whites who refuse to carry self-protection, preferring the services of America's swollen, militarized police dictatorship as opposed to doing their own dirty business--a sort of hipster industrial complex with Barack Obama at its pinnacle, himself a lamb who removes our collective white guilt feelings so we can all return to crying our little crybaby crocodile tears on the Black Man's shoulder while his children are fed to the very system created by the very people who claim to love them and not their votes. Where I do find disagreement is Morrissey's inability to recognize continuity between a weak, white president in Obama and a weak, white president in Clinton. I'm actually one of those singular nutcases who assent to much of what Morrissey says, but I live in Denver where police brutality, and overall misbehavior against blacks by patrolling officers, are decidedly common; whereas my white, millennial neighbors don't care so long as their precious 'black vote' keeps a safe distance. America is drowning in the White Man's tears and Morrissey (love the guy) isn't helping anything.
Legally speaking, Moz would not be sent to prison if he truly "accidentallly" ran over a child, but those things are rarely accidents. (Collisions caused by drunk and negligent driving are not accidents. Running stop signs and failing to signal are crimes that I see the police committing all the time.)

No Morrissey would get special privileges because is a white wealthy man. He has really nothing to say about black people or anyone else including women who are still challenged and debated to this day. WTF does he know? He has the privilege to isolate and protect himself. His disdain for security?Really? This from a white man who has security people watching after his own hide? He needs to stfu seriously. Otherwise , carry your own umbrella and get it yourself buddy.
No Morrissey would get special privileges because is a white wealthy man. He has really nothing to say about black people or anyone else including women who are still challenged and debated to this day. WTF does he know? He has the privilege to isolate and protect himself. His disdain for security?Really? This from a white man who has security people watching after his own hide? He needs to stfu seriously. Otherwise , carry your own umbrella and get it yourself buddy.

i have to say, i'm pleasantly surprised with most of the comments on this thread. I'm glad most people are calling moz on his bs.
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