As an I Tunes shareholder THANK YOU


Junior Member
I would just like to give all those who bought 'Life Is A Pigsty' via I-Tunes a very big thank you as a shareholder of I-Tunes.
One person on here said he bought the song 30 times! Brilliant! I cant wait for the next AGM and my profit share dividends is announced. I bet that person already owned the song via CD yet bought it 30 times more! CLASSIC FOOL to a marketing strategy. And what did you get for your near £24? Something you already had and the song getting nowhere near the charts!
WOW - easy money! CASH FROM CHAOS!

I'm going to go on lots of music websites and set up similar campaigns and get MORE SUCKERS to download a song they already own in the misguided belief that they will be 'HELPING THEIR HERO' to get into the charts.
Like their hero gives a f***. And all the time my shares will ROCKET and profits INCREASE whilst DELUDED SUCKERS keep on purchasing over and over again.

Once again - THANKS.
Lets choose another song and spend spend spend again!

HEHE:D Admire your gall!!Don`t be afraid to big yourself or you"profits"up.Check your mirror your nose has grown!
If anyone downloaded it more than 5 times, all their downloads would have been wiped out towards counting to the charts anyway...:rolleyes:
I think that wasn't such a great quest. I mean, it's nice to show dedication and all, but still. Charts don't matter. If you have the song already...why waste your money? Wouldn't you want Morrissey to be in the charts because of his popularity, not by cheating? And if he's NOT in the charts, in my opinion, it makes him that much more alluring and that much more anti-establishment and i DON'T think we need a silly chart position to value Morrissey more because we value him enough as is! aaaghhhh
I think that wasn't such a great quest. I mean, it's nice to show dedication and all, but still. Charts don't matter. If you have the song already...why waste your money? Wouldn't you want Morrissey to be in the charts because of his popularity, not by cheating? And if he's NOT in the charts, in my opinion, it makes him that much more alluring and that much more anti-establishment and i DON'T think we need a silly chart position to value Morrissey more because we value him enough as is! aaaghhhh

I will give you my reason for downloading it; Morrissey himself hasn't released it as a single and it is just the fan’s who had decided to use their own initative say to try and get it in the charts. To my knowledge it will be the first time a set of music fans have done this with the brand new downloading rules. Morrissey rarely gets played on radio and television; he himself has talked about when play lists/ rules are taken away something interesting happens in music.( Like him finishing second in the “Britain’s Greatest Living Cultural Icon” competition) I hoped Moz fans taking advantage of the new download rules would signal a change in music - where people power and passionate music fans will decide what will be successful; instead of people only buying what music television/ radio/ record bosses let them hear. Also I wanted “Pigsty” to be brought to a wider audience because I think it’s a beautiful song and I think it would have caused a bit of a stir (a seven odd minute song having to get played in album chart shows). Anyhoo thats just my reasons; obviously other people will see it as an unworthy exercise or be indifferent to it but hey thats life and i respect everyone elses right to do what they want.
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Does no one want to point out that iTunes isn't a company and surely isn't something you can hold stock in?
Is Apple a plc?
Does no one want to point out that iTunes isn't a company and surely isn't something you can hold stock in?

i was going to point it out but you beat me to it. what an idiot!! can trolls at least do some basic research before they post. AAPL doesn't even have a dividend. Geez.
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