Do you ever augh at things you are not supposed to?



I did the other day. I went to one of those old people's homes, ya know nursery homes or whatever they are caled with the fancy clinical names like "Sunny Palms" or "Coastal Villas". Anyhow, here I walked in ready to regale the old farts with stories of my wonderfulbatles involving choking out the annoying financial aid employees or the fat clerk at Wal-Mart.

Apparently this one women has brain detoriation so sometimes at the end of her sentence she gets stuck on a word and repeats it like a skipping CD. So she comes up to me and says "I want a diga-diga-diga-diga-diga-diga-diga-diga-diga."

Oh man I was laughing so hard at her, tears and all teh drama for my mama. Until an old man punched me hard in the privates and I wriggled in pain. I still laughed though. "I want a diga-diga-diga-diga-diga-diga..diga diga.."
Re: thatts fUnnnIE-`

wowee q-v and greasetea on the same thread I'd better pucker up for some serious kissy-kissy buttock stuff.
Hussien (QV) is a one trick pony!

> wowee q-v and greasetea on the same thread I'd better pucker up
> for some serious kissy-kissy buttock stuff.

Give me your e-mail address - I'll send you some new material so you don't look like such a putz!
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