
Zenith Nadir

Senõr Member
Me too! I have the most mundane dreams ever! last night it was about buying a pair of shoes. Sometimes it's about washing the dishes. Oh dear :p

Hope you don't mind me hijacking this and moving it to off topic, but I find dreams fascinating.

Some of the bizarre things about my dreams.

• People will pop into my dreams that I haven't heard of/from for years. Your brain must have some kind of incredible backup drive, where long forgotten people or events get recalled during a dream.

• No matter how absurd the dream, you never question the reality of it until you wake up. So the fact that you are walking on water or flying somewhere is perfectly logical in your dream. You'll fly off to the shops, only to find the shop closed. The part of the dream you grapple over is why the shop is closed, and not how you've suddenly learnt to fly.

• I don't dream about events beyond the immediate future. Maybe something that I have to do later this week or later this month, but I never put myself 15 years forward, or imagine myself as a pensioner feeding the ducks.

• I occasionally have incredibly frustrating dreams. The other night I dreamt I was in the army, and it was my final day of service. They wouldn't let me clear out because I didn't have a badge on my beret. I then went to the army supply shop, who refused to sell me a new badge (cue Catch 22 moment) "because I was clearing out that day". I was stuck there forever. Quite funny when I woke up, but frustrating as hell during the dream.

• I'll wake up laughing about the absurdity of a dream, and make a mental note to tell so-and-so all about it. More often than not, by the time I've brushed my teeth or had my first cup of coffee, for the life of me I can't remember what the hell the dream was about and who I was supposed to tell.

• Animals can talk. Be careful what you tell your cat!
LOL!!!! dreams really interest me, I go through phases of keeping a 'dream diary', so as soon as I wake up I'd scribble down what I could remember and then if anyhting interesting happened relating to the dream I could see it. I have reoccuring dreams as well, and I have these things called 'Night terrors' where I wake up screaming. They arn't too bad now, but when I was a kid I used to freak out my parents! LOL!!! I'm hooked on a programme called 'sleep clinic' too, about people with wierd sleeping disorders.
Long forgotten people or events get recalled during a dream

It's bit off-topic, but I saw a film called "Marie and Julien" directed by Jacques Rivette.
It's about a man who had a dream of a woman he met, then when he woke up, bumps into her...
British critics aren't enthusiastic about the idea behind the story, but I found it very romantic and intriguing.
• No matter how absurd the dream, you never question the reality of it until you wake up. So the fact that you are walking on water or flying somewhere is perfectly logical in your dream. You'll fly off to the shops, only to find the shop closed. The part of the dream you grapple over is why the shop is closed, and not how you've suddenly learnt to fly.

That is completely true. What I find odd is when I am starting to wake up, so I know I am dreaming, I know my dreams don't make any sense now, but without thinking about I act like they do while knowing they don't. Dreams are sometimes just a bit too odd and confusing for me to discuss, it distracts me too much...:o
Kewpie, it is off topic. You may go off topic in off topic :p

Hatfull, I don't have 'Night terrors', but I used to have sleep paralysis from time to time, which is terrifying when you're a kid, and nobody has ever explained to you what it is. Often accompanied by the sensation that someone is in the room with you. When I was young I'd believe the house was being burgled, and there was nothing I could do. Couldn't move a muscle, couldn't shout for help.

Had it again a few weeks back for the first time in ages. I thought someone was standing against the wall. Looked at the intruder for long enough to eventually work out it was the ironing board leaning against the back of my bedroom door.
Kewpie, it is off topic. You may go off topic in off topic :p

Hatfull, I don't have 'Night terrors', but I used to have sleep paralysis from time to time, which is terrifying when you're a kid, and nobody has ever explained to you what it is. Often accompanied by the sensation that someone is in the room with you. When I was young I'd believe the house was being burgled, and there was nothing I could do. Couldn't move a muscle, couldn't shout for help.

Had it again a few weeks back for the first time in ages. I thought someone was standing against the wall. Looked at the intruder for long enough to eventually work out it was the ironing board leaning against the back of my bedroom door.
That's so scary! I don't think i've had sleep paralysis properly, other than the can't wke up from a dream stuff, but I have phases of the 'falling' feeling in a dream which is scary too. It's funny, I used to be a cronic insomniac which was hellish, I had a whole cycle where I'd have a few weeks where I couldn't get to sleep, a few weeks where I'd sleep fine and then a few weeks where I'd get to sleep and then be wide awake at 4 am.
a 'dream' from Wednesday February 07, 07;

migraines struck me today
but i did manage to escape them by taking enough pills and falling asleep
however, @ times like that
i am still defenseless before dream Tina*
this time she interrupted an excellent Doctor Who-like adventure i was having
one moment the Doctor(#9, my fave) was showing me how to care for and talk to the TARDIS and the next i was shrouded in fog
then i could hear this low & slow melodic music, very 4ADish
i think, and i walked towards the sound
and there she was, again, dream Tina*, i tried not to look @ her eyes and instead covered my ears as i looked @ her cute flat nose
but this time, for once she remained mute, which is good
cuz this means i no longer remember the sound of her once sweet voice
i have decided to call this 'progress'
sure, it is a result of the ongoing victory of Crazy T** in the 'real world' but no matter
i play with the cards im dealt
which is its own winning that those that lie, cheat and steal their way through life shall never know
anyways, back to the dream
dream Tina* beckoned to me with her right hand and index finger extending towards me and then curling back in
as i concentrated on this
the pain in my head ebbed and we seemed to be both be moving ever so slightly
her backwards
me forwards
then i saw a blue shape behind dream Tina*
and eventually it became clear to me it was the TARDIS!
just like the one T&me saw in the UK
dream Tina* broke the chains off it that were wrapped around this one and entered
i simply stood there
at a loss for words too
then her hand shot back out of it beckoning to me
but i am not so dumb anymore
for i know wherever dream Tina* be
Crazy T** is sure to be too
then i awoke
and had some lemonade...
i had a dream last night where i met a girl i haven't seen for about 5 years.

she & i worked together and we *ahem* "had relations" a couple of times, when drunk. anyway, i realised shortly after i'd left the job and moved away from the area that i kinda liked her a lot and wished i hadn't left the job / moved away (i'm understating this, quite a bit, here).

anyway, i had dream, last night where i went back to visit my old workmates and she was still there and she gave me a big cuddle and made a whispered declaration of undying love in my ear and she was crying. then i woke up and it was just before 6am. and i couldn't get back to sleep because i kept replaying the dream, over & over, in my head.

i was quite angry as i lay there.

(did i really just type this?)
i had a dream last night where i met a girl i haven't seen for about 5 years.

she & i worked together and we *ahem* "had relations" a couple of times, when drunk. anyway, i realised shortly after i'd left the job and moved away from the area that i kinda liked her a lot and wished i hadn't left the job / moved away (i'm understating this, quite a bit, here).

anyway, i had dream, last night where i went back to visit my old workmates and she was still there and she gave me a big cuddle and made a whispered declaration of undying love in my ear and she was crying. then i woke up and it was just before 6am. and i couldn't get back to sleep because i kept replaying the dream, over & over, in my head.

i was quite angry as i lay there.

(did i really just type this?)
awesome post
dude, maybe you should do something about it? :o
i had a dream last night where i met a girl i haven't seen for about 5 years.

she & i worked together and we *ahem* "had relations" a couple of times, when drunk. anyway, i realised shortly after i'd left the job and moved away from the area that i kinda liked her a lot and wished i hadn't left the job / moved away (i'm understating this, quite a bit, here).

anyway, i had dream, last night where i went back to visit my old workmates and she was still there and she gave me a big cuddle and made a whispered declaration of undying love in my ear and she was crying. then i woke up and it was just before 6am. and i couldn't get back to sleep because i kept replaying the dream, over & over, in my head.

i was quite angry as i lay there.

(did i really just type this?)
Well, a lot of dreams don't mean anything or something different to what they appear, but some can be trying to tell you something. There's something so upsetting about having such a nice dream and then waking up.
I dream about a man I'd had 'relations' with once and I have drempt about him ever since. It's always sex, really realistic to the point where I'm shocked to wake up alone. I don't know why, he was attrative but not a love or anyhring. I've never drempt about sex with anyone else.
awesome post
dude, maybe you should do something about it? :o

thanks, mate. i knew i was making a mistake almost immediately i'd handed in my resignation. but, by then, it was too late. at my leaving do, for work, i told the boss and his deputy what i thought of them and almost came to blows with the deputy manager so there was no chance of withdrawing the resignation. (ironically, the argument was about how the girl, in question, was treated in the workplace.)

i did phone her after i'd moved away, one night a few months after i'd moved away, when very drunk. like a fool, i told her how i felt and i think she just thought i was mad.

life, eh?
That's really sad. But everything happens for a reason, maybe the timing was wrong. I always wondered if the man in my dreams ever drempt about me too, I got really fed up in the end because it stopped being funny the amount of head space he was taking up, so I ended up hanging a dream catcher over my bed. I still have the dreams now and then but not every night. I remember waking up from one dream and feeling so, so, sad because he was so unhappy in my dream at about three am and just lying there and wonering if he was ok. I'm too soft!
may be these dreams you two are having, don't really mean anything....they are just memories of a good sexual experience you once had. leave it at that, these people are gone from your life. it's all in the past. Things happen for a reason, and these things do get better.
That's really sad. But everything happens for a reason, maybe the timing was wrong. I always wondered if the man in my dreams ever drempt about me too, I got really fed up in the end because it stopped being funny the amount of head space he was taking up, so I ended up hanging a dream catcher over my bed. I still have the dreams now and then but not every night. I remember waking up from one dream and feeling so, so, sad because he was so unhappy in my dream at about three am and just lying there and wonering if he was ok. I'm too soft!

the strange thing is that i don't ever remember dreaming about her beofre last night. dunno why it should have cropped up, now, after so much time has passed. i thought about her a lot (too much) after i'd left the job, but never dreamt about her. weird.

may be these dreams you two are having, don't really mean anything....they are just memories of a good sexual experience you once had. leave it at that, these people are gone from your life. it's all in the past. Things happen for a reason, and these things do get better.

yeah, i know it's in the past and there's nothing practical to be gained from dwelling on it. it's just that the dream was so real and i felt so disappointed when i woke up. it just brought it all back. and there happened to be a thread about "dreams", so.....

anyway, i'm being too gay, here... let's talk cock.
anyway, i'm being too gay, here... let's talk cock.

no it was good post.....i would like to talk about 'cock' but i need to go and dream myself dear friend night xxx
See this is it, I know it's in the past and doesn't mean anything (maybe, i'm not sure) but it was just so sad and then realising they wern't there...still, like I say i don't have them much anymore!
A friend of mine claims to have once dreamt former Arsenal right back Lee Dixon was Prime Minister.

Very strange.
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