How did you become a Morrissey/Smiths fan?

I always thought what a nice and delicious picture it is. Yes, delicious. Like a piece of cake. I wanted to EAT that avatar everytime I've seen it. I know it sounds silly.

hehe, Brilliant! Yes, I agree: it is a delicious picture:D
Question to all the new fans:

Am I'm the only one or do you see the young Moz and the "older" one as completely different people?

As I haven't seen him grow up and getting older I'm now confronted with two different "Morrisseys" when I used to see a picture of him - the young one and the older one. Some pictures are in between.

Always when I see a current photo I try to connect that face with the young-pictured Moz but it's so strange for me because these two (one) people have nothing in common for me. There are very few photos when I think, "Yes, I see the young Morrissey in him". But mostly I think I'm watching to two different people with the same name. It's so strange for me to imagine all my pictures describe the same person.

It's strange, I know. Am I mad now? Or does anyone of you ever had the same thoughts?

oooh no, you're not mad :) I understand what you mean! Sometimes when I'm in the midst of a Smiths obsession (which happens very, very regularly) I forget that it was 20 odd years ago. Then I see Morrissey now and it's hard to comprehend that the young Morrissey I've been obsessing over is all grown up, hehe. It's cool when I sometimes still see the young Morrissey in his face and his mannerisms, though.

Sounds stupid, but oh well :p :)

And, Still Tired, I'm picking up what your'e putting down -I feel a sadness & nostalgia for young Morrissey too (I still adore him, I just miss the young moz). I'm 30, but was still too young in 82-87 to know of The Smiths. Didn't get into them until about 1994 when a friend gave me 'The Best Of Smiths'. The rest is history.

RusholmeRuffians - you've got an extremely cool dad! :)
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As a new fan I understand this completely because it's happened before with other bands I've liked. But, unlike these other bands Morrissey still remains unchanged, and even at my young age (17) I feel like I can still relate to this 47 year old man.

I totally agree!!! Isn't it strange that at a young age you can relate to him.....
Well I first heard Morrissey on the radio, the only song I've ever heard on the radio.."Irish Blood, English Heart" a couple of years ago I think in 2004. And I fell in love with the song even though I had only heard it a few times...but then forgot all about it. Wish I hadn't forgotten though! But then this past summer I met someone who is now my very close friend & like a big brother and our like in music is extremely similar it's almost scary! There's 8 years difference in age between us, but were like the identical of each other....I'm like the girl version of him...scary huh?? But very cool...Anyways, he told me just to listen to The Smiths to see what I thought since our taste in music is identical. I borrowed Meat Is Murder and loved it!!....then listened to Morrissey and borrowed You Are The Quary...and absolutely fell in love with Morrissey!!! I loved First of The Gang to Die...but initially my very first favorite song was Dissappointed. He was shocked b/c he said it usually takes years for Moz fans to really love that song. But I loved it and still do. I'm now collecting his whole collection...and have about 8-10 cds. I really thought that I would have to wait a few years to see him in concert, but to my surprise....he's gonna be here in less than a month!!!! I'm so incredibly excited!!
There's just something about Morrissey that makes you love him..although he & his music is so different...yet so very unique. For takes a trully special voice for me to absolutely fall in love with....very much in love with.
Just his voice alone is one of the greatest and his lyrics get to me..though many think his music is depressing...his music makes me rather happy and when I listen to it, it takes to me to a different place...that makes me happy...where you have that feeling of happiness and contentness and you feel that Morrissey is the only thing you would ever have to listen to. That may sound strange, but it's very true!! It's a rare thing being able to listen to Morrissey and absolutely love it with a passion so I've heard..and especially for someone my age..[16] age and the era he and his music came from don't usually mix for most teenagers..but for me it fits perfectly!!! Anyone who has one bad word to say about him are seriously mad and deluded. That's all there is to it!:D

And for those of you whose dad's introduced you to The Smiths/Morrissey, that is very cool and something to be trully treasured!!
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^^ agreed. I was sitting in gym class today at school laughing while listening to the headmaster ritual and mentally dancing to pashernate love, just feeling so soothed in my own little world - feeling like the songs were just soundtracks to everything going on around me, with that content heart-sinking feeling...i love that.
now does THAT answer your question??? :D:p:p

Yes! Very Good. That's a nice story!!

he still twiddles with his ears too :p

Yeeees! That's soooo cute!!!
At the age of about 11-12 (I am 17 now) I became fascinated with the 80's music, especially the New Romantic movement. Spandau Ballet were my first love, followed by OMD and Softcell (they all still have a special place in my heart). It took me about a year to discover this perfect band (The Smiths) since they weren't really popular in Serbia. My first contact with them was at the age of 13, when I heard the song There is a light that never goes out and I wanted to die of its beauty! I felt like he knew the exact story of my life, that he could define all of my emotions even better than myself. I downloaded some of the songs and I was pleased but it was not until I heard I know it's over I realised that this man (Morrissey) was The ONE. To me it still is the most beautiful song ever written both musically and lyrically. Now, four years later, my romance with Morrissey's music is still going strong. And it seems that it's getting stronger the older I get... Sometimes I feel that I am naglecting other bands and singers because of him, well, I am. But he's worth it.
In high school, a friend had mentioned The Smiths to me and I had never heard any of their music. One day I was out at a local record store so I bought one of their albums. I listened to it & I really didn't like it at all. I put in my closet where it stayed for a year or something. I one day pulled it out & gave it another try and .......... here I am today. A total Smiths/Morrissey fan forever.
become a Morrissey/Smiths fan?
why would anyone do that :confused:

ps: where is kewpie to pull up the old thread for this
i do not want to give a different answer than before :o
my older cousin got me into the smiths in 1986...have been hooked ever since........
"the perks of being a wallflower" by stephen chbosky references "asleep" a lot. i read it about 4 years ago and the way it was talked about in there, i just had to download it. that's when i fell in love. i was then given "the queen is dead" and "viva hate" by a friend of mine, i bought "you are the quarry," and then i just started buying and listening like crazy. haven't stopped since. i am in love.
^^ agreed. I was sitting in gym class today at school laughing while listening to the headmaster ritual and mentally dancing to pashernate love, just feeling so soothed in my own little world - feeling like the songs were just soundtracks to everything going on around me, with that content heart-sinking feeling...i love that.

I wish i knew girls who would mentally dance to Morrissey while in gym class :eek:

but i didn't, so i really never talked to any of them. but looking back, i could probably guess which ones were 'likely' to have been morrissey/smiths fans. i'm sure i was not the only one in my class. i did go to high school in the mid 90s (growing up pre-bush and pre 9-11 was so nice..sorry off-topic) there were probably more then than now. i would think. where were they? damn preppy catholic high school:mad:

high school would have been better. . .the world would have been better.

but it's all good now:cool: :cool:

edit: well except for bush
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I wish i knew girls who would mentally dance to Morrissey while in gym class :eek:

looking back at this post now, what i meant by that was dancing in my mind...not dancing in a mental way...:o ah nevermind!

i wish i knew people who even listen to the smiths/moz at my school
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