HQ view "Black Cloud" on Fallon

can we talk more about how Fallon called Moz "buddy" after his performance? who does that?
can we talk more about how Fallon called Moz "buddy" after his performance? who does that?

Do we have to? Why do some people have a problem with that? In Oz we call each other mate all the time but it doesn't mean we think they are our mates.

Let's just talk about how great Moz looks and sounds shall we?
Oh my God, the man is disappearing! I wish he would've sung "Something is squeezing my skull" though.
he really must have lost a few kilos ^^
and somehow Im superficially enough to totally like that

he really looks 10 years younger and healthier...
i wouldnt mind if he continues losing a few pounds..

since boz is slimming down as well, they maybe made a pact or bet or something
:horny: Oh thanks, awful day at work, this really just cheered me up. This song sounds really great live and Moz looks fantastic!
:horny: Oh thanks, awful day at work, this really just cheered me up. This song sounds really great live and Moz looks fantastic!

oh dear. sorry to hear. do you at least have some nice food to look forward to when you get home?!

drifting back 'on topic' (as they say), I can't make up my mind about The Black Cloud. I'm inclined to think it's not a great song but I do find myself singing the refrain quite often!
however, defo not single material (in my humble)...
drifting back 'on topic' (as they say), I can't make up my mind about The Black Cloud. I'm inclined to think it's not a great song but I do find myself singing the refrain quite often!

Same here. It's quite catchy and I was surprised to hear how good it sounded live!
WOW fantastic!

He called Moz 'buddy' and put out his hand to shake it, oddly Moz offered his left hand rather than his right.

he band sound superb!
WOW fantastic!

He called Moz 'buddy' and put out his hand to shake it, oddly Moz offered his left hand rather than his right.

he band sound superb!

southpaw grammar
can we talk more about how Fallon called Moz "buddy" after his performance? who does that?

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/S5pp7xsFj_w&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/S5pp7xsFj_w&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

I mean in Philadelphia the back of his jeans do look like fetlocks sort of. :p


Man I did a double take when I saw this clip! I know black is supposed to be slimming but Moz must have lost about 10 kilos or something cuz he looks ten years younger and as handsome as ever! I guess they were wearing black for the cloud?

I actually thought that of Boz. Their best look on stage in a long while. I think I would have liked to have heard another song other than 'Black Cloud', espcially for those new to his music. Was any other song played off air?
He looks awfully happy to see Jimmy (why :confused:) Maybe they really are buddies?! :eek:;)

You can't see it on this clip, but at the very end when Jimmy is talking/signing off, Morrissey does this super cute little hand clap, not clapping, but like a clap clap clap, clap clap clap, sort of 'cheer' -all the while with a smile. I likey. :)

Moz and Boz looked fab :cool: p.s. nice guns, Matt :horny:
Yes, they looked fantastic.

Really fantastic.

Which may make it all the more embarrassing for Corrissey come April 4th.

Someone she'll be with, may likely cause some trouble trying to get on stage.
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