If you could.........


............watch a film with Moz, which one would you watch and why? This popped into my head after watching 'V for Vendetta' last night (yet again). I just thought it was a film he'd really like (even though it's about the ruination of England and that). As well as that, which already existing role (in a film/tv series/play etc) do you think our Moz would have been good as? I know he says he can't act, but I think he would've made a great Withnail! Thoughts?
Too many of them, but at the moment I fancy an Ealing comedy watching with Morrissey.

Kind Hearts and Coronets would be nice. :)
Kieslowski's Double Life of Veronique or Bleu and Red ... Wim Wender's Wings of Desire and Faraway, So Close! ... And many Woody Allen's!!! Oh yes, Woody Allen would be just perfect...

And Lost In Translation... :dreamy face:
any good old B&W english comedy,
too many crooks, for example, so we could have a good giggle together.
He would be the best murderer in Columbo since Johnny Cash.
But I'm afraid Peter Falk is too old for another episode...
He would be the best murderer in Columbo since Johnny Cash.
But I'm afraid Peter Falk is too old for another episode...

Actually, I just read an aritcle a few days ago that said that there is a new Columbo script that has been approved by Peter Falk, but they couldn't find an American network to finance it (due to his age). It's a shame, especially since the last Columbo movie (2003's Columbo Likes the Nightlife) is no way to go out...
An officer and a Gentleman(sorry couldn`t come up with anything more highbrow)Just the sight of Moz in that white suit and he wouldn`t be able to carry me off as he`d have to scrape me off the floor.:o
Thank you Stoner, I'm very flattered. :)

The Collector is Johnny Marr's favourite film and the lyrics of "I Started Something, But I Couldn't Finish" reminds of it.

Terence Stamp's film debut "Billy Budd" would be good, too.
Now Voyager, or Breakfast at Tiffanys... Classic all the way

And we would watch them on a rainy Saturday afternoon, with Hot Chocolate in pyjamas, after an exhausting trip to Prada *drifts off into own ridiculous Moz fantasy*...
Victim. Moz does Dirk (oo-er)

or The Wicker Man. Moz as the Christopher Lee character and all the fans as island residents.... the cult of Moz transposed to the Outer Hebrides!

Mike Joyce would obviously be Edward Woodward!!!

(What do you call a man with 3 planks of wood on his head? The Equaliser)
The Leather Boys.( 60s british biker movie)

The Search.( monty clift)

Good night & Good Luck.
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