Morrissey Central (Instagram) Morrissey comments re: Your Arsenal 30th (July 28, 2022)


Now a Central post.
Change the music industry by starting your own label, release Bonfire, rerelease all albums on vinyl, release special live albums, deluxe editions etc. He does not need the music industry, create his own and the fans will keep his music going for the ages. Prove the industry wrong, many bands and artist are doing very well without the majors.
Was thinking this today.

If we all chip in a tenner, start our own label, do a dodgy deal with Spotify and put it out there.

At least it’ll be on Spotify.
Old man without deal grumps at modern music

Are you saying that he doesn’t have a point?

His words ring very true to me, especially the line about “nobody but you could have written that song”. That’s probably one of the most common phrases I use when complimenting Morrissey’s songwriting. In an age dominated by singers singing songs written by committees of people who are not them, original & unique songwriters with a distinctive voice are almost extinct, & Morrissey is definitely a rare remnant of a dying breed.

Could you imagine Ed Sheeran writing National Front Disco? Or Billie Eilish penning Seasick, Yet Still Docked? Or any of the bland manufactured pop stars of today being presented with a song as genuinely moving as I Know It’s Gonna Happen Someday by a team of cynical, middle-aged men churning out songs about things they imagine teenaged girls might relate to?

The obvious answer is a resounding ‘No!’

And you know it to be true.

In fact, I notice you didn’t criticise Your Arsenal itself. I would bet money that you had a sneaky listen to it today & reminisced about the days before you became the grumpy old man you accuse Morrissey of being; when he was your idol who made every aspect of your life feel that much better.
Far Out Magazine? That's a neo-nazi Trojan horse publication is it not, peddling anti-semitic tropes and conspiracy theories?

But's not a terrible review. The use of 'snaggle-toothed' does seem rather incongruous though.

This is like your Christmas. (And, no, I'm not aiming this at Far Out, I'm aiming it at you.)


Was wondering if ‘Yours…’ is intentional or lack of proof reading. Hard to tell these days.
Intentional, no doubt. I reckon he used it on purpose to emphasise how the album now belongs to all of us. I know 'your' in English can mean singular or plural but it always sounds like a singular word. It's his way of saying to the fans - this album is yours. It has definitely been a part of my world since 1992. I can't wait for Bonfire to become part of it too. If it ever sees the light of day...
Oh Morrissey, you are criticizing modern music (I don't like it either), but then having Miley Cyrus sing on your album. Pick a lane, dude. Now I am annoyed.
"There are no modern songwriters of whom we can say 'no one but you could have written that song.' There are no modern songwriters to whom we can say, 'you've really hit on something.'"

But there is an OLD songwriter of whom we can say "no one but you could have spouted such nonsense" and "no one but you could be so obtuse."

For a man who considers himself a champion of pop music, Morrissey is embarrassingly ignorant of the current music scene. There are dozens of brilliant emerging songwriters for him to discover, many of whom you could absolutely say "you've really hit on something" ... if ever he deigned to listen to anyone but himself.

There are dozens of brilliant emerging songwriters for him to discover, many of whom you could absolutely say "you've really hit on something" ... if ever he deigned to listen to anyone but himself.

can you give us a list of young artists or acts that …

we can say to 'no one but you could have written that song.'

And the person singing the song wrote it themselves.

or ..

'you've really hit on something.' ?

And I don’t believe we’re taking about the use of modern technology to help come up with something that is a novelty.

I’m not arguing. I’m just curious, because I’d love to hear these brilliant emerging artists that are up there with the likes of Morrissey, Dylan, Lennon, Bowie, Joni Mitchell, etc
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Yeah, I don’t really know what Alain means by that line. Hope he didn’t mean it in the way it can come off as petty. Those two Nevin songs are killer. Though I would love to hear what the original demos sounded like to see the evolution of them, what Ronson and the band did with them.

there’s this though …

Yes they are two great songs but imo IKIGHS stands out like a sore thumb on the album. To me that kind of torch song doesn't belong on YA.
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Are you saying that he doesn’t have a point?

His words ring very true to me, especially the line about “nobody but you could have written that song”. That’s probably one of the most common phrases I use when complimenting Morrissey’s songwriting. In an age dominated by singers singing songs written by committees of people who are not them, original & unique songwriters with a distinctive voice are almost extinct, & Morrissey is definitely a rare remnant of a dying breed.

Could you imagine Ed Sheeran writing National Front Disco? Or Billie Eilish penning Seasick, Yet Still Docked? Or any of the bland manufactured pop stars of today being presented with a song as genuinely moving as I Know It’s Gonna Happen Someday by a team of cynical, middle-aged men churning out songs about things they imagine teenaged girls might relate to?

The obvious answer is a resounding ‘No!’

And you know it to be true.

In fact, I notice you didn’t criticise Your Arsenal itself. I would bet money that you had a sneaky listen to it today & reminisced about the days before you became the grumpy old man you accuse Morrissey of being; when he was your idol who made every aspect of your life feel that much better.
So acidic but so real!!! I also imagined this man devouring enjoying Your Arsenal on its 30th anniversary! Poor!! it seems to be a stagnant soul !!!!
Yes they are two great songs but imo IKIGHS stands out like a sore thumb on the album.

Oh I think they blend well, complimenting and reinforcing the other songs.

You’re Gonna is such a great opener.

Ok, let’s take out Nevin’s songs. And just working with the album and b-sides from the singles from that album. Make a ‘better’ ( is it possible?) Your Arsenal album song list in the order that we think would work.
Oh I think they blend well, complimenting and reinforcing the other songs.

You’re Gonna is such a great opener.

Ok let’s take out Nevin’s songs. And just working with the album and b-sides from the singles from that album. Make a ‘better’ ( is it possible?) Your Arsenal album song list in the order that we think would work.
I'm certainly not suggesting YGNSOYS needs to go. I love it! As far as B sides go I'd say only Jack the Ripper could sub in but the others are not needed.
Your Arsenal recently took the #1 spot in my all time favourites. I remember Richard Kingsmill excitedly playing 'You're Gonna Need' for the first on time Triple J. Simpler days.
Yes they are two great songs but imo IKIGHS stands out like a sore thumb on the album. To me that kind of torch song doesn't belong on YA.

Ah ok. I see what you mean now. But I disagree. My only complaint is, if one can call it a complaint, is that I wish We Hate It had more weight to it.
I really agree with Morrissey here. I haven`t heard anything that is as groundbreaking or as original as when Morrissey and The Smiths and a few other bands or when grunge broke through in the 90`s. I don`t really enjoy the artist`s that are trendy and popular now. Maybe it`s because I`m not their target audience or maybe it`s because I`m old. I miss the days when you would go to your local record shop to buy your favorite artists newest album or single. Music from today is not like that at all. Though I do like listening to music on Spotify and I do love that you can carry your favorite music on your phone and take it with you wherever you go. I think that technology is awesome.I don`t think the music from today will age well. That`s just my opinion.
I need to know why he called it 'Yours Arsenal". Did he make a typo? Not proofread?
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