Jerome Reuter (Rome) expresses his opinion about Morrissey in interview with 482 MHz

Jerome Reuter, who is behind the neofolk band Rome, expressed his opinion about Morrissey and the current media fuzz recently in an interview with the swedish blog for alternative music 482 MHz. Find the bit about Moz under here and the interview via this link:

You studied in Manchester when you were younger – an industrial city with a deep, rich musical heritage. Has Manchester inspired you? And what is your favourite Mancunian bands?

Joy Division, obviously. And I just love Morrissey. Manchester is a Moloch, yes, tremendously inspiring. To this day, actually.

I’m also a long term Morrissey fan. He’s suffering from a bit of a backlash these days, from media and certain factions of his fan base, because of him expressing support for alt-right party For Britain. Where do you stand on all of this? Does it serve him right or should we separate the artist from the person?

Oh, shit, I disagree with someone, let’s lynch him! He’s not entitled to his opinion when we know so much better. We like diversity but God forbid we should allow diversity of opinion… We could end up in a democracy without realizing it. This cannot stand. We have to burn his records. Our artists should be role models in all regards, they have no right to be wrong.

Anyway…I’ve been into Morrissey for years and I have learned to not agree with him. I like my meat and my monarchy. So there we go.
The thing is:
If Morrissey went about his opinions in a less gung ho, preachy and patronising manner, I'd have more sympathy for the argument that we should accept everybody's opinion etc.
For instance, if Bryan Ferry is asked about foxhunting or his voting preferences (Tory), he gives his answer without getting on a pedistall or getting all hysterical. So I wouldn't stop listening to him or Roxy Music just because I disagree with his voting intentions.

Trouble is: Morrissey froths at the mouth when it comes to his "ideas". He boycotted venues or entire countries simply because of the food that people may swallow.
He said horrid things about the Utoya massacre, the Royal Family, the Brighton bombing, and much more.
He gets all sanctimonious. He insults and belittles fellow artists who have different opinions (i.e. Elton John, Madonna, Bowie, Robert Smith, etc).

So, simply, what you give is what you get.
You wanna be all "boycott-y" and "militant"? Fine, but expect an equal reaction.

"Oh, shit, I disagree with someone, let’s lynch him! He’s not entitled to his opinion when we know so much better. We like diversity but God forbid we should allow diversity of opinion… We could end up in a democracy without realizing it. This cannot stand. We have to burn his records. Our artists should be role models in all regards, they have no right to be wrong."

Sammy:"Uncle Steven, come see what this guy Jerome Reuter has said about you. Its really supportive. We can upload it onto Morrissey Central."

"Anyway…I’ve been into Morrissey for years and I have learned to not agree with him. I like my meat and my monarchy. So there we go."

:"Aw shit, it doesn't matter."
But it's not on Central, is it? So it must matter, right?
So you're saying we shouldn't chase Nazis out of town? I agree, we should should corner them IN TOWN and beat the living sh** out of them.
I don't think they were Nazis at all, just people expressing their belief in public, and in this case nobody was blown up. I don't see the need to chase anyone out of town, certainly not for being patriotic to their own country.
Peter, there is free speech, there was also WWII, lots of innocent people were killed, some in horrible camps, if you're ever in europe visit 1 or 2 of them, say anything, but PLEASE stop the name of a fascist regime. Every year all over Europe where that fascist regime had conquered towns cities, or still mourning places/graves, Wooden/Stone Crosses etc. That regime had a name you keep on mentioning which is really beneath your IQ and social man you are. call it someething else, the 4 letter N word has nothing to add in discussion, we must learn from that period, maybe it's the difference I'm Dutch and your a Brittish man, but London and other cities were bombed also. Please stop with the 4 letter N word,

theo de wert
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