Jools last night

Sad to say, or maybe not.

ALL of the acts on his show were a rip off.

First one - Jim Morrison and the Doors
Second - Ian Curtis

And it goes on.

I feel sorely sad for the youngsters of today, they are receiving secong hand goods in a bad state.

As for the flaming lips covering war pigs...well i'll say nothing.
was that the one with cat power?

the flaming lips are a serieus band, although they've got that "little extra"... it's a take it or leave band, if you don't like those deviations well... I sometimes like it, but sometimes I don't even bother
Flaming Lips, etc.

Journo Rock, that´s what it is. Music that rock journalists critically acclaim. Meandering, often meaningless music that provide a kind of common ground for pseudo-intellectuals to, well, expound on. It´s rather boring, really. I mean, ten years ago it was f***ing "OK Computer". Technically accomplished records but what do they really matter? It´s almost like that proverbial coffee-table book that you lay out to impress visitors. Nobody really likes them...they´re just there.
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