Morrissey Central "KICK ‘EM WHEN THEY FALL DOWN" (February 17, 2024)

think you take this site too seriously,get yourself a girlfriend and get out in the fresh air and if you have it,sunshine.
Nice, belittling cop out. You can’t even stand by your own word or admit when you’re in the wrong.
Nice, belittling cop out. You can’t even stand by your own word or admit when you’re in the wrong.
IM WRONG,and do you know what,you are RIGHT.where do you live.
It’s the ones that really care about him that are appalled by some of the things that has been happening these last ten years. We all know he can do better. And it frustrates us that he doesn’t. To us, it’s not love to slap him on the back, goad him on and say that everything he does is perfect. That’s not how you would treat a troubled loved one.

I meant that some here actually are hateful nutcases, and what they do is not normal criticism.
@dneuer @Ashley_TakeABow

There is a big difference between showing tough love or caring for a troubled loved one in a direct, one to one, personal relationship and the ‘relationship’ a fan has with their favorite artist. If you can’t see the difference between the two, then I don’t know what else to say.
And the belief that anyone here is goading him on, would naturally have to be followed by the belief that he reads solo. We have no proof of that. So with that in mind, how does all the redundant criticism of Morrissey, what his fans think he should do or not do, benefit themselves or Morrissey? It doesn’t. It’s simply toxic, but that’s what solo in large part unfortunately is. Now, I’m not saying I’m not guilty, for I have occasionally done the same by criticizing Central, and the subject of management. But when it comes to talking about Morrissey on solo, I try to follow the old adage.. ‘if you don’t have something nice to say…’ simply because, no matter how much time and money a fan has invested in him, he is not a product that you or anyone owns, and he doesn’t owe us anything, nor need to fulfill expectations, etc. He is a human being, that needs to find out for himself, and in reality, a stranger to us, we have no control, and our criticism of him are futile, pointless, and toxic for all that visit solo.

@dneuer @Ashley_TakeABow

There is a big difference between showing tough love or caring for a troubled loved one in a direct, one to one, personal relationship and the ‘relationship’ a fan has with their favorite artist. If you can’t see the difference between the two, then I don’t know what else to say.
And the belief that anyone here is goading him on, would naturally have to be followed by the belief that he reads solo. We have no proof of that. So with that in mind, how does all the redundant criticism of Morrissey, what his fans think he should do or not do, benefit themselves or Morrissey? It doesn’t. It’s simply toxic, but that’s what solo in large part unfortunately is. Now, I’m not saying I’m not guilty, for I have occasionally done the same by criticizing Central, and the subject of management. But when it comes to talking about Morrissey on solo, I try to follow the old adage.. ‘if you don’t have something nice to say…’ simply because, no matter how much time and money a fan has invested in him, he is not a product that you or anyone owns, and he doesn’t owe us anything, nor need to fulfill expectations, etc. He is a human being, that needs to find out for himself, and in reality, a stranger to us, we have no control, and our criticism of him are futile, pointless, and toxic for all that visit solo.

My sister lives by the adage: "if you don't have something nice to say about someone, come and sit next to me".
@dneuer @Ashley_TakeABow

There is a big difference between showing tough love or caring for a troubled loved one in a direct, one to one, personal relationship and the ‘relationship’ a fan has with their favorite artist. If you can’t see the difference between the two, then I don’t know what else to say.
And the belief that anyone here is goading him on, would naturally have to be followed by the belief that he reads solo. We have no proof of that. So with that in mind, how does all the redundant criticism of Morrissey, what his fans think he should do or not do, benefit themselves or Morrissey? It doesn’t. It’s simply toxic, but that’s what solo in large part unfortunately is. Now, I’m not saying I’m not guilty, for I have occasionally done the same by criticizing Central, and the subject of management. But when it comes to talking about Morrissey on solo, I try to follow the old adage.. ‘if you don’t have something nice to say…’ simply because, no matter how much time and money a fan has invested in him, he is not a product that you or anyone owns, and he doesn’t owe us anything, nor need to fulfill expectations, etc. He is a human being, that needs to find out for himself, and in reality, a stranger to us, we have no control, and our criticism of him are futile, pointless, and toxic for all that visit solo.

We will simply never see eye to eye on this issue. This is a discussion board. Here we discuss Morrissey. The good and the bad. That’s it.
He's got more than one identity.

He has identified himself as Irish & an Irish Catholic.

He's also English.
So English, frowning; and the son and heir; and Veronica; and a born again atheist...

there was lots of people on here the day his new mamagement was announced,go back and look at that thread then come back and say very few,just look at some of the thumbnails.
I'm belatedly about to go back to that thread to have a proper look but am getting nervous now!'

Are we supposed to ask for his permission?
At least perhaps occasionally consider how you would feel being, as you put it, lovingly critiqued in public.
It’s the ones that really care about him that are appalled by some of the things that has been happening these last ten years. We all know he can do better.
Have you not done anything in the last ten years that someone somewhere has viewed as appalling? How would you like a daily dressing down before the whole world about your flaws, past and present, real and imagined?
There used to be a needlepoint shop next door to Harrods so I’m the fortunate owner of “If you don’t have anything nice to say, come and sit by me” needlepoint cushions. What needlepoint was made for.
60 on saturday and still funny as f,,,.you see the difference is i dont tell people who dont like him that they are wrong but people who dont like him cant wait to tell me that i am wrong for liking him.
Congratulations and celebrations. I'll raise a glass to you Saturday. To 60 more! :birthdaycake:
So English, frowning; and the son and heir; and Veronica; and a born again atheist...

I'm belatedly about to go back to that thread to have a proper look but am getting nervous now!'

At least perhaps occasionally consider how you would feel being, as you put it, lovingly critiqued in public.

Have you not done anything in the last ten years that someone somewhere has viewed as appalling? How would you like a daily dressing down before the whole world about your flaws, past and present, real and imagined?
The difference is that I’m not a public person (with an online discussion forum dedicated to me and my work), doing stupid shit in public over and over again. For the love of Jesus, you must understand the difference?
We will simply never see eye to eye on this issue. This is a discussion board. Here we discuss Morrissey. The good and the bad. That’s it.

@dneuer @Surface @Mimi Ramone

No one’s debating that, or trying to stop anyone from commenting what they want on here. But, for the love of Jesus, have the heart to know when to keep silent, rather than adding to the toxic criticisms repeatedly aimed at another imperfect being, a person that at one point in your life brought you much joy and comfort. I think he’s given us enough.

The difference is that I’m not a public person (with an online discussion forum dedicated to me and my work), doing stupid shit in public over and over again. For the love of Jesus, you must understand the difference?

So, if you were famous, you wouldn’t mind criticism from strangers? Yes? Ok.
And I suppose you feel that because they are celebrities, then they deserve to be criticized for their faults by the public? And why is that? What about Michael Jackson? So, Michael Jackson deserved all the criticism (abuse) from the public also? all his faults real and imagined?

Let’s never put our feet in the shoes of another, and show a little empathy, then?
@dneuer @Surface @Mimi Ramone

No one’s debating that, or trying to stop anyone from commenting what they want on here. But, for the love of Jesus, have the heart to know when to keep silent, rather than adding to the toxic criticisms repeatedly aimed at another imperfect being, a person that at one point in your life brought you much joy and comfort. I think he’s given us enough.

So, if you were famous, you wouldn’t mind criticism from strangers? Yes? Ok.
And I suppose you feel that because they are celebrities, then they deserve to be criticized for their faults by the public? And why is that? What about Michael Jackson? So, Michael Jackson deserved all the criticism (abuse) from the public also? all his faults real and imagined?

Let’s never put our feet in the shoes of another, and show a little empathy, then?

I agree. Adding pure toxicity, in the spirit of Benny, Morrissey sucks and whatever else they’re called, is not what I’m advocating. I just want us all to be able to discuss his work and his public actions. The good and the bad. Again, that’s it. You don’t see the difference?

If I were a celebrity doing stupid shit in public whilst “on the clock”, so to speak, and consistently aggravating my fans, I’d have to accept criticism coming my way. Real and toxic abuse is another thing altogether. I don’t think anyone here, you included, would accuse me of being one of the nastier critics here. I’m as quick to praise him as I am critiquing him. I am still a massive fan and I will never forget what his work has meant to me.
Michael Jackson deserves a lot of criticism, just like Morrissey. For example, he had from time to time awful business sense, his bad judgment and naivety got the best of him and his last album mostly sucked, and so on. But MJ suffered far far worse than Moz. Being called out for canceling on your fans without explanation is not comparable to being falsely accused of being a child molester.

Maybe you should have this discussion with some of the more fervent critics here.
Geez, why do you have to drag me into this, just because I liked Gregor's comment? He is right though, this is a discussion board about the public persona Morrissey. This is how it works, if I wasn't interested in him, I wouldn't hear his music. And I am not going with you in circles again about this topic. You are contradicting yourself, saying that you're not trying to stop people from commenting on here but demanding people to know "when to keep silent", "he's given enough". That in fact, is toxic behaviour, trying to shut people up through some guilt tripping backdoor. Are you his friend, do you know how he feels first hand? Then you say, oh he doesn't read on here, stop the criticism, yeah, so when he doesn't read it, where is the harm? It's part of the deal, being a celebrity, you want people to love every bit of you, to pay you for being you. The downside of it, is that people also critisize you or are holding you also accountable for shitty behaviour. Certainly that isnt easy but it's part of the deal. I don't get why people always think, everything is so toxic on here. I think this forum is pretty tame, because there is for the most part, normal criticism paired with adoration for his work and little to no real hater on here. How can you praise Morrissey for being so outspoken and then demand his fanbase to keep silent, be uncritical etc.? This is trying to gatekeep who is a real "fan" and who isnt. THAT is toxic.
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I agree. Adding pure toxicity, in the spirit of Benny, Morrissey sucks and whatever else they’re called, is not what I’m advocating. I just want us all to be able to discuss his work and his public actions. The good and the bad. Again, that’s it. You don’t see the difference?

If I were a celebrity doing stupid shit in public whilst “on the clock”, so to speak, and consistently aggravating my fans, I’d have to accept criticism coming my way. Real and toxic abuse is another thing altogether. I don’t think anyone here, you included, would accuse me of being one of the nastier critics here. I’m as quick to praise him as I am critiquing him. I am still a massive fan and I will never forget what his work has meant to me.
Michael Jackson deserves a lot of criticism, just like Morrissey. For example, he had from time to time awful business sense, his bad judgment and naivety got the best of him and his last album mostly sucked, and so on. But MJ suffered far far worse than Moz. Being called out for canceling on your fans without explanation is not comparable to being falsely accused of being a child molester.

Maybe you should have this discussion with some of the more fervent critics here.

What explanation do you want? He has a history of becoming depressed & bolting.
Geez, why do you have to drag me into this, just because I liked Gregor's comment?
No one’s dragging you into anything. You are the one that chose to reply back. Since you and others joined the conversation by rating the post, I thought a reply to that comment would interest you.
He is right though, this is a discussion board about the public persona Morrissey. This is how it works, if I wasn't interested in him, I wouldn't hear his music. And I am not going with you in circles again about this topic. You are contradicting yourself, saying that you're not trying to stop people from commenting on here but demanding people to know "when to keep silent", "he's given enough". That in fact, is toxic behaviour, trying to shut people up through some guilt tripping backdoor. Are you his friend, do you know how he feels first hand? Then you say, oh he doesn't read on here, stop the criticism, yeah, so when he doesn't read it, where is the harm? It's part of the deal, being a celebrity, you want people to love every bit of you, to pay you for being you. The downside of it, is that people also critisize you or are holding you also accountable for shitty behaviour. Certainly that isnt easy but it's part of the deal. I don't get why people always think, everything is so toxic on here. I think this forum is pretty tame, because there is for the most part, normal criticism paired with adoration for his work and little to no real hater on here. How can you praise Morrissey for being so outspoken and then demand his fanbase to keep silent, be uncritical etc.? This trying to gatekeep who is a real "fan" and who isnt. THAT is toxic.

Nah, you’re wrong, and have misunderstood my posts. It’s about showing empathy for someone you care about and choosing as I usually do, to not criticize him, because I know it is pointless. It’s not about being silenced, it’s about knowing when to keep silent, that is the difference. If you and others want to continue commenting in anyway that you want, no one is trying to stop you.
No one’s dragging you into anything. You are the one that chose to reply back. Since you and others joined the conversation by rating the post, I thought a reply to that comment would interest you.

Nah, you’re wrong, and have misunderstood my posts. It’s about showing empathy for someone you care about and choosing as I usually do, to not criticize him, because I know it is pointless. It’s not about being silenced, it’s about knowing when to keep silent, that is the difference. If you and others want to continue commenting in anyway that you want, no one is trying to stop you.
I didn't join the conversation, I was rating this particular post of his, because he is right with this point.

Nah, I'm not wrong and you know that. It's part of your toxic behaviour to always try to sprinkle in the "stop critisizing him" part and then talking your way out of it. You know that you're doing that. You want a reaction, you got it, now go about your day.
I agree. Adding pure toxicity, in the spirit of Benny, Morrissey sucks and whatever else they’re called, is not what I’m advocating. I just want us all to be able to discuss his work and his public actions. The good and the bad. Again, that’s it. You don’t see the difference?

If I were a celebrity doing stupid shit in public whilst “on the clock”, so to speak, and consistently aggravating my fans, I’d have to accept criticism coming my way. Real and toxic abuse is another thing altogether. I don’t think anyone here, you included, would accuse me of being one of the nastier critics here. I’m as quick to praise him as I am critiquing him. I am still a massive fan and I will never forget what his work has meant to me.
Michael Jackson deserves a lot of criticism, just like Morrissey. For example, he had from time to time awful business sense, his bad judgment and naivety got the best of him and his last album mostly sucked, and so on. But MJ suffered far far worse than Moz. Being called out for canceling on your fans without explanation is not comparable to being falsely accused of being a child molester.

Maybe you should have this discussion with some of the more fervent critics here.

Yes, I guess we will simply never see eye to eye on this issue. I was speaking in general and not targeting any specific posters. All I’m going to say, and this is where you and others disagree with me, but first of all, I see it as pointless to repeatedly criticize a person that will not benefit or change because of these repeated criticisms here. And second, is showing empathy, realizing that this is another human being and no one is perfect, also not knowing the whole picture or what they’re exactly going through, and remembering what he once meant to you through his art, regardless of the way you may feel about him presently. These are things that I feel should be brought into the equation when commenting on him. That’s just me, though.
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