Londoners Help!!!!!!!


Perpetual Junior Member
I will be in LONDON for a day next month and am hoping a kind soul can recommend two things.

A) Good record stores to buy vinyl....Smiths/Moz obviously
B) Great Pub with very good draft ales and food, preferably near the Waterlooo station.

Must be in LONDON as I only have one day, and easily accesible by cab. Can anyone please help?
Don't know if it's gonna be of any help, but here are some record exchange stores in Notting Hill.

The last one on the first page (Music & Video Exchange
40 Notting Hill Gates) has the Smiths/Moz section both downstairs and upstairs in collectibles. Some of my records are coming from there. Don't know about the other stores though.
Sister said:
Don't know if it's gonna be of any help, but here are some record exchange stores in Notting Hill.

Slightly off-topic, but I met Boz Boorer coming out of one those stores once, back in about 1991! He stopped and talked for ages, and signed the Moz bootleg cassette I had just bought at Camden Market. Nice guy!
A) Good record stores to buy vinyl....Smiths/Moz obviously

Reckless in Berwick st (Soho)

Music and Video Exchange (Notting hill) Upstairs they have all the Smiths / Moz rare stuff and downstairs just the usual.

Intoxica (Notting Hill) a bit pricey though.
Sister said:
Don't know if it's gonna be of any help, but here are some record exchange stores in Notting Hill.

The last one on the first page (Music & Video Exchange
40 Notting Hill Gates) has the Smiths/Moz section both downstairs and upstairs in collectibles. Some of my records are coming from there. Don't know about the other stores though.

I used to work over the road from there, they're good shops, I'd spend many lunchtimes looking for stuff!
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