Mark Ronson?


Freezingly cold soul
I saw an article in the Daily Telegraph about "hot young British-born producer Mark Ronson". He is releasing an album of "soul-infused" indie covers. When asked if he'd heard what any of the original artists think he said:

"Yeah - because I've changed the arrangements I have to go to them all for approval." Morrissey likes Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before so much, he's keen to work with the guest vocalist"

Anyone know who the guest vocalist is?

Full article:
Thanks for posting the link.

I checked Mark Ronson's myspace site, a singer called Daniel Merriweather sings Stop Me....
You can actually listen to the song which is quite good. :)
I don't kno who it is butI really dislike that version of Stop me.

couldn't agree more.
that was really really reeeaaaaally bad.
Cheers Kewpie & Uncleskinny. Had a listen, 'Friday night in outpatients' has never sounded so wrong!
I just heard the ronson (?) cover of Stop ME

Quite good, well as far as covers go, until the last few seconds when he decides to go all sexy on us
Re: I just heard the ronson (?) cover of Stop ME

He just sings the same text onto the same notes. I can do that!! pff. Dreary.*yawn*
Re: I just heard the ronson (?) cover of Stop ME

this cover sucks, i fail to see how this could even really be considered a cover and not a complete failure to capture.
Re: I just heard the ronson (?) cover of Stop ME

this cover sucks, i fail to see how this could even really be considered a cover and not a complete failure to capture.

I'd love to hear it introduced as a 'complete failure to capture' on radio 1.

Alas it will never happen, but i can dream.
Re: I just heard the ronson (?) cover of Stop ME

I don't like modern soulless r'n'b singing, so I don't like this.
Re: I just heard the ronson (?) cover of Stop ME

I don't like modern soulless r'n'b singing, so I don't like this.

I think it was better than other covers i have heard in the past, although still dire.

I thought it was a bit more Soul than R'n'B
Re: I just heard the ronson (?) cover of Stop ME

I think it was better than other covers i have heard in the past, although still dire.

I thought it was a bit more Soul than R'n'B

I know what you mean, I like it.
Besides, according to Mark Ronson, Morrissey likes the singer Daniel Merriweather and wants to work with him!
I bought the 10" & cd single, how happy Moz n Marr must be to see the song writer credits under the title (Morrissey, Marr, Holland, Dozier, Holland) Legendary! I guess that could be one of the reasons they agreed to it eh?


Bloody Awful

Somebody told me that Mark Ronson is related to Mick Ronson, is this true?

used to have a lighter that his uncle made but not anymore, I gave up the fags a long time ago



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