Marr/Sparks on Radio 5 shortly

Marr's "School of Rock" course :lbf:


'Would you tell PICASSO to sell one of his guitars?'

It has - do you think Marr was serious about Amateur Hour in the first session? Whatever - The Maels have just invited Marr to play with them!


Who knows, probably!

I must say I absolutely loved that new Sparks track, I haven't heard any of their new album yet but that was brilliant, what a great theme for an album.

It was great hearing them talk about "What Difference Does It Make?", I wasn't expecting to hear that track, top marks all round
Apropos of nothing, it is Johnny Marr's birthday tomorrow. And Adam Mullen's too.
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Happy birthday to all the Halloween babies :guitar:

P.S. For those of you following at home, the Johnny bits of the programme start around 1:19 in to it.

That voice! So sexay! Oh sorry, that's for the Johnny frink thread.
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I know it's lame to ask for jokes to be explained but... why did Johnny request a song called "I'm a Giraffe"? Was that a Sparks song that I'm (clearly) not familiar with?
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