Members Pics


Me. Last year (couldn't find any decent recent) and lookin much blonder than norm.
I hear that I don't look like the party girl that I am or a typical Morrissey fan :confused: 'Don't let the blue eyes fool you' :)

You look like Olivia Newton John!!!! Where's Danny??
You look like Olivia Newton John!!!! Where's Danny??

Hmm, I look as u imagined (is that good? =o) ONJ?!! Ha! I haven't heard that one before (I used to get Jane -ick- Fonda all the time!? :confused:) Thanks for the compliments. Show us your piccie, girl!
And last I looked Danny was destroying his Pulp Fiction comeback while playing a fat lady in a new movie (um, why did they not just cast an actual woman for that role). Whatever-I'm over him. I'm hopelessly devoted to Morrissey :D
Right right! Finally someone who doesn't think I am just white!! :D Half Mex-I-can, and then half very mixed Euro! I'm such a European mut, it's crazy! But I can say that I have Irish Blood, and an English Heart! :D Well part of me is anyway...!! And sadly, no french.
k, here's another I look like a typical Moz fan? Cuz I didn't think, but my perception is well....just mine! :p

Hey westie, I was gonna say spanish and/or European -srsly! I was kidn about being french. Well, aren't we all more or less 'mutts' anyway? I'm Dutch, German and English (oooh, mixed blood, English-Moz-lovin-heart I am made of =o) Um, I don't think there's anything 'typical' looking about a Morrissey fan from what I've known/seen. It's what's inside that counts :)
No one knows who I am yet, since I just now got around to making an account, but what better way to announce myself than a fish face? (even though it is a sad looking fishface)

Wow, what a cutey! :) The last time I saw a face like that Farina threw it back in the water... kinda like the way the mods did with poor miss "Heavens To Betsy!".
lol, I believe you!! Yeah, mutts we are...Dutch German & English? NIICE! I don't think anyone could guess me...seriously....Yugoslavian, Swedish, Hungarian, Irish, English, Slovanian, And Half Mex.....k-k-krazy!

Hey! Me too! Well, mostly on the Yugoslavian front. My dad was from Montenegro. I don't find too many people that even knows what Yugoslavia is.
I know i'm going out on a limb here but we're posting pictures of ourselves correct ?
I often think that one reason many don't more readily identify themselves on the 'net is to insulate them as anonymous and that makes posting things that they otherwise might not post much easier to do .

All that bullshit aside , here is a pic from earlier in the summer when i was sorely in need of a haircut .


Haven't been on these forums for a long while.... I'm going to try to be a bit more active now!!! :)
I know i'm going out on a limb here but we're posting pictures of ourselves correct ?
I often think that one reason many don't more readily identify themselves on the 'net is to insulate them as anonymous and that makes posting things that they otherwise might not post much easier to do .

All that bullshit aside , here is a pic from earlier in the summer when i was sorely in need of a haircut .


and your hair
Cannot believe I am doing this.

*ga23 lose *the chin thing babes! ban benandrus beards r cool cute people piss me off dazzak <3 dazzak come home ebola>>>robby flattery&that fuck me good the bad and the ugly im a abused tag immodesty=ugly no flirting tnx showusyourrack skinner is hot stfusuperhans ydw nekkid pics
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