Morrissey does not wear shoes by Deux Souliers -

THIS WEBSITE IS DISGUSTING. Look what you are doing? He comes out and says "no, I don't wear those shoes" and all you do f***ing continue to talk shit - I f***ING HATE ALL OF YOU. Please kill yourselves.

Troll post
Hey Moz, those were some "ugly ass shoes" eh? . May we recomend Birkenstocks, Alpines. Very comfortable. A tad pricey at 350usd, but you can spring for a couple pairs now. Send us a pair if your inclined to do so. Always..david g. & molly mae....xoxox
Whenever someone defends Morrissey, it's considered a "troll post". What a joke.
Hey Moz, those were some "ugly ass shoes" eh? . May we recomend Birkenstocks, Alpines. Very comfortable. A tad pricey at 350usd, but you can spring for a couple pairs now. Send us a pair if your inclined to do so. Always..david g. & molly mae....xoxox

f***ING TROLL POST. Sick people.
Whenever someone defends Morrissey, it's considered a "troll post". What a joke.
Agreed..."It takes guts to be gentile & kind, over and over....." What are we all here for , but to remember & thank the last of the greatest musical pop-stars ever? The best is always saved till last. m.m.m.:thumb:
THIS WEBSITE IS DISGUSTING. Look what you are doing? He comes out and says "no, I don't wear those shoes" and all you do f***ing continue to talk shit - I f***ING HATE ALL OF YOU. Please kill yourselves.

Now now mozza, calm down. You cant put all that on a tshirt.
f***ING TROLL POST. Sick people.

The only troll round these parts is your ape shit mother who sucks cock in the mens room to pay rent...the bitch is homeless...on meth with aids. wanna sling more shit?? Hope the IRA says hello to your slimey limey town of cowards... f.o.& d:lbf:

Troll post
The only troll round these parts is your ape shit mother who sucks cock in the mens room to pay rent...the bitch is homeless...on meth with aids. wanna sling more shit?? Hope the IRA says hello to your slimey limey town of cowards... f.o.& d:lbf:

Troll Post. Death Threat. (Apparently this "OK" on THIS website, but when someone sticks up for MOZ, that's not "OK")

f*** Morrissey-Solo for EXACTLY the reasons demonstrated by the above posts.

If David T had an ounce of sense and/or integrity, he'd disable front page posting. But then anyone whose idol had just worn a shirt denouncing in the most unambiguous terms the fansite he'd laboured over for years probably has a pretty tenuous grip on reality right now.
Looks like somebody is upset that Morrissey does not and won't wear these shoes. :D

I posted the information for those who also had a laugh about the shoes on Friday and Saturday. :) I am soooo relieved about his message!

f*** Morrissey-Solo for EXACTLY the reasons demonstrated by the above posts.

If David T had an ounce of sense and/or integrity, he'd disable front page posting. But then anyone whose idol had just worn a shirt denouncing in the most unambiguous terms the fansite he'd laboured over for years probably has a pretty tenuous grip on reality right now.

This is the only sensible post in this entire thread.
Looks like somebody is upset that Morrissey does not and won't wear these shoes. :D

It's a bloke called Everett Tourette. We recommended him to stay away from Msolo because it makes his condition worse, but he was saying "f***f***f***tofuf***f***f***!", so he didn't hear.
It's a bloke called Everett Tourette. We recommended him to stay away from Msolo because it makes his condition worse, but he was saying "f***f***f***tofuf***f***f***!", so he didn't hear.

Troll Post.
He sounds like member of the royal family!!!!!

"One would like one to know that one does not wear Duex-Souliers"

Hey Mossirrey if yer ever sing Queen is dead live you can use this lyric twist if yer want! sup to you.....

So I broke into the palace
Me kinky boots and a ruby murray
She said "I know you and you cannot sing"
I said "You've been watching Glastonbury"
Oh oh oh oh ooooooohhhhhhh!!!!!!!
Was he really gonna try and wear those heels?? he could caused himself an injury in them don't want to offend but he does seem to be carrying a bit of timber these days.

Troll post
Sometimes I think this site should get it's own show on ITV2.
Worth verifying, for those who care beyond the many heels here...
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