Morrissey: I'd Kill Donald Trump for the 'Safety of Humanity' - Breitbart, NME, Washington Times

Morrissey: I'd Kill Donald Trump for the 'Safety of Humanity' - Breitbart
British musician Morrissey says if given the chance, he’d kill President Donald Trump to ensure the “safety of humanity.”

Morrissey says he would kill “vermin” Donald Trump “for the safety of humanity” - NME. Link from Rene.

Morrissey supports killing Donald Trump ‘for the safety of humanity’ - The Washington Times. Link
posted by Orson Swells
Singer blames ‘American media’ for having ‘created’ the president in the first place

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Bullshit. He is simply a terrible human being let alone a horribly inept "leader". Not one redeeming quality. He must be impeached. I'm trying my best not to insult you but I seriously have to question your intelligence or at least your awareness because anyone that supports this sack of crap has never given a single good reason.

If you want to understand the details as to why Trump is necessary, you'll need to do a ton of research. It's up to you regarding to what extent you wish to understand how things work. You can believe everything CNN tells you or you can start thinking for yourself. It's your choice.

If you think Trump is a terrible human being, what do you think of the people who hate him most, such as John Podesta?

Dig deeper. There's a reason that the Podestas, the Clintons, the Weinsteins, and the Spaceys hate Trump with such vehemence, and it isn't because they're nice, upstanding people.
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Anyway, Morrissey is clearly playing both sides here. His previous comments about Brexit, the EU, and the mainstream media got his name praised all over the right-wing rags and now his anti-Trump comment, he hopes, will get his name praised all over the left-wing rags.

He's trying for publicity, but I think he's just making everyone dislike him and exposing himself as a self-interested publicity whore with no higher purpose other than trying to make more money off record sales, etc.
Blimey Q Q Q, where did that come from?
Excellent little essay.
I feel informed on reading.
Seems all very sensible to me.
Well done my friend.

Thank you my friend.
I am trying to get out of the useless left/right debate and to do an appeal on all people to be sensible and to bargain hard but there can’t be solutions without compromise. As I said bargain hard first, not starting with the compromise.

in the end both parties should defend that compromise.
But in the present or current climate and the unbelievable bullshit on Twitter and other social media it is setting all kinds of people up against each other, dividing them, it is like fighting against windmills.

I can’t believe the president now retweeted a fake news item from May from the Netherlands. It was already removed from the site as it was found out to be made up and fake news.

A guy of presumed Muslim identity and pictured as a Muslim immigrant was seen on video footage to be beating up a crippled man and taking away his crutches.

The guy who did it was 16 yrs old and lived all his life in Holland and was from a Dutch background. He had dark, brown or black hair. :rolleyes:

I can’t believe the president of the US retweets this completely unreliable info or they are setting him up in his own camp.

It is just plain stupid or devious and stupid. It is not in the interest of the US to have a president that makes these kind of “mistakes”.
If you want to understand the details as to why Trump is necessary, you'll need to do a ton of research. It's up to you regarding to what extent you wish to understand how things work. You can believe everything CNN tells you or you can start thinking for yourself. It's your choice.

If you think Trump is a terrible human being, what do you think of the people who hate him most, such as John Podesta?

Dig deeper.

Dude, you are in no position to be condescending or presumptuous. A Trump supporter trying to school me?!? That is the epitome of tragic irony. If you "understood how things work" you would know he is completely incompetent and impotent.

I think for myself and that's why I know Trump is a mistake. In every respect. Whether there's other "terrible human beings" or not is irrelevant. Trump's first year has been a complete failure. The country is more divided than it has been since the "civil" war. Your anti-CNN palaver shows you have been influenced by the moron. It is you that needs to "dig" because you apparently only dust the surface.
Dude, you are in no position to be condescending or presumptuous. A Trump supporter trying to school me?!? That is the epitome of tragic irony. If you "understood how things work" you would know he is completely incompetent and impotent.

I think for myself and that's why I know Trump is a mistake. In every respect. Whether there's other "terrible human beings" or not is irrelevant. Trump's first year has been a complete failure. The country is more divided than it has been since the "civil" war. Your anti-CNN palaver shows you have been influenced by the moron. It is you that needs to "dig" because you apparently only dust the surface.

Yeah, you think for yourself, its a pure coincidence that you happen to think like every other SJW.:rolleyes:

You should quit watching CNN, it frying your brain cells.:crazy:
Anyway, Morrissey is clearly playing both sides here. His previous comments about Brexit, the EU, and the mainstream media got his name praised all over the right-wing rags and now his anti-Trump comment, he hopes, will get his name praised all over the left-wing rags.

He's trying for publicity, but I think he's just making everyone dislike him and exposing himself as a self-interested publicity whore with no higher purpose other than trying to make more money off record sales, etc.
I think so as well. It's worked for him in the past, but nowadays fence sitting gets noticed a lot more quickly.
The saddest thing about all of this, is that his voice is absolutely great. It's only gotten more rich and resonant, but he is squandering his instrument with sub-par lyrics and ham fisted political nonsense. He craves success, but will repeatedly torpedo any real chance of it every chance he gets. Had he done a back to basics album of romance and poetry, peppered with insight- even political insights here and there instead of entire songs, 5/6 of the album, and uh, shut his mouth a bit more, he could be rolling in accolades and respect instead of wallowing in shit.

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Dude, you are in no position to be condescending or presumptuous. A Trump supporter trying to school me?!? That is the epitome of tragic irony. If you "understood how things work" you would know he is completely incompetent and impotent.

I think for myself and that's why I know Trump is a mistake. In every respect. Whether there's other "terrible human beings" or not is irrelevant. Trump's first year has been a complete failure. The country is more divided than it has been since the "civil" war. Your anti-CNN palaver shows you have been influenced by the moron. It is you that needs to "dig" because you apparently only dust the surface.

Who said I was a "Trump supporter?" I am not going to declare allegiances and engage in your mode of black and white thinking. Open your mind for a second and try to let go of your biases and be a free-thinker. Try it.

If Trump has brought attention to the deep-rooted corruption and sickness that pervades certain elite aspects of society, such as Hollywood, the media, and the deep-state, that doesn't delegitimize those concerns. Try to think without partisan bias for one second.

So you're saying I should watch more CNN, BBC, CBC, etc. and that will somehow enlighten me? Please explain.
radiohead :sleeping:
I don't understand.

Morrissey says he doesn't necessarily support Brexit, he is just happy to see democracy working. People voted, and voted against Westminster and the establishment.

As far as I know Trump was also elected democratically in the US, and most of the analysis agreed since his election it wa s a protest against the US political establishment. So what's the difference?

Moz actually stated in his last interview that he understands that people wanted someone outside the political establishment. I think this is the part he appreciates, but he just thinks that Trump wasn't the right choice to achieve that.
Who said I was a "Trump supporter?" I am not going to declare allegiances and engage in your mode of black and white thinking. Open your mind for a second and try to let go of your biases and be a free-thinker. Try it.

Instead, go f*** yourself with your condescending attitude. You don't know me so spare me your generic, ill-informed assumptions. I'm done with you. Take your own advice since you clearly need it.
Who said I was a "Trump supporter?" I am not going to declare allegiances and engage in your mode of black and white thinking. Open your mind for a second and try to let go of your biases and be a free-thinker. Try it.

If Trump has brought attention to the deep-rooted corruption and sickness that pervades certain elite aspects of society, such as Hollywood, the media, and the deep-state, that doesn't delegitimize those concerns. Try to think without partisan bias for one second.

So you're saying I should watch more CNN, BBC, CBC, etc. and that will somehow enlighten me? Please explain.
So, in order to be more open minded we need to consider Trump? Climate change denial, sexual harassment, anti transgender rights, anti national health provision etc. I think I'll stick with Vegan on this.
I notice Trump has done a few retweets today that look like they were aimed at trying to get Moz to reassess.
So, in order to be more open minded we need to consider Trump? Climate change denial, sexual harassment, anti transgender rights, anti national health provision etc. I think I'll stick with Vegan on this.

Yep. Everyone should be open minded but considering someone who is extremely close-minded and ignorant as the illegitimate, usurper Trump is is a monumental waste of time.
Yeah, you think for yourself, its a pure coincidence that you happen to think like every other SJW.:rolleyes:

You should quit watching CNN, it frying your brain cells.:crazy:

And apparently I still have 10 times more brain cells than you do. Imagine that.
Yep. Everyone should be open minded but considering someone who is extremely close-minded and ignorant as the illegitimate, usurper Trump is is a monumental waste of time.

LOL right. they cant figure out which way a hurricane is going 24 hrs in advance but they can figure out the weather 2000 years ago and 2000 years in the future:crazy:
They cant even get right if its raining today.:crazy:
What is an SJW?

I think it means "social justice warrior". It's what dim-witted, simplistic right-winged lemmings like to call anyone who is in any way progressive. That and "snowflake". :rolleyes: Thankfully this ilk is an intellectual dead end and dying POV.
SJW are your typical everyday losers. Peeps that want to be paid 20 dollars for flipping burgers, as that is at most what they can aspire to. Blame it on 'white privilege' etc, stuff they make up in their work avoiding minds.:crazy:
As you can tell by now they all THINK EXACTLY alike on ALL subjects. Like identical zombie robots.:alien:
Or like aliens from out of space.:pileofpoop:
Its like a cult/religion for peeps that dont want to work and want to steal from peeps that do.
SJW are your typical everyday losers. Peeps that want to be paid 20 dollars for flipping burgers, as that is at most what they can aspire to. Blame it on 'white privilege' etc, stuff they make up in their work avoiding minds.:crazy:
As you can tell by now they all THINK EXACTLY alike on ALL subjects. Like identical zombie robots.:alien:
Or like aliens from out of space.:pileofpoop:
Its like a cult/religion for peeps that dont want to work and want to steal from peeps that do.

And there above you have the spiteful, self-righteous, delusional, out-of-touch, histrionic, fear-mongering, possibly racist rantings of your average rightwinger of today. It's why Trump won. The tragic irony of the line "they all THINK EXACTLY alike on ALL subjects. Like identical zombie robots" simply cannot be topped. People like this cowardly "Anonymous" are what's wrong with the world. I'm vegan but I think we need to cull the human species to eliminate these pernicious mutations from the evolving human gene pool.
LOL right. they cant figure out which way a hurricane is going 24 hrs in advance but they can figure out the weather 2000 years ago and 2000 years in the future:crazy:
They cant even get right if its raining today.:crazy:

You overuse that emoji, seriously. Like all small-minded, simpletons you are very limited.
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