New Morrissey interview at iOnline (Portuguese, published Sep. 30, 2014)

Re: New Portugese Interview

Tells us that no tour is " just one more tour " and next week in Lisbon begins another tour in Europe
No one has yet sure which man even go onstage the Opera House on 6 October ( next Monday ) . But it is also this constant surprise that makes the phenomenon Morrissey . He debuted solo in 1988 with the album " Viva Hate " , and surprised all the skeptics who did not believe in the future of the singer after the end of the Smiths . Morrissey walked around the issue with mandatory albums and songs turned into classics. With that and a reasonable ego , feeding her comments against all odds ; that does not take away his sleep when the time comes to say " yes but only interviews by mail , and no questions about the Smiths ' ; and at the same time , gives you such an attitude that makes an ordinary mortal a pop star . Lisbon starts another European tour , now to present the songs of the recently published "World Peace Is None of Your Business " and is also out there that begins to answer our questions . If you answered all ? Of course not . But it could only be so .

" Tomorrow Read the full text in ionline and editing on paper "
Speaking of Moz girl fans, did Alain marry one?

Judging by the moz fans I met, a band member would be mad to marry one
They would only be there for moz info and you would always be second best to Morrissey

Alain is a shit, people think he's this great guitarist but that's only because morrissey has such shitty musicians
I'm interested in the swedish hooker do tell more
I see what you're saying. It's not unlike Morrissey to obfuscate, though. I just said the other day that to understand Morrissey, one must read between the lines and listen very closely to truly "get it". With younger, newer fans I can understand the confusion, but with those who have followed Morrissey for as long as I have, I don't see why it's so difficult to wrap one's head around his ideas. Yes, he's clear in lots of areas, but when it comes to matters of the heart, he becomes very protective - especially of his friends. I get that. In the end of the book, the way he describes his band - especially Jesse and Gustavo - we could say there is a love affair. Well, there is, actually. I think he drapes the very few people that he loves and trusts in a delicate lace of words, and it really puts those of a mediocre mindscape into a tailspin. And, that is what I mean by viewing life with such a narrow scope - which leads to the obvious inevitability. His mind is unrestricted and ultramodern. I think we all could do better if we lived that way.

There is nothing modern about hiding in the closet. Last time I checked that was old skool.
I think he is.

It's sad. I think it's a combination of leftover catholic guilt, not wanting to be a gay icon, maintaining intrigue and not wanting to upset Mammy

Although I'm sure Betty knows what's up by now.
I think you're wrong.

You apologists want to spin these elaborate tales and explanations for why he cannot come to terms with his sexuality like most 'modern' homosexuals and bisexuals. It isn't rocket science. Occam's razor: - among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Other, more complicated solutions may ultimately prove correct, but—in the absence of certainty—the fewer assumptions that are made, the better. He is ashamed. Pure and simple.
Re: New Portugese Interview

WTF are you talking about? To get my head around your scenario I've got to pretend I'm gay first and then I've got to pretend I'm in denial that I'm not straight. Jesus Christ!

Maybe you've just summed up Morrissey's thought process every morning? :D
You apologists want to spin these elaborate tales and explanations for why he cannot come to terms with his sexuality like most 'modern' homosexuals and bisexuals. It isn't rocket science. Occam's razor: - among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Other, more complicated solutions may ultimately prove correct, but—in the absence of certainty—the fewer assumptions that are made, the better. He is ashamed. Pure and simple.

Yes, because when it comes to Morrissey, the simplest explanation is always correct.

It’s extraordinary how people who have never met the man understand his mind and motives better than he himself does. Bravo.
Yes, because when it comes to Morrissey, the simplest explanation is always correct.

It’s extraordinary how people who have never met the man understand his mind and motives better than he himself does. Bravo.

You don't have to be a psychiatrist to understand why a gay male refuses to discuss his sexuality without beating around the bush and throwing out red herrings. He is not the only one afraid to exit the closet.
You don't have to be a psychiatrist to understand why a gay male refuses to discuss his sexuality without beating around the bush and throwing out red herrings. He is not the only one afraid to exit the closet.

Do you shave you dried up old pussy with the same occam's razor you're using to deduce that Morrissey feels ashamed of his immensely complicated and beyond-the-scope-of-your-intelligence sexuality?

It's fun watching you explore logic all fresh-faced and rosy-cheeked then present the EVIDENCE like you're a f***en Eli. He is not ashamed.
I think you're wrong.

She's not wrong. Morrissey looks ridicously worried to appear homosexual, he loved Jake what's wrong with it? If you love someone of the same gender you're homosexual and maybe everyone could be. It's not a question of sex or not. Why he's carry on this drama for all this time? In the interview there's not a specifical question about Jake, the journalist asked about his Autobiography who is a very complex book not only about his love life. I think Morrissey is loosing his sense of humour and becoming a lonely pathetic middle age man. Of course I hope to be wrong.
You apologists want to spin these elaborate tales and explanations for why he cannot come to terms with his sexuality like most 'modern' homosexuals and bisexuals. It isn't rocket science. Occam's razor: - among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Other, more complicated solutions may ultimately prove correct, but—in the absence of certainty—the fewer assumptions that are made, the better. He is ashamed. Pure and simple.

You think you know everything, but you don't. I'm not spinning anything. Years of analyzing and studying this man and identifying with things he has said in interviews, lyrics, and now some passages in a book have helped me to come up with that conclusion. If you don't agree...fine. Opinions are like assholes - we all have them.
Do you shave you dried up old pussy with the same occam's razor you're using to deduce that Morrissey feels ashamed of his immensely complicated and beyond-the-scope-of-your-intelligence sexuality?

It's fun watching you explore logic all fresh-faced and rosy-cheeked then present the EVIDENCE like you're a f***en Eli. He is not ashamed.

Speaking of shaving...I just showered and shaved and as I was looking at my muscular chest I noticed my nipples. I thought to myself, why do I have nipples? I felt a surge of panic and I wondered am I gay or am I crazy to wonder about such things?

If you come out of the closet just to jump into the coffin will you be happier.? I shaved my head....maybe I'll just shave my chest. These are things that come to mind after reading all of these enlightening and interesting thoughts concerning Morrissey's sexuality.

Thank and all.
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You think you know everything, but you don't. I'm not spinning anything. Years of analyzing and studying this man and identifying with things he has said in interviews, lyrics, and now some passages in a book have helped me to come up with that conclusion. If you don't agree...fine. Opinions are like assholes - we all have them.

She's testing out her Logic Terms Page-a-Day calendar. If we hang around long enough we might get to hear her falsely deduce how Morrissey's closeted gayness is a quid pro quo for his love of Hair Band Culture as demonstrated by this Youtube documentary that someone did on the brain activity of the average British Baby Boomer. It's just words, like humasexual.
To CG and HIG: It's always the delusional, heterosexual women who can't see the forest through the trees when it comes to accepting Moz at face value. He is gay. Or bi. He refuses to admit it publicly. It is that simple. Yet you think us non-delusional folks are all mentally impaired or ignorant--unable to comprehend some mysterious nuances or conspiracy theories. LOL.
us non-delusional folks

Jesus Christ you are thick.

You simply don't know much about human sexuality; why are you discussing a subject that you don't know much about? Sexuality is a lot more complex than "gay", "straight" or "bi". This is a scientific fact. Deal with it.

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