nick griffin to be on question time

speedfreaks ball

psychobilly member
should be an interesting evenings viewing, wonder if anyone might realise that britain is in the grip of a media driven left wing , do gooder, big brother dictatorship , if the bloke dosent even get the chance to speak this will will be proved only too well.
I absolutely think the disgraceful Nazi should be given airtime. It will only take a matter of minutes before he puts his foot in his mouth and the voting public realise what an utter cock he is, and what a shambles his organisation is.

I absolutely think the disgraceful Nazi should be given airtime. It will only take a matter of minutes before he puts his foot in his mouth and the voting public realise what an utter cock he is, and what a shambles his organisation is.


I agree that he should be given airtime, but I don't necessarily agree with the "give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves" theory of things. The BNP have toned their manifesto down no end in the last decade or so, even if their real views haven't changed at all. Griffin is a decent speaker and unlike some of the lower members of the BNP hierarchy knows exactly what to say and do to further his cause without putting his foot in his mouth, often making others look bad in the process (like the incident just after the european elections where he stood outside of westminster and got egged by the socialists who were portrayed as having obstructed democratic speech. He had no intention of speaking, he knew exactly what would happen and it played into his hands). Unfortunately if you look at the BNP's manifesto it is really no different in content to what you find day in, day out in the entirely legitimate newspaper The Daily Mail (albeit totally odious, in my opinion). We can't censor him but nor should we complacently assume that he will bring about his own downfall.
I absolutely think the disgraceful Nazi should be given airtime. It will only take a matter of minutes before he puts his foot in his mouth and the voting public realise what an utter cock he is, and what a shambles his organisation is.


People voted Griffin into political office. Like it or not he's as much right to be on Question Time than representatives from Labour or the Tories or anyone else. Peter Hitchens has been on Question Time many times, he's a right wing as Griffin but no-one has ever complained about hime being on television have they?
He has a right to have his say because people voted for him and his party? Perhaps if the voters hadn't had their 'right' to 'free speech' the issue would be resolved.
should be an interesting evenings viewing, wonder if anyone might realise that britain is in the grip of a media driven left wing , do gooder, big brother dictatorship , if the bloke dosent even get the chance to speak this will will be proved only too well.

not racist?
Why not! The people who voted for the BNP were most probably sold by the shamelessly shiny leaflet campaign which hid the nature of their racist policies.

They all had shiny leaflets though didn't they. And each was as full of shit as the other.

The congestion charge vote run up in Manchester was leaflet-tastic. The 'No' campaign really didn't need to bother. And if Labour, Tories, BNP, Lib Dems, UKIP (UKIP=Posh Racists) and all the others were any good, they wouldn't need leaflets either.
On in 10 mins, car crash telly methinks.
I saw this, and Nick Griffin reminded me of a grinning blushing schoolboy

Therefore the things he should have said were left unsaid, such as the unlimited immigration policies and what his party would do about them, no matter which country or continent people come from. The estimates of population burnout in the next 25 years should have been discussed but weren't. Instead of going on about Churchill, he guffawed at other's jokes all the time, and when it came his chance to speak rationally he blew it by stuttering and blushing like an overgrown schooly. It actually took a black person to mention the non specified future numbers immigration problem

He's blown it
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