Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

Here's a brand new article about Notre Dame, and it's a hoax

I guess Morrissey added some drama to his lyrics to make the lyrics more vivid. Plus, it generated a lot of new discussions.
I think one of the things that is kind of sad here is how blind some of the super fans are. They harass 'the haters' for gossiping about and criticizing Morrissey, yet Morrissey says things publicly, or on his site, that can or does damage the reputation of professional people he has worked with, but somehow that is perfectly acceptable to the super fans.
This not a hoax
The Der Spiegel interview was not a lie
Michelle Jubelirer was not ruining his career
His album was not being held hostage
etc etc
so you are admitting you are a hater,took you long enough.
The irony is that Morrissey advertises his current tours with photographs of himself that are much older than 10 years...that or he just plasters Gilligan bowling for dollars on a poster.
says the person who sent me a photo of himself from 30 years ago to show me he looked like tom cruise,nobody who is getting on a bit likes what they see in the mirror.
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says the person who sent me a photo of himself from 30 years ago to show me he looked like tom cruise,nobody who is getting on a bit likes what they see in the mirror.
I have not nor will I EVER send you a picture of myself, wishful thinking. If you want to see me, you're just going to have to come to the US of A.
I have not nor will I EVER send you a picture of myself, wishful thinking. If you want to see me, you're just going to have to come to the US of A.
where did i leave that bulletproof vest.
Have you met Morrissey, Dneuer? Have you done some work for him? You give the impression of wanting to convince people that you know him better than he knows himself. Has familiarity bred the contempt you like to insinuate, over and over?
Back the f*** off, he has proven who he is and you should be banned for this shit
Back the f*** off, he has proven who he is and you should be banned for this shit
Hey!!! Guess what??? :D People on this site are allowed to ask other people on this site if they’ve ever met Morrissey! :rolleyes: And also anything else they want to ask.. Oh my god, imagine that!

You need to find a rock to go crawl under and when you do, stay there permanently.
I've worked in music management for 30 years, with people as big as Madonna. I know nobody in Morrissey's camp, but this is exactly as much of a clusetf*** as it appears to us outsiders. This is a very simple business really... there is no big mystery about it. To those of us who have been following this for a while (I have been since 1992), it's all very clear. Who would have thought that in 2024 Marr would be the more relevant musician?

Back in 2002 I hung out with Howie Klein a few times (look him up kids) and he told me about Morrissey taking him to clubs in East LA with a cassette of the First of the Gang to Die demo. He also told me that Morrissey had a thing where he was convinced he was going to die broke and irrelevant. Seems he's entered his fat Elvis stage where he is so insulated from reality and surrounded by leeches, that he's actually lost the plot completely. The Colonel should have never been pumping Elvis up with drugs and pushing him out on stage. Neither should Donnie, Sam and whoever the else is with Morrissey. Also: Jesse seems like a scumbag. Bad energy on stage. Seems the current band are all on eggshells up there... and I've seen him 26 times since 1992.
What is wrong with you
I said AI would destroy art. The stuff on this thread is not art and it’s not meant to be and it’s not presented as such. The goalposts remain where they’ve always been. And if they’re moving, it’s you who’s doing the pushing. But like I said, nice try. You loudmouthed, ignorant brute of a man-child.

Who knows what you’re getting at when you say art is going to become redundant because you haven’t made any kind of logical case for it. In what time frame is this going to happen? Have you been consulting your crystal ball? Will budding artists ditch their paintbrushes and easels for AI generated content? Is a wing of the Louvre going to be taken up with framed AI pictures? Even if something like that happened years down the line, with a museum showcasing AI generated pictures, those pictures would still be curated by humans. They’re not going to throw The Virgin of the Rocks onto the fire because they have Kaleidoscopic Landscape #1 created through AI by an ‘artist’ online to replace it with. I didn’t realise you were such an admirer of modern art and music that you’re fearful that they’ll become redundant. Are you worried that Tracey Emin and Chris Ofili will be out of a job? How awful for humanity if people listen to an imagined 10th Beethoven symphony created by AI - and begin exploring his real symphonies so they can compare it - instead of listening to Sexyy Red or some boring modern band like Wallows, for example. We’ll be losing so much.

You seem to have hardly any concerns about the replacement of indigenous people through mass immigration but you’re worried about the replacement of artists with AI which is bonkers to me. It’s bonkers because at this point there’s no basis for it and you haven’t been able to explain it but that hasn’t stopped you insulting the intelligence of the people who “embrace” it. And all the while you’re here posting your own AI ‘art’, which you say isn’t art of course. So these type of AI pictures are fine according to you; which kind of pictures would be a problem? Recreations of Michelangelo paintings, or what? What are you even talking about? Do you even know?

If there’s going to be any kind of art replacement it’d be works by ‘problematic’ artists being removed from public view for social/political reasons. Ironically, you might try to find a way to defend that since you were one of the people on here endorsing all the wacky BLM “a black man killing a white man isn’t racism” foolishness. Even if you wouldn’t outright defend it I could envision you looking the other way while priceless sculptures by ‘racist’ artists from centuries ago get covered by a sheet and wheeled into a back room somewhere. But yes, it’s AI that’s the threat to art:laughing:.
Who knows what you’re getting at when you say art is going to become redundant because you haven’t made any kind of logical case for it. In what time frame is this going to happen? Have you been consulting your crystal ball? Will budding artists ditch their paintbrushes and easels for AI generated content? Is a wing of the Louvre going to be taken up with framed AI pictures? Even if something like that happened years down the line, with a museum showcasing AI generated pictures, those pictures would still be curated by humans. They’re not going to throw The Virgin of the Rocks onto the fire because they have Kaleidoscopic Landscape #1 created through AI by an ‘artist’ online to replace it with. I didn’t realise you were such an admirer of modern art and music that you’re fearful that they’ll become redundant. Are you worried that Tracey Emin and Chris Ofili will be out of a job? How awful for humanity if people listen to an imagined 10th Beethoven symphony created by AI - and begin exploring his real symphonies so they can compare it - instead of listening to Sexyy Red or some boring modern band like Wallows, for example. We’ll be losing so much.

You seem to have hardly any concerns about the replacement of indigenous people through mass immigration but you’re worried about the replacement of artists with AI which is bonkers to me. It’s bonkers because at this point there’s no basis for it and you haven’t been able to explain it but that hasn’t stopped you insulting the intelligence of the people who “embrace” it. And all the while you’re here posting your own AI ‘art’, which you say isn’t art of course. So these type of AI pictures are fine according to you; which kind of pictures would be a problem? Recreations of Michelangelo paintings, or what? What are you even talking about? Do you even know?

If there’s going to be any kind of art replacement it’d be works by ‘problematic’ artists being removed from public view for social/political reasons. Ironically, you might try to find a way to defend that since you were one of the people on here endorsing all the wacky BLM “a black man killing a white man isn’t racism” foolishness. Even if you wouldn’t outright defend it I could envision you looking the other way while priceless sculptures by ‘racist’ artists from centuries ago get covered by a sheet and wheeled into a back room somewhere. But yes, it’s AI that’s the threat to art:laughing:.
What an impressive pile of whataboutism. Very popular with loudmouthed brutes like yourself. And I love the fact that you get mad about me disliking AI art after you failed to make me out to be a hypocrite. You just HAVE TO have online fights. You lost one fight, so you jump straight into another one. And in doing so, write a small and very angry essay about how annoyed you are with my opinions. You simply can not write one single post on this site without coming across as a deeply disturbed, antagonistic and ultimately extremely silly individual. But you are unique. There certainly isn’t anyone else like you. Nobody behaves like you.

Anyway. The value of art in itself lies in the humanness and our willingness to communicate and connect with, or even create distance from and displace, each other. Using AI to create works of art can also hinder the development of human creativity. That’s what I’m afraid of. And that people will bypass real artists because AI is cheaper and ‘good enough’.

And I know it’s off topic and I certainly shouldn’t encourage you and your behavior, but since you bring up reverse racism, you could check this out:

Racial prejudice and racially motivated crime exist across the board, but that’s not the same as racism. Which is what I wrote five years ago and you haven’t been able to let go…
Public Notice: A prominent Pest Palace pensioner requests the attention of anyone with a big gun. No Portugalish is required for this position.

Hand your CV to Rodrigo, the reception rat. If nobody calls you, consider yourself cancelled.

Good luck!
And I can't see an instagram link relating to that fascinting story so Imma juss gonna add one:

Racial prejudice and racially motivated crime exist across the board, but that’s not the same as racism. Which is what I wrote five years ago and you haven’t been able to let go…
**Warning** I’m going to be overly testy in this post but you’ve earned it!

Sorry but I can’t get into the headspace where I could genuinely have a normie discussion about ‘reverse racism’ and all that; this isn’t 2015. If those articles are filled with all that old tripe about how OnLy WhItE pEoPle CaN bE rAcIsT bEcAuSe ThEy HaVe ThE iNsTiTuTiOnAl PoWeR, then I’ll counter that by saying that by this logic only Jews can truly be racist because they have more institutional power than anyone else. Checkmate. But I don’t get into that racism/reverse racism semantic midwittery perpetuated by self-defeating whites. I consider it beneath me and it should be beneath anyone who’s ever had an original thought in their lives; anyone who doesn’t allow himself/herself to get browbeaten by sociology graduates and ‘journalist’ types online with shady motives. You can shove that sophistry where the sun doesn’t shine, Gregor. You’re the audience for it, I’m not. It may have been five years ago that you wrote about it but it was r*tarded then and it’s r*tarded now. I see TheSmiths_IBS agrees with you; I appreciate it when you fellers expose your idiocy for all to witness so that then I know exactly what I’m dealing with here.

What an impressive pile of whataboutism. Very popular with loudmouthed brutes like yourself. And I love the fact that you get mad about me disliking AI art after you failed to make me out to be a hypocrite.

It’s not whataboutism it’s called ‘expanding upon an argument’. As far as I was concerned it had already been established that you’re a hypocrite and I didn’t need to continue to labour the point. You’re having fun with the very thing you say is going to destroy us; the thing you called other people “airheads” for embracing. I consider that hypocritical. It doesn’t matter that you think it’s not hypocritical because you’re not producing high art with the AI - I still can’t follow this ‘logic’ - but at least the high art would be something worth looking at, rather than pictures of ‘Morrissey fencing with a velociraptor’.
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**Warning** I’m going to be overly testy in this post but you’ve earned it!

Sorry but I can’t get into the headspace where I could genuinely have a normie discussion about ‘reverse racism’ and all that; this isn’t 2015. If those articles are filled with all that old tripe about how OnLy WhItE pEoPle CaN bE rAcIsT bEcAuSe ThEy HaVe ThE iNsTiTuTiOnAl PoWeR, then I’ll counter that by saying that by this logic only Jews can truly be racist because they have more institutional power than anyone else. Checkmate. But I don’t get into that racism/reverse racism semantic midwittery perpetuated by self-defeating whites. I consider it beneath me and it should be beneath anyone who’s ever had an original thought in their lives; anyone who doesn’t allow himself/herself to get browbeaten by sociology graduates and ‘journalist’ types online with shady motives. You can shove that sophistry where the sun doesn’t shine, Gregor. You’re the audience for it, I’m not. It may have been five years ago that you wrote about it but it was r*tarded then and it’s r*tarded now. I see TheSmiths_IBS agrees with you; I appreciate it when you fellers expose your idiocy for all to witness so that then I know exactly what I’m dealing with here.

It’s not whataboutism it’s called ‘expanding upon an argument’. As far as I was concerned it had already been established that you’re a hypocrite and I didn’t need to continue to labour the point. You’re having fun with the very thing you say is going to destroy us; the thing you called other people “airheads” for embracing. I consider that hypocritical. It doesn’t matter that you think it’s not hypocritical because you’re not producing high art with the AI - I still can’t follow this ‘logic’ - but at least the high art would be something worth looking at, rather than pictures of ‘Morrissey fencing with a velociraptor’.
Well, you’re the one who brought it up. And now you can’t get into the headspace? Another own goal scored by Born to Eat Meringue.
Jews have the most institutional power? Okay, wow. Rifke wasn’t kidding when she said you were an anti-Semite. Therefore it’s impossible to have this conversation with you. I should have known where you stood when you started talking about “replacement of indigenous people through mass immigration”. Disgusting.

It’s whataboutism. Perpetrated by the most feral, angry nutcase of all of Solo. And if you can’t follow, that’s your problem. The case is clear. I’ll repeat myself: The value of art in itself lies in the humanness and our willingness to communicate and connect with, or even create distance from and displace, each other. Using AI to create works of art can also hinder the development of human creativity. That’s what I’m afraid of. And that people will bypass real artists because AI is cheaper and ‘good enough’. But by all means, consider it hypocritical. Several people seem to disagree with you.

I’ll await your next hysterical, scatterbrained and nonsensical essay.
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Nick cave gets it.

This is exactly how I feel about AI (and it baffles me that there are some people who dont see it for what it is, and indeed makes me think that the world is divided into two very different types of people-- those with souls and those without, you might even say) but could never have put it as beautifully as this. Who would have thought that the so-called prince of darkness would turn out to have one of the noblest spirits of all.
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