
I am desperately lusting after Moz today in a BIG way! I want him BAAAD. Maybe I shouldn't listen to just him all day because that's just what got me all excited! Since I doubt he's gonna give me a buttie call anytime soon, how can I remedy this? The usual looking at a hot photo of him accompanied by something that vibrates just isn't doing it anymore.
Get in line! *lol* Man -- I was watching the 'Our Frank' video last night and that part where he licks his lips almost sent me running to the showerhead. Ahhhhhh.....
oh my. you girls are out of hand. send some of that sexual frustration this way. haha.

> Get in line! *lol* Man -- I was watching the 'Our Frank' video last night
> and that part where he licks his lips almost sent me running to the
> showerhead. Ahhhhhh.....
> oh my. you girls are out of hand. send some of that sexual frustration
> this way. haha.

Well -- if it isn't my new boy toy. Watch out daniel. This could get heated! ha ha ha
Oh if I was only Moz for a day-I'd steam away,,,,,w/all the Morrissey-Solo girls

I believe the correct spelling is "bootie call"

>Since I doubt he's gonna give me a buttie call anytime
> soon, how can I remedy this?
buttie call? you want to go out for sandwiches with him? never mind lunch, I'd go straight to bed;)

> I believe the correct spelling is "bootie call"

Bootie, Buttie; tomato, tom-ah-to!
> I am desperately lusting after Moz today in a BIG way! I want him BAAAD.
> Maybe I shouldn't listen to just him all day because that's just what got
> me all excited! Since I doubt he's gonna give me a buttie call anytime
> soon, how can I remedy this? The usual looking at a hot photo of him
> accompanied by something that vibrates just isn't doing it anymore.

I'll dress up as him and come over for a booty call!
> get a boyfriend? just kidding.

Yes. But the imagination can only stretch so far.
youre so excited you forgot your r's.

tell you a secret:

i often have little fantasies on the bus.this week they mainly involve morrissey
and frozen peas.[ havent had a pea in a long time]
sometimes i catch myself,
what its like,

oh never mind.its too embarrassing!a grown man of 43 just doesnt do things like that!
> Get in line! *lol* Man -- I was watching the 'Our Frank' video last night
> and that part where he licks his lips almost sent me running to the
> showerhead. Ahhhhhh.....

why the shower head?

dont you have any hands?
are you crippled?
do you need lessons?

it seems a shame to get so dreadfully wet for such a small amount of pleasure.
Yes, Mozlust is so powerful when it gets its claws into you. It renders me completely useless at times. When I fantasize about him, though, I'm sitting in a large cushy chair with his cat on my lap. I'm barefoot, and a bit buzzed from drinking cider.... He's stretched out on the floor in front of me hands clasped behind his head looking very 1987/Strangeways- and we're listening to Viva Hate together.
A bit corny, I admit. But *sigh* so lovely.

Errrgh, I think I'm in Lerv!
my day dreams would scare the poor man out of his bloomers and send him raving into the streets.they involve ribbons.pink ones.oh!shame!

i love cats.sometimes i black out and wake up the next morning covered in cat hair and think:
''god,what happened last night?''
i must be some kind of were-cat.
Re: When I'm lusting for Moz, spelling is the last thing on my mind!

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