
PETA offers to scan Sharon Stone's brain to find her heart!

Sharon Stone's remarks about how bad karma caused the deaths of millions of innocent Chinese men, women and children during the recent earthquakes shocked the Chinese government, which promptly banned her and her films from the country.

Her callous statements also horrifed Dior, which dumped her from its ad campaigns. Even the Dalai Lama has taken her off his speed dial.

But PETA says it's not surprised. Not one bit. In fact, the organization has sent the actress a letter offering to pay for a scan of the frontal region of her brain to see if her empathy deprivation is the result of a physical defect.

In other words, PETA wants to search her brain to see if she has a heart. Wonder if they can scan for a soul while they're in there?

The letter from Ingrid E. Newkirk, president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
Sharon Stone requires a brain scan

Over a month after the whole earthquakes in China equals karma debacle, it seems Sharon Stone still can’t escape public ridicule and criticism. But in the case of the organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, they may not be joking about the free brain scan they’ve offered up to the actress.

And why would Sharon Stone need a brain scan courtesy of an animal rights organization you ask? Well according to a letter PETA sent the actress, her “lack of empathy” for animals, in particular the kind she likes to wear in the form of fur coats, might be related to underdevelopment in the prefrontal region of her brain.

The letter claims, “Scientific studies suggest that the prefrontal regions of the brains of people who lack empathy might be underdeveloped.”

But all hope is not lost, as PETA is apparently willing to aid Sharon Stone in investigating the matter. “Here's our offer - would you allow PETA to pay for a scan of the prefrontal region of your brain to determine if comments and actions that seem to demonstrate a lack of empathy are the result of a physical defect?” the letter reads.

With proper help, the PETA folks believe Sharon Stone can change her cruel ways, stating, "We urge you to undergo this test at our expense. With help, you might be able to develop empathy and curb your urge to scoff at various forms of misery and violence."

They also threw in the China earthquake comments for good measure. “Everyone was shocked to hear you dismiss the devastating effects of this disaster,” the letter continues.

But PETA wasn’t surprised by Sharon Stone’s comments; “your cavalier attitude did not come as a surprise to us. We are used to the indifference that you flaunt and the callous remarks that you make about the suffering and death of the animals whose fur you wear so often."

Yea, you would think a woman who claims to be friends with the Dalai Lama might be a little more animal friendly. But after the earthquake karma comments, she might need to work on being people friendly first.
Re: Sharon Stone requires a brain scan

Well, she did suffer bleeding from the brain a few years ago. Maybe she'll take them up on the offer. You never know when you'll need a free CAT scan (no pun intended).
Re: Sharon Stone requires a brain scan

Why is PETA wasting their time f***ing around with a has-been actor like Sharon Stone, who hasn't done anything good in movies in about 13 years (Casino)??

Meanwhile, Michelle Obama is about to become First Lady and, as a SoLower once posted about here, she is fond of MINK COATS. PETA remains silent.
Re: Sharon Stone requires a brain scan

Why is PETA wasting their time f***ing around with a has-been actor like Sharon Stone, who hasn't done anything good in movies in about 13 years (Casino)??

Meanwhile, Michelle Obama is about to become First Lady and, as a SoLower once posted about here, she is fond of MINK COATS. PETA remains silent.

i cant believe you posted a pic of the Obamas with the title "MURDERERS" underneath it, and you support Bush. :rolleyes:

edit: actually, no, i can believe it. nevermind.
Re: Sharon Stone requires a brain scan

i cant believe you posted a pic of the Obamas with the title "MURDERERS" underneath it, and you support Bush. :rolleyes:

edit: actually, no, i can believe it. nevermind.

I don't support Bush. I'm an independent of a libertarian persuasion, you Democrat (ick). Just because I hated the genocidal maniac Saddam Hussein, and support the civilized world against Muslim barbarian savage terrorists, and thought John Kerry was bullshit, does not make me a Bush fan. Lefties ain't the only ones who vote on a lesser of evils approach. You lefties happen to be the greater of the evils in my view. (BTW, Kerry came to my state during his campaign and murdered an innocent goose for a photo-op.)

Sharon Stone had a nice run many years ago. Scissors was a guilty pleasure. Total Recall was pretty fun. Basic Instinct was a classic. Casino was good. But I realized she was mentally ill when she pulled on that gross worm Larry King's suspenders to give him a woody on national TV. Disgusting. What's worse? I actually believe she'd sleep with that toad.

It seems we may have an election between multiple fur lovers this year. As we see from my link, Michelle Obama couldn't wait to buy mink coats when her husband made his fortune, to flaunt her wealth at the expense of dead animals. Many are now saying that Alaska's governor Sarah Palin will be McCain's VP choice, and she appears on her wikipedia page wearing fur....WOOPS, it's been changed! Well, this was the photo that used to appear on her Wikipedia page.


What a shame, cuz without that fur she's pretty hot in a sexy librarian sort of way, and I'd be inclined to vote for her on that basis alone. But to be fair to Palin, it's more understandable for an Alaskan wilderness gal to wear fur than a Chicago woman attending the services of Reverand Jeremiah Wright to hear about how whitey spread AIDS.
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Re: Sharon Stone requires a brain scan

Michelle Obama also recently appeared on the TV program The View and made a big point of stressing that her husband loves to eat BACON for breakfast. This came around the time the Obama campaign kicked a Muslim out of a campaign photo op as she was dressed too Muslim. Apparently the Obama's feel they have to kick Muslims out of campaign photos and have to stress that Barack eats lots and lots of bacon (something Muslims don't eat). We're also not allowed to say Barack Obama's Muslim middle name because that is a "smear." I'll let others analyze these strange agendas on the Obama campaign. I just wonder if PETA approves of Obama eating so much bacon in order to prove he no longer has any connection to Islam. Have you ever rented the movie Babe? I've stated many a time in this forum that I never, ever eat pigs. That's like eating a dog. That's just my choice. Obama chooses to eat Babe, that cute lil piglet. PETA and Morrissey remain silent on this.
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Re: Sharon Stone requires a brain scan

Michelle Obama also recently appeared on the TV program The View and made a big point of stressing that her husband loves to eat BACON for breakfast. This came around the time the Obama campaign kicked a Muslim out of a campaign photo op as she was dressed too Muslim. Apparently the Obama's feel they have to kick Muslims out of campaign photos and have to stress that Barack eats lots and lots of bacon (something Muslims don't eat). We're also not allowed to say Barack Obama's Muslim middle name because that is a "smear." I'll let others analyze these strange agendas on the Obama campaign. I just wonder if PETA approves of Obama eating so much bacon. Have you ever rented the movie Babe? I've stated many a time in this forum that I never, ever eat pigs. That's like eating a dog. That's just my choice. Obama chooses to eat Babe, that cute lil piglet. PETA and Morrissey remain silent on this.

without googling why dont you tell me mr mccains middle name,becuase i notice how you love to either mention obamas middle name or mention how its wrong to use it yet i have not seen you once use mr mccains middle name when talking about him.
and while i am at it,where are your beloved cleveland indians right now? oh yeah LAST PLACE

shut up
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Re: Sharon Stone requires a brain scan

without googling why dont you tell me mr mccains middle name,becuase i notice how you love to either mention obamas middle name or mention how its wrong to use it yet i have not seen you once use mr mccains middle name when talking about him.
and while i am at it,where are your beloved cleveland indians right now? oh yeah LAST PLACE

shut up

First of all, that is an extreme low blow about the Tribe, rubbing it in at their lowest moment in years. But in case you didn't know, the Brewers have long been my NL team of choice and at least my main man CC Sabathia will pitch for them in their playoff push. The Tribe only do well on odd numbered years and they will be back in 2009. This is a hard luck season filled with injuries to 4 of their best players and other disasters. Indians fans can survive it. If we were fairweather we'd become Yankee fans.

McCain's middle name is, of course, Sidney. Every U.S. president and U.S. presidential candidate I can recall has had his middle name become well known and widely used.

The fact is, the Obama campaign discriminated against Muslims when they kicked a Muslim out of a photo specifically because the person looked too Muslim. I don't care for any of the religions, but my beef is with Muslim terrorists, Muslim governments, Muslim gender apartheid, and the like, not with innocent Muslim individuals. The Obama campaign is so touchy about Obama's Muslim middle name and Muslim backround in part because the Muslim enemies of America view Obama as their choice for the White House over McCain. Hamas wants Obama to win. Hizballah wants Obama to win. Iran's government wants Obama to win. Al Qaeda wants Obama to win. Etc. This doesn't make Obama a bad guy and doesn't, in and of itself, mean he should lose. But it is a very important fact that America's enemies (unanimously) are rooting for Obama (America's enemies on SoLow are pulling for Obama as well, such as that commie NoGodsNoMasters).

John Kerry thought McCain would make a pretty good President 4 years ago when he tried to get McCain to be his VP, and I'm thinking he's the safe choice. Obama is not a Muslim. His religious views are actually worse than your typical Muslim: He was a 20-year, enthusiastic member of a black supremacist church that gave awards to Louis Farrakahan.

At the moment, Obama is tacking to the center, away from you lefties, to win my vote and the votes of other independents who don't hate capitalism and don't root against America in the war on islamic jihad. But I see nothing wrong enough with McCain to not go with McCain, and all Obama is proving is that he's just another fake. At least with McCain, when he tacks this way or that way for an election, we have a long track record to know what he's really about. I'm not looking for a Messiah, and I'm certainly not looking for my country to be turned into just another Euro-style socialist douchebag state. I'm looking for someone who will not do anything nutty and will allow Americans to continue in their greatness.
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Re: Sharon Stone requires a brain scan

without googling why dont you tell me mr mccains middle name,becuase i notice how you love to either mention obamas middle name or mention how its wrong to use it yet i have not seen you once use mr mccains middle name when talking about him.
and while i am at it,where are your beloved cleveland indians right now? oh yeah LAST PLACE

shut up

in a shocking turn of events mr mccain's full name turns out to be John Abdul Mohammad 666 Shaitan Bloodclot Wayne Gacy Cocaine McCain.
Re: Sharon Stone requires a brain scan

McCain's middle name is, of course, Sidney. Every U.S. president and U.S. presidential candidate I can recall has had his middle name become well known and widely used.

haha ohhhh....OF COURSE. :rolleyes:

At least with McCain, when he tacks this way or that way for an election, we have a long track record to know what he's really about.

yeah a long track record of being hot tempered and changing his mind constantly.

in a shocking turn of events mr mccain's full name turns out to be John Abdul Mohammad 666 Shaitan Bloodclot Wayne Gacy Cocaine McCain.

this made me laugh so hard you have no idea. :clap:
Re: Sharon Stone requires a brain scan

First of all, that is an extreme low blow about the Tribe, rubbing it in at their lowest moment in years. But in case you didn't know, the Brewers have long been my NL team of choice and at least my main man CC Sabathia will pitch for them in their playoff push. The Tribe only do well on odd numbered years and they will be back in 2009. This is a hard luck season filled with injuries to 4 of their best players and other disasters. Indians fans can survive it. If we were fairweather we'd become Yankee fans.

McCain's middle name is, of course, Sidney. Every U.S. president and U.S. presidential candidate I can recall has had his middle name become well known and widely used.

The fact is, the Obama campaign discriminated against Muslims when they kicked a Muslim out of a photo specifically because the person looked too Muslim. I don't care for any of the religions, but my beef is with Muslim terrorists, Muslim governments, Muslim gender apartheid, and the like, not with innocent Muslim individuals. The Obama campaign is so touchy about Obama's Muslim middle name and Muslim backround in part because the Muslim enemies of America view Obama as their choice for the White House over McCain. Hamas wants Obama to win. Hizballah wants Obama to win. Iran's government wants Obama to win. Al Qaeda wants Obama to win. Etc. This doesn't make Obama a bad guy and doesn't, in and of itself, mean he should lose. But it is a very important fact that America's enemies (unanimously) are rooting for Obama (America's enemies on SoLow are pulling for Obama as well, such as that commie NoGodsNoMasters).

John Kerry thought McCain would make a pretty good President 4 years ago when he tried to get McCain to be his VP, and I'm thinking he's the safe choice. Obama is not a Muslim. His religious views are actually worse than your typical Muslim: He was a 20-year, enthusiastic member of a black supremacist church that gave awards to Louis Farrakahan.

At the moment, Obama is tacking to the center, away from you lefties, to win my vote and the votes of other independents who don't hate capitalism and don't root against America in the war on islamic jihad. But I see nothing wrong enough with McCain to not go with McCain, and all Obama is proving is that he's just another fake. At least with McCain, when he tacks this way or that way for an election, we have a long track record to know what he's really about. I'm not looking for a Messiah, and I'm certainly not looking for my country to be turned into just another Euro-style socialist douchebag state. I'm looking for someone who will not do anything nutty and will allow Americans to continue in their greatness.

oh i am a lefty huh?
actually,and this will probably ruin my standing with some people on this site and regret saying this,but i voted for bush in 2000 and i was a member of my states republican party from 1994 till 1998
i am indeed moderate,but im no lefty.i sometimes think i am but then i talk to lefties,
and here is a big shock and surprise,but,yeah i supported obama during the primaries but i am not sure these days,i may just not vote as i am finding myself at odds with both major part candidates.

and good for you to state his middle name,google is a magical thing isnt it?yet again i never see you using it,so why dont you use it for now,prove me wrong.

and i know about the brewers,and i think you were hinting somehow i am a yankees fan.
now i am insulted.

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