Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

Awww, that's too bad. I read somewhere that it had stopped production for a few seasons then came back, or was planning on coming back? Maybe the baby episodes are just before the first time production stopped? Anyway, it is a good program, they really push the envelope. I'm not sure if it is British television in general, but you know the episode where Doc Martin;s Aunt had a fling with the young housepainter and he caught then having sex on the kitchen counter? My dad was STUNNED by that scene, you'd NEVER see that in American television. :p And the episode where he hit the lady's dog and clinically wrapped it in newspaper and gave it back to her without emotion, American tv would never go there. Hilarious though. And there's always some story line that is raunchy that makes my dad laugh out loud everytime. Maybe he should pursue British television in general.

I dunno, maybe I'm wrong (hope I am). I can't remember whether I heard officially that it was the end or if the last episode of the most recent series just seemed very final. Fingers crossed it'll be back.

If your dad likes British programmes about funny/grumpy men, he'd love One Foot In The Grave.
I dunno, maybe I'm wrong (hope I am). I can't remember whether I heard officially that it was the end or if the last episode of the most recent series just seemed very final. Fingers crossed it'll be back.

If your dad likes British programmes about funny/grumpy men, he'd love One Foot In The Grave.

Thanks, I'll forward him the recommendation.
A few years ago I questioned Moz and animal testing. :tears: Glad to see he's opposed to it, even though it's unavoidable I guess. It helps to see him wear that shirt though, I can't explain it.
A few years ago I questioned Moz and animal testing. :tears: Glad to see he's opposed to it, even though it's unavoidable I guess. It helps to see him wear that shirt though, I can't explain it.

Star Trek...jesus, how am I going to be able to watch the entire saga??? Impossible! Maybe I can finish TNG within a month maybe?
I was thinking that King Joffrey on Game of Thrones makes me sympathise with revolutionaries and see why the Bolshies did what they did.
I'm not commie but if I lived in GOT universe I totally would be.
Should I spend twelve bucks on The Pirates Band of Misfits, The Five Year Engagement, or Safe at the matinee today? Or stay home and look at the internet. :straightface:
3 new bands I listened to today!

The Breeders - bit naff
Throwing Muses - pretty decent after their boring debut
The Creatures - there's only so much you can do with drums and a voice, sorry Sioux.
"Al, Moz, Plattered." Is kinda funny if you've just seen Pirates Band of Misfits. :o
3 new bands I listened to today!

The Breeders - bit naff
Throwing Muses - pretty decent after their boring debut
The Creatures - there's only so much you can do with drums and a voice, sorry Sioux.

Umm, are crazy, m'boy...

First of all, which Muses album are you referring to that you only deem "pretty decent"? As for their "boring" debut...that album is far and away one of the greatest things ever committed to tape. As good as their later stuff was, the Muses never did anything that equaled their debut (came close a few times though), and most bands never accomplish anything that amazing. Kristin was a pregnant teenager when they wrote and recorded it...and all of that adolescent terror and the angst of carrying an unplanned child definitely went into some of the most erratic, beautiful, astonishing songwriting I've ever heard.

I remember playing it for the first time with my girlfriend because Kristin Hersh's Sunny Border Blue had just come out, which we both loved; additionally I had always been a huge fan of Tanya Donelly, and we realized that they had once been in the same band together (and are sisters, no less!). So we went to Borders and got the double-CD reissue of the Muses' debut, put it on, and it was so different from anything we'd ever heard that our immediate reaction was one of speechless discomfort. We honestly were not sure if we liked it at all, a little, or thought it was weird, unlistenable crap.Yet there was something that demanded another listen.

And another. And another.

Now I would easily rate it as one of the best albums of all time.

The Creatures - there's only so much you can do with drums and a voice, sorry Sioux.

There's only so much she can do with a voice.
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Davie, I second that diagnosis that you are indeed ker-azy.

How can you not like this?!?!?!

It deserves to be played at 11.
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