Quarry Comes To Liverpool - Aftershow - Saturday 7th November

Yes it has been problematic for Quarry but that's unavoidable.

I don't wish to start a whole new discussion on the issues and I'm sure people have expressed their opinions in other forums.

Cancellations were due to illness and nobody can plan when illness strikes. I would not work if I was ill and I would not expect Morrissey to do so either. His health is paramount and takes priority over anything else. Do people really think that he chooses to be ill and cancel gigs? Basic financial reasons show that to be nonsense.

With regard to Liverpool it is not Morrissey that did anything wrong but the idiot who decided throwing something at him was acceptable behaviour.

I have heard many things that suggest that having things thrown at you at stage comes with the territory and that other artists put up with it so Morrissey should. That is a ridiculous argument. I don't think it is acceptable and all credit to Morrissey for having the strength and conviction to say that he isn't going to accept it and put up with it. Why should he? Would you?

People are very quick to condemn Morrissey but it is not him at fault. Another example in Hamburg. It is not asking too much to expect people to have basic manners and respect. This may well be accepted and put up with by other people but this is why Morrissey is so admirable because he doesn't put up with it and stands up for what all of us should believe as basic standards in behaviour and manners.


Apologies if my comment came across as a criticism, it was an observation. Your Moz nights are a bubble if he played... (last night at the Palladium being my evidence, a GREAT night) not so much if he doesn't?

Please keep up the nights though. Very graceful that you're foremost an acolyte and are doing it for the love as your above statement explicitly states
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