ROTT sleeve is uncannily similar to...


Old Mother Hell

Marc Almond´s 1991 melodramatic hi-NRG album, "Tenement Symphony". A clever pastiche of the Deutsche Grammofon label. Not as original as one would so eagerly expect...
the big difference is that "tenement symphony" actually had some great songs on it...
> the big difference is that "tenement symphony" actually had some
> great songs on it...

yeah morrissey sux!!!!

if you dont like him, well feck off!!!
> the big difference is that "tenement symphony" actually had some
> great songs on it...

Well, "Champagne" and "Meet me in My Dream" are divine, and "Jackie" is one of the best covers of all time, but the rest is good to thin.

Rott has it's brilliant moments, and its less brilliant as well.
Agree that ROTT is the superior album, and the superior cover too, I may add:
I heard Marc Almond had a bad accident last year -- has he recovered?
> Kerel, ga jij ook naar de aftershow feestje?

Ja, moeder, natuurlijk!
Quite well...

Yes, he has. It was a pretty serious injury but he pulled through quite well. Let´s just hope he doesn´t start recording born again christian songs...
he's still recovering a bit

...but on a good note, has decided to play his first shows since the accident. he's having a bit of a hard time with the recovery, but what a f***ing trooper. true inspiration in many ways.

> Yes, he has. It was a pretty serious injury but he pulled through quite
> well. Let´s just hope he doesn´t start recording born again christian
> songs...
Re: Was it a car accident, or...?

Marc was riding on the back of a friend's motorcycle. He hit the ground hard - there was blood and initially it looked like a pretty bad head injury. They were going to perform a tracheotomy at one point, which luckily never happened. Marc said that he would rather have died than live without his voice. He seems much better now although, last I heard, he was having some memory trouble, and could not perform more than four songs in a row. I trust he has improved since then.

Bless his sweet soul, I LOVE that man.
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