
I am inbetween Rock of Love - pointing out what a tool someone is over here, responding to email and listening to my 34 year old friend try to decide between the 22 year old and the 24 year old that are fighting for his affections.
I am inbetween Rock of Love - pointing out what a tool someone is over here, responding to email and listening to my 34 year old friend try to decide between the 22 year old and the 24 year old that are fighting for his affections.

lulz....May I use this quote as my siggy?
Here yes... facebook, no because all three parties are there.
I want an R. Kelly mannequin!

More interesting how he posted it then deleted it. I wonder "why?"

the how is simple, i did not, god, for a troll, you resort to just stupid lies quite quickly
dont you have anything better to do my new troll?
or maybe you really do imagine posts of mine there then not there
well, if so, its in your head crazy troll, get help quick!
i mean this one for real! :eek:
I apologize... The thread jumped a page quicker than I realized and I wrongly accused you of deleting it. I should have backtracked.

I made an error and it is my fault.

Now Robby, can you possibly take responsibility for your mistakes or problems?
I apologize... The thread jumped a page quicker than I realized and I wrongly accused you of deleting it. I should have backtracked.

I made an error and it is my fault.

Now Robby, can you possibly take responsibility for your mistakes or problems?

when dealing with trolling scum like you, it is best not to respond in a matter satisfactory to scum such as thee, you will leave, again, quicker :)
when dealing with trolling scum like you, it is best not to respond in a matter satisfactory to scum such as thee, you will leave, again, quicker :)

You play the role of "victim" very well. You still fail at it but you do that too very well. Wah wah wah.
why do you feel like you'll be depressed soon? if you dont mind me asking

I just graduated from college, and dont know what I am should be doing with my life. I don't feel like there is anything to look forward to and am afraid I will get trapped in a life I never wanted.
I am scared that I will just keep feeling this way, or it will get worse and I dont want to tell anyone (except for people, anonymously on the interwebz) because I feel like a whiny baby and that I should just shut up and get over it.
But I am afraid I might not be able to
I just graduated from college, and dont know what I am should be doing with my life. I don't feel like there is anything to look forward to and am afraid I will get trapped in a life I never wanted.
I am scared that I will just keep feeling this way, or it will get worse and I dont want to tell anyone (except for people, anonymously on the interwebz) because I feel like a whiny baby and that I should just shut up and get over it.
But I am afraid I might not be able to

that's perfectly normal. I graduated from college in 04 and I still feel like that. :o:p

don't do what I did though and not prepare. are you doing any internships or working part time at a job that relates to your field? it would be a nice transition into a career cuz you'll have some experience. I was too busy f***ing around my last year in college. don't expect a job to just fall in your lap the second you graduate, cuz it won't. I have a job but it doesnt relate to my major. I no longer know if I want to do anything with my major, and frankly, I have no f***ing idea what I'm gonna do.

I probably have not helped you at all, I'm sorry. :o:D
lol - I have seen that as well.

No - you know in the movies (except in Lethal Weapon) when someone is threatening to jump or just stands there as if they are about to and the police come and get that person back inside to work on their problems?

Sometimes things don't work out like they do in the movies and the person kersplats before the police even arrive. She landed about a standard rooms length from me as I was in NYC those many years ago.

I've seen someone commit suicide too, they jumped from the 20th floor of an apartment block and landed on a car! it was not pretty :( (and a hell of a suprise!)
foreskin lulz how is robby a rat? muscle goddesses <3 no buzz tools are useful rats are rad! robby <3
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