site suggestions?

Honestly I was very disappointed with your childish reaction of misunderstanding between you and mozzer's left eyebrow.
Some members posted that mozzer's was mistaken a troll as you in chat room.
Although he didn't reply to your PMs there's no need for bumping old threads and adding liar to them all over the forums.
The mods almost gave you a temp ban for harrassment of other member.

David's policy is to have the site as close as the real life environment.
He trusts members' common sense and intelligence, therefore he does not intervene personal disputes.

I have no idea what Grim means anti semitism on the site because I don't know about history of all the trolls and personal disputes.

I don't give two flying flucks what you think. You will never be used as a model of how to behave by anybody I'd respect. You told me back in August that I had upset you because I posted a response on a thread created by 'Viva Hate' whom you had banned (unknown to me) and also that you were upset about me bumping an old issue. Hey! Isn't that exactly what you've just done? The issue between 'Mozzer's left eyebrow' and myself was resolved between us in November. How hypocritical of you again. Unlike I was then, you are aware of the full situation, with the exception of the PMs between the people concerned. I had no idea that thread was something you were upset about or that you had banned the person who began the thread. I was just responding to a post in a manner I though I was allowed to do. I didn't know all the history of all the trolls and personal disputes you had with them. I was completely oblivious to upsetting you. Whereas, you moderator have posted with the purpose to upset me. Please excuse me if I bite back.

As you are in the habit of doing, you have once again got involved in something that does not concern you. Nor is it on topic. What is wrong with you? Why don't you think before posting? This is an issue of yours that bugs a lot of people. In fact I'm reminded how it was you who brought 'Mozzer's left eyebrow' posts regarding me to my attention by PM. I've seen with my own eyes and been told by other members that you get often get involved in a lot in things that are of no concern of yours. Then once you've lit the torch-paper, you step back and ignore. FYI 'Mozzer's left eyebrow' and myself share some thought in this post.

In November you ignored a PM from me. You later told me you weren't being rude by ignoring me but did so due to bad experiences exchanging PMs with some members in the past. That they had been used to humiliate you in the forums and therefore you'd rather not reply if it isn't necessary. You could consider adopting that attitude on threads posted too. Also, ignoring is ignorant whatever excuse you offer. My PM was a question regarding your knowledge of Japanese imports. How could I use that to humiliate you? 'She doesn't know!'

I'm sure David also trusts his moderators to use their common sense and intelligence. It is a pity not all of them do. Why do you feel the need to intervene in a dispute that doesn't involve you? Why bump an old resolved issue? Is when you say ''The mods' almost gave me a temporary ban for 'harrassment' of other member' a public threat? As Google would say, Did you mean harassment? I take it to be so and how crass.

I'll try to educate you regarding Grim's comment about not being arsed about anti-Semitism as I see it, although with the fascist traits you demonstrate and being so intelligent, I thought you would already know. I would think it comes from this thread but really you would have to ask him as I am not Grim:

Remember the one with your 'idiotic' post? This link should fill in the blanks for you:

You don't need to know all the history of all the trolls and personal disputes to use more common sense. I know you've only been here since mid 2006 but I would have though you would have picked up more by now. Not that it matters. You are supposed to be impartial and not hold personal vendettas. You should treat all members the same.

You can ban me, move me to off topic or censor me in whatever way you see fit for fighting back, as I would in the real life environment.

You are unaware of the defending I do for you. That is now in the past. The next time somebody says to me, Kewpie is an idiot. I'll just shrug my shoulders. I can no longer claim to think otherwise. I'm now think of you as the majority of the site does.

PS For more information Kewpie - Ask Uncle Skinny or David (Both have seen them) about the scripts Mandinglove (the mother of one of the children targeted) mentions above.
You had me at "I don't give two flying f***s..." She won't respond by PM, so this shit has to come out publicly. Well done, Hugh.

Yeah... I sort of snort-laughed when I read that.

Kewpie... I still love ya.
I don't give two flying flucks what you think. You will never be used as a model of how to behave by anybody I'd respect. You told me back in August that I had upset you because I posted a response on a thread created by 'Viva Hate' whom you had banned (unknown to me) and also that you were upset about me bumping an old issue. Hey! Isn't that exactly what you've just done? The issue between 'Mozzer's left eyebrow' and myself was resolved between us in November. How hypocritical of you again.

Kewpie has every right to reply to a thread just as anyone on the site, that was a rude response, from someone who brought up manners first in this thread. Who's the hypocrite?

Regarding 'bumping an old issue' - how many threads did you bump when 'Mozzer's left eyebrow accused you of paedophelia? At least 10 I believe, taking over the top posts of the whole board. Do you know how annoying that is to a moderator? This was a different issue to what Mandinglove was talking about, I don't know how that got into this thread. The alleged paedophilia posts are no longer on the site (they scroll off in the chatroom) and any users posting such messages are banned.

You yourself said it was resolved. What more do you want me to do? I understand that some people need more hand-holding but please take a look at how longtime users of the site know how to fend for themselves.

Regarding your moderator access, that was a long time ago and frankly I don't recall you moderating much if any. Since then there has been a software change, I have asked for volunteers but you did not volunteer or were not around at the time.
so anti-semitism is fine then?

No, all form of racism is not tolerated on this site.

Are we just talking about the forums here, or the main page as well? Because I've seen some pretty hideous racism going on over there. And is homophobia accepted? There's been plenty of that, and nothing appears to be done. Not to mention the incitement to rape and murder Julia, which no one appeared to be that bothered about.
Are we just talking about the forums here, or the main page as well? Because I've seen some pretty hideous racism going on over there. And is homophobia accepted? There's been plenty of that, and nothing appears to be done. Not to mention the incitement to rape and murder Julia, which no one appeared to be that bothered about.

I do not moderate mainpage, however, if I find those inflammatory posts I'll report them to David, Uncleskinny and bored.

Have you noticed that mainpage posts are less antagonistic and relatively civilized recently?
I do not moderate mainpage, however, if I find those inflammatory posts I'll report them to David, Uncleskinny and bored.

Have you noticed that mainpage posts are less antagonistic and relatively civilized recently?

No, because I got sick of all the rudeness so I don't go on the main page any more. I'm glad to hear it, though :guitar:
No, all form of racism is not tolerated on this site.

so do you think the user name codreanu was dreamt up by accident?

Grim (the great ignored)
it's a search engine, you type in something & it searches it for you, surely it's not that difficult?

Grim (or am I back to being ignored?)
it's a search engine, you type in something & it searches it for you, surely it's not that difficult?

Grim (or am I back to being ignored?)

I don't think Codreanu is anti semitic user name.

Cod often posts some prankish stuff which you don't like, you started accusing him of anti semite is silly.
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so do you think the user name codreanu was dreamt up by accident?

Grim (the great ignored)

Are you objecting just to the name or specific posts that you deem anti-semitic (if the latter,perhaps,now would be a good time to show examples) ?

It's all getting a bit nasty and rather unnecessary.

Peace ! :)
I don't think Codreanu is anti semitic user name.

Cod often posts some prankish stuff which you don't like, you started accusing him of anti semite is silly.

I don't care about anything he writes to like it or not, you don't seem to understand, it's his username that is offensive, if you don't think calling himself by that name is anti-Semetic then it's you that is the silly one!

let's have a heated debate.
let's have a heated debate.

aye it's bloody freezing up here, it'd better be nice an warm an smoggy down in the smoke by next week!


I don't care about anything he writes to like it or not, you don't seem to understand, it's his username that is offensive, if you don't think calling himself by that name is anti-Semetic then it's you that is the silly one!



I'll wait
I don't care about anything he writes to like it or not, you don't seem to understand, it's his username that is offensive, if you don't think calling himself by that name is anti-Semetic then it's you that is the silly one!


I don't think a user name on a Morrissey fans' forum can be deemed in itself anti-semitic.
Perhaps , you should "talk" to Codrenau him/herself ?
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