Strange/unexpected Moz references?

I listed to Philly sports talk radio on ESPN 950 during work hours..As the host came back from break, I heard the opening guitar from The First of the Gang to Die. That was an unexpected pleasure.

:eek: Imagine...FOTGTD being unexpected.

I was listening to the radio program Coast to Coast the other night
(you know, the program that regularly features "experts" on time travel travel :rolleyes:) and they played about a 40 second bit of HSIN between the commercials and resuming the interview.
:eek: Imagine...FOTGTD being unexpected.

Now whenever I hear FOTGTD, my first instinct is to look behind me to see if someone is planning on using my back for a springboard to get up on stage :straightface:

The first time I heard How Soon is Now was during a Philadelphia Flyers pre-game skate around years ago.
Found on 4chan (there seems to be Morrissey lover on there!)

Not that strange, but RTÉ Radio One played 'I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris' at about 6 a.m this morning. :thumb:
Photobucket sent me an automated e-mail today. I really like the photo from my stream that they pulled at random to illustrate their many products ;)


Very effective advertising ploy. I'll take twelve :thumb:
"She went to her office to see what the twins were doing. They were sitting together on the floor, huddled over an old issue of The Face. Elspeth felt irritated. Idiot girls. You're sitting in a flat that's chock-full of fabulous printed matter and what are you reading about? Morrissey.

Extract from "Her Fearful Symmetry", the latest novel by Audrey Niffenegger, author of The Time Travellers Wife.
I was meeting someone in Gruel cafe, Dublin yesterday and a CD of the Human League was playing. While ordering, I suddenly casually asked if they had any Smiths albums and obligingly the cashier said she'd check. For the next hour or so, during the busy lunchtime slot as we ate and chatted, a slew of Smiths songs bounced off the walls. :thumb:
"She went to her office to see what the twins were doing. They were sitting together on the floor, huddled over an old issue of The Face. Elspeth felt irritated. Idiot girls. You're sitting in a flat that's chock-full of fabulous printed matter and what are you reading about? Morrissey.

Extract from "Her Fearful Symmetry", the latest novel by Audrey Niffenegger, author of The Time Travellers Wife.

Love Niffenegger, but afraid I'd be one of those idiot girls .:D
This past Friday night/Sat. am my sister heard a drunken youth pouring out of a taxi near her house and performing a full length, fully inebriated rendition of 'There Is A Light That Never Goes Out'. Word perfect, if not tune perfect. The last she heard of him was the vocal outro mixed with the sound of boot heels scraping along the road as his mates dragged him along the street. :thumb:
All we hear round our way is the Sash or Flower of Scotland :rolleyes:
This past Friday night/Sat. am my sister heard a drunken youth pouring out of a taxi near her house and performing a full length, fully inebriated rendition of 'There Is A Light That Never Goes Out'. Word perfect, if not tune perfect. The last she heard of him was the vocal outro mixed with the sound of boot heels scraping along the road as his mates dragged him along the street. :thumb:
All we hear round our way is the Sash or Flower of Scotland :rolleyes:

Hahaha good one :) I was woken up about 4am once to the sound of First of the gang blasting out. I thought my zen must have switched itself on or something at first then I realised it was my drunken neighbour singing along loudly. For once I didnt bang on the wall at him. It's usually Oasis he does this to :( Not sure if he was taking the piss though because he must hear a lot of Moz coming through his wall :D
I was in the gym flicking through the abysmal music channels when I see a familiar face on 'Indie Zone' (channel fourteen, I believe). How Soon Is Now? was playing.
Norwegian TV-channel TV3 just aired an ad for the movie 'The Gladiator', with 'Dear God Please Help Me' playing in the background. Weird.
Not a direct reference, but at about 1:29 in the movie Interstate 60, a character says, "Liars, lawyers."
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