The dreadful state of UK ticket sales

I recently wrote a brief exploration of how drastically Morrissey's ticket sale figures have plummeted in the UK, with special attention given to the startlingly low sales for the upcoming Leeds gig.

With two weeks to go until the show, huge quantities of seats remain unsold in some of the best blocks in the venue while standing floor tickets also remain.

Full article can be seen online here.

It’s nearly sold out then. Or in other words ‘it’s selling really well’, at 99,7 per cent sold.
If only you had such clear data on the Leeds and London dates. Now you have to spread rumours around. I hope you find some enjoyment in doing so.
well done Thewlis for sticking to your guns,.skinnybaws is on course for a massive coronary before the nights out.
do you know what,even if these gigs don't sell out,at least the ones who are going will have a good time.hip hip hooray.
all we need is surface to show up,fair play to surface he is the king of the seating plan.
skinnys handing out trolls like theyr going out of fashion.
Okay, so maybe his following has decreased. Maybe he doesn’t sell as many albums or tickets as he used to. But who cares? Why dwell on this? Nobody’s going to stay on top forever.

It's not about not 'staying on top forever'. It's about urging people to support a far-right political group and then suddenly losing over half of your entire fan-base within months. This has never happened before in musical history with the exception of Gary Glitter.
People were drawn to the Smiths and M by the aesthetic - anti Thatcher, anti meat industry, anti royalty, anti wealth, anti-militarism, anti-environmental destruction, anti-the world's most powerful people and institutions.
For him then to actually urge people to vote for a far-right party that will protect the rich (by slashing or abolishing their taxes), spend billions more on the military, abandon all attempts to protect our natural environment, stop helping the poorest people and nations etc. is absolutely and staggeringly incomprehensible.
He really doesn't agree with most of this far-right b***ocks. He's understandably been drawn in by the persona of their leader - a vegan, lesbian feminist. But he stupidly and lazily didn't bother finding out what this party actually stands for i.e. pretty much everything his fan-base finds abhorrent, as he would, too, if he gave it some serious consideration and actually read their policies.
f*** the liberal toerags. f*** them. Moz is bang on the pulse of the British political climate. Why do you think Labour were trounced in the last election?
Horse head Hofmann can’t resist at any are disgusting... on every level.. can’t wait to start your propaganda against everyone you hate... yet you have the nerve to put that picture of yourself next to your name... one vain , self righteous, horrid little man
well done Thewlis for sticking to your guns,.skinnybaws is on course for a massive coronary before the nights out.
do you know what,even if these gigs don't sell out,at least the ones who are going will have a good time.hip hip hooray.
Quite right Gordy can’t wait.... this skinny person has had a hard on all afternoon with this unconfirmed news flash.... never seen him post as much . The load must have been shot several times by now, so he should be quiet for a while now....
just logged into Paris Ticketmaster 4 times in a row each time this comes up when
you hit the Moz Paris show link:


too bad for the hater trolls, just quit posting fake news FFS:straightface:
Morrissey's much anticipated return to Toronto last year featured a small venue and disproportionately expensive tickets. This meant that only the hardcore and some very nostalgic well off folks sauntered through the doors. Will the nostalgic types return anytime soon? Maybe not. They've had their fill. If Morrissey wants to do well next time the tickets will have to be cheaper so all the young people who know their post-punk mythology will avail themselves of a chance to glimpse the living legend himself. Morrissey did bait the crowd with his reference to Faith Goldy but it wasn't considered the latest in a series of sins. The UK is another matter entirely. Wages and job security going down make it harder for real fans to pay tribute as much as they'd like to. That and the off-putting political remarks remove the possibility of the classic student audience turning away despite the magnificent spectacle that awaits.
My London ticket was a very reasonable £45.
There are tickets available for the Paris gig.


5 seats in 2nd row
15 seats in 3rd row centre
5 seats in 4th row centre
13 seats in 5th row centre

This information is from the French Ticketmaster site so it is safe to assume it is correct and up to date.

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Honestly I couldn’t choose a seat. Well anyway, it’s nearly sold out. Thanks for clarifying.
I went to the last gig in Leeds. The audience ruined it. People fighting, drugs everywhere. It was AWFUL. I’ve encountered this with other musicians as well as comedy shows in the north of England. I will never, ever, ever go there again.
Peter Finan - ‘you wasted your life’ haha
My London ticket was a very reasonable £45.
Our modest tickets were £45 in total with the grab ons£52 in total, that’s seating for two, much to the dismay of a 29 year old wanting to stand at the front for 5 hours. Unaware of my regular piss breaks and getting to the bar with ease issues, she finally managed to book the hotel today, the sodding Hilton... just hope the bars open till 4am
Another gleeful hit piece. Where is the solidarity from one fat gay gay vegan for another?

Are you this stringent in attacking the ethics of all the non-vegans you gossip about or just anthropocentric politics you deem to be “wrong think”?
I am surprised that Morrissey is touring the UK at all. I don't find the content of the article surprising, though, as someone who has been a fan of Morrissey since the days of The Smiths, I find it sad. It wasn't so long ago that Mozzer was second only to Attenborough as a national icon and could persuade Penguin to print his autobiography as a classic. It's really an extraordinary turn of events - whatever one thinks of the Moz - and I am tempted to call it 'surreal', though that would be an abuse of an already overused term. I sometimes wonder if Morrissey couldn't stand to be, in some sense, an insider. 'You Know I Couldn't Last' was not just a prediction, but a kind of itinerary of the unconscious, welling up, setting a fatal course. Along with, for instance, 'I'll Never Be Anybody's Hero Now' and 'Friday Mourning'.

Part of me - a significant part - admires the very fact that he could not forever allow a load of smug, cosy, well-adjusted people who were never really outsiders treat him as their own smug, cosy mascot for hip faux-misfit status.

Although I don't think the listed statements are, on the whole, very clever, it's not as if we don't know that there are decent points to be made in this area, and Moz is one of the very, very few in Celebrity Land having a stab at it. I mean, the Metoo movement was obsessed with the Weinstein business, but when it comes to literally thousands of poor underaged girls in Britain being gang-raped over decades, funnily enough, it's crickets. That's more outrageous than anything that Morrissey has ever said.


"How has his core base dwindled during these years of right wing dalliances and openly offensive statements?"

Openly offensive statements? As opposed to the secretly offensive statements that he was making before? What kind of slimy, contemptible pillock talks (or writes) this way? Oh... I remember, maybe half the UK now. This nation has become so spineless and mealy-mouthed. Anything to save appearances. Even down to thousands of children being raped. Rather that than stir up a race issue - that would be offensive.
morrissey racism ticketmaster tour
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