The Drivel Thread

I was only referring to myself here. Sorry if criticizing your pseudo literary paragraphs got to you... I'm eager to hear about your upcoming second marriage !

Glad to hear it. I will be sure to write a long, nerdy account of it just for you.
My doctor told me to stop using the antifungal cream on my palms, but she didn’t say why. She didn’t tell me about any danger of using it. I hope whatever it is on my palms doesn’t spread to other body areas, or to pets that throw themselves at my hands, that I can’t resist petting. I wish my doctor were more keen to find out what it is, that turns bright white when wet, becomes elevated and uncomfortable, then goes back down to this in the photo, when dry, seen close up here. I showed this picture to an eagle eyed mental health worker and she said there’s something going on on my palms.
What if I lose the ability to write and paint? ‘Living’ in oblivion. The world is already oblivious enough.
My eyes have been feeling like maybe what’s happening in my palms has spread to the mucus membranes of my eyelids, perhaps via the bath water. I hope I don’t lose the ability to paint and write, and post on the drivel thread, and I hope Morrissey will hold me, before the shit really hits the fan.
Maybe if I’d chosen to stay high on ecstacy after trying it that one time decades ago, I would have done well. I remember looking in a college’s bathroom mirror while I was on the drug, and seeing that my pupils were huge. I had a meeting with a teacher that day, and he didn’t seem to notice. I wonder if that drug really does any damage. I suspect that being too straight laced has kept me held down to an unfeeling mechanized grid, and calloused to the cues of “just some rain-coated lovers' puny brothers".

"And when you want to live
How do you start?
Where do you go?
Who do you need to know?
Oh, oh, oh, oh"
And I was half wrong about Light Housework, to be perfectly honest. Theophilus is at least fun to argue with, it has a certain charm to it. You're just boring me.....zzz
Seriously, what's your point now ? It's just making me cringe, you're beating a dead horse at this point. Good night ma'am !
Your behaviour is disappointing. You're a smart kid but rather than engaging on the level you're capable of, you're acting like a bratty, unremarkable shitass and its neither big nor clever. Is this how you normally behave or are you just putting it on for us?
Painted some Morrissey In London. It went well, though I made at least one glaring mistake. Next time I won’t make the same one. My fingers were steady. Maybe that’s the main thing to make sure of.
anxiety bloody awful poetry testing the waters trying to feel good in your own skin trying to make friends wanting to alleviate anxiety wanting to feel safe to be honest wanting to have integrity
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