what made you frown today?

Why do spanish speaking countries always end up in turmoil?

Is there any self criticism from spanish speaking people and who will point to South America where this constant rebellion is fueled by very shady characters?

Really? Two bloody cruel world wars and an epically horrendous genocide during XX century where no Spanish speaking countries took part (they were neutral), and Spanish speaking countries are the only ones ending up in turmoil? Do you come from Mars?
Really? Two bloody cruel world wars and an epically horrendous genocide during XX century where no Spanish speaking countries took part (they were neutral), and Spanish speaking countries are the only ones ending up in turmoil? Do you come from Mars?

I was, and I think you know it, talking about individual countries that collapsed and had enormous social problems. Spanish speaking countries stick out like a sore thumb in that regard.

It seems impossible to organise a country with a spanish speaking population.
I was, and I think you know it, talking about individual countries that collapsed and had enormous social problems. Spanish speaking countries stick out like a sore thumb in that regard.

It seems impossible to organise a country with a spanish speaking population.

Well, thanks God for that. Organized countries are very dangerous.
Anyway, Catalonia is not a "Spanish speaking" country. The have their own language.
Well, thanks God for that. Organized countries are very dangerous.
Anyway, Catalonia is not a "speaking Spanish" country. The have their own language.

Yes of course, but you know they still belong to Spain so....

I have predicted that Spain will become like former Yugoslavia and the basques want to be their own too and even had a terrorist group to bring that to reality.

Off topic:

The hunt for fresh water is on and white middle class families are tonight bitching about the lack of fresh water and the stores cannot supply enough and cries about "what if something serious happens, we are so dependant on these things" makes me frown.

Allow me to hate people with kids.
The german football association punished over what their fans were chanting at a game. The problem is that the chant they used was not a nazi chant but instead the very old Fritz chant.

German football fans got called Fritz by english football fans long ago and instead of getting mad at it the german football fans adopted it and used it.

No one is interested in facts anymore and instead are using every single incident and turning it into something else. They did not chant "sieg" they chanted Fritz like they have done for ages.

The stupid nazis online think the german football fans share their view and celebrated this news as a sign of more people joining their movement. You would think they would have heard about the Fritz chant before but no.

The last man switches off the lights please.....
Really? Two bloody cruel world wars and an epically horrendous genocide during XX century where no Spanish speaking countries took part (they were neutral), and Spanish speaking countries are the only ones ending up in turmoil? Do you come from Mars?

Of course he does.
He killed all life there, that's why we won't find any of it.
We should be rushing fast to another planet before he knows we go there.
Or he will kill us all before we climb into that rocket of the Tesla tycoon.
That I promised to take a break from Solo and yet here I am. Guess I can take the political heat on here since I am in the middle of a two week break from football during the internationals.
The Wedding Present sounding old school grunge here and there on the latest album. Didn't like any of the 20! tracks on the album.
Nazi Santa sold for the second year running at Rusta:

That an old friend doesn't want to get well and instead champions his illnesses and uses them as an excuse to explain why he never had a life at all.

Talking to his mother today in a store confirmed all that and we both shook our heads at it.

The cashless society is on the new world order agenda, way up high, and that means those that are not obeying those in power can overnight be made completely powerless by not having any sort of access to the digital money they will need to survive.

And you think todays world is scary.....
Morrissey is a man explaining things to women and what he is doing is called mansplaining.


His reaction to the woman in Germany who mentioned nazis showed me two things. He dislikes female opinion and he simply cannot stand fat people.
I stumbled upon a blog by a woman whose boyfriend happens to be this physiotherapist I went to a couple of times back in 2008 when I had a knee problem.

Anyway, this woman is so self absorbed she has managed to complete erase him from the blog, even when she uses pictures taken by him. There is no mention of him anywhere and everytime there is a group photo he is behind the camera.

I felt something was a bit off with him when he helped with my knee and now I think I know why. The way she writes about life and things is probably the most provocative thing I have ever come across and she is completely living her life in her yoga bubble.

While the world is full of problems and many of those problems are now almost on her doorstep she keeps focusing on shallow things like good weather being a constant sunchaser. It is obvious that her boyfriend is not a part of the blog anywhere cause he chose to but because she is completely soaked up with herself and her world.

No wonder he seemed to enjoy our chats about real things in this world and was all ironic about where they lived and other things between the lines.

On another note physioterapist is the perfect job if you wanna earn loads and do nothing so you can travel the world. They work about 5% of what other people with a job do so now you know.
Morrissey releasing a video with links to the illuminati. Someone call David Icke by using the tinfoil antenna.
Driving closely past a traffic accident involving 3 cars today just minutes after it happened and two kids were onboard. I hope they are ok.

I've come down with a bout of Huddersfield and the doctor said it is because I suffer from Lindelöf syndrome.

Time for some pills....
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