What makes...


Junior Member
Vauxhall & I LP
Bethoveen was deaf LP
so rare and overpriced
i've seen vauxhall ending for more than 40 GBP many times
and Bethoveen LP few times ended around 150 GbP!
are they so limited or what???
They came out at a time when the final nails were being put in the coffin of vinyl. So not many people would have bought them unless collectors or vinylphiles.

That would be more guess anyways
Vauxhall & I LP
Bethoveen was deaf LP
so rare and overpriced
i've seen vauxhall ending for more than 40 GBP many times
and Bethoveen LP few times ended around 150 GbP!
are they so limited or what???

Still trying to figure that out.....Good question though..
Your Arsenal and Maladjusted vinyls are still quite abundant. There should be no major problem finding any Moz album on vinyl for less then €25. So I belive the reason simply is that they were less amde, I don't know why but I guess they thought that the vinyl market were doomed.
what about southpaw grammar? see there is one on e bay at the moment and ive never seen one before anywhere
I'm not sure about with Morrissey but most major label artists in the late 90's early 2000's released one vinyl album for every 100,000 cd copies ...somewhere in there vinyl turned into an almost dj only promo thing...good luck finding some good deals doc...
Today I bought "Vauxhall and I" lp, nice condition, for 45 GBP in a vinyl shop.:confused:
My mind went into a denial phase right now.
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