"World Peace Is None Of Your Business" promo video

The line "each time you vote you support the process" sums up Morrissey's position for me, and it's one that I agree with. In the UK, and certainly in the US, we're largely stuck with a two-party system in which other parties cannot have a say. What's more, the parties which dominate are totally neo-liberal and any attempt to change things is shot down or compromised to such an extent that it is only a change in name, and not in action. It's obviously the Electoral College in the US and the first-past-the-post, majoritarian system in the UK which leaves us stuck in this predicament.

Yes, yes and yes!!! I have posted elsewhere on here about how we would benefit in the UK if we replaced first past the post with proportional representation, where every vote means something.

I have discussed this very issue of the two party system and the voting system on my weskit recently with George Galloway....

Err, I highly doubt that BrummieBoy and Sharon are apart of the Blue Rose Society...or the numerous characters played by 1 sad man.

Hello 'Anonymous'

Did you mean 'apart' or ' a part of'? If the former, then it's 'apart from'. Either way, we've nothing to do with them and didn't even know they existed until a few days ago. Now we do know, we care even less.

Is the second part of your reply about the numerous characters which Morrissey plays in "WPINOYB"? We've already explained that in detail. We don't do repeats!

Best wishes
Re: "World Peace Is None Of Your Business" promo video

Hello 'Anonymous'

We do not provide remedial education materials. The reply was entirely appropriate and does not require further elaboration.

best wishes

A lack of remedial education materials would explain the total failure of your writing.
Re: "World Peace Is None Of Your Business" promo video

A lack of remedial education materials would explain the total failure of your writing.

Hello "TJH"

As a "guest" poster, there's absolutely no need to give any credence to your claimed authority. So we won't.
Thank you for your feedback as this enables us to continuously improve our customer services.

Best wishes
An enjoyable camp noir video. Intriguing idea, sans the music. In this form, the rather crude and unsubtle lyrics seem to make rather more sense. The words are issued like headlines. Moz does look resplendent in his tux and I am sure Ms. Sinatra enjoyed her moment as Phyllis Dietrichson. I await the album with bated breath and hope for some surprises. I find it rather sad that in the finest voice of his career (the vocals on YOR were sublime), Moz has the weakest material of his career. I also note the WPINOYB site doesn't have the limited edition "Moz: Beverly Hills" T Shirt with the legend "In the end , your royalties bring you luxuries" emblazoned on the back. Crying shame that.
Yes, yes and yes!!! I have posted elsewhere on here about how we would benefit in the UK if we replaced first past the post with proportional representation, where every vote means something.

I have discussed this very issue of the two party system and the voting system on my weskit recently with George Galloway....


I completely support this view too, but who in power will offer this change and would the general public be bothered enough to vote for it?

The answers I fear are nobody and no.

And thus the tyranny of the first past the post system will remain.
"Lovely surprise to have Our Mozzer in the Arms yesterday. Other notable comments from him: the flowers in the WPINOYB video were chosen as a joke because we would be expecting roses. He said there's a new MW piece ready to publish but he'll close the blog if there aren't 1000 comments there within a week"

^^Blue Rose Stepford Wife
I completely support this view too, but who in power will offer this change and would the general public be bothered enough to vote for it?

The answers I fear are nobody and no.

And thus the tyranny of the first past the post system will remain.

When the option arose to change the voting system they managed to put forward just about the only option worse than first past the post as an alternative. It takes a certain level of skullduggery to do that.
"Lovely surprise to have Our Mozzer in the Arms yesterday. Other notable comments from him: the flowers in the WPINOYB video were chosen as a joke because we would be expecting roses. He said there's a new MW piece ready to publish but he'll close the blog if there aren't 1000 comments there within a week"

^^Blue Rose Stepford Wife

i don't believe it's morrissey, simply, you're not convincing at all, you just need more 'clicks'!

p.s. apologies
The promo video would get a lot more traction if it was uploaded to an official Morrissey YouTube channel. Harvest please take note!
Hello 'Velvis'

You're deeply confused. To end your confusion read the comment history and you will see that "BrummieBoy" was first out of the traps about the quality of this song/lyric/video/underlying political philosophy.

best wishes

Hey Shazza, you are quite correct of course. Please extend my apologies to your boss, thanks for keeping abreast of my ramblings on here - I wish I could reciprocate. I am getting more and more confused these days as senility creeps up on me but I'm glad we in accord here, all the new activity is wonderfully exciting!
It sounds like he took it from a post on the David Icke forum.

As I pointed out last year the world's first anarcho-syndicalist UKIP supporter may not be the best source for political enlightenment.
He wasn't the first anarcho-syndicalist UKIP supporter - and neither was I ... there are a lot of us in UKIP
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