Your latest Morrissey/Smiths buy

just picked these up for me and a friend...

I bought this too but for me and... me.
From America:
just received these postcards, ebay:

the one on top right is a sticker...
Not exactly Morrissey/ The Smiths but....

- Sacha Distell "I'l Tient Le Monde" 7" vinyl EP from eBay. It has "Ou ca Ou Ca" on it. £3.50. A Bargain.

- Brigitte Bardot "Best of" CD because of "Bubble Gum".

- Morrissey in Conversation book "The Essential Interviews" from HMV Oxford Street London. £14.99.

- Greatest Hits (Double CD). Paid the full price £18.99 @ HMV.:(
Just arrived this morning.



Wow! Where did you get the Japanese greatest Hits?
Is it the same as the UK but just with an obi strip?
Please tell!

I got it from here
& it's the same track wise as the delux edition but it's better packaging! Oh & the 'Morrissey Greatest Hits' bit onthe front is more pinky than purpleish & if I'm being pedantic the pic of Moz on the front is slightly lower down on the Japanese version but that might be because it's slightly smaller case.


I love Jap CDs. I've got "Arsenal", "Grammar" and "Rott" as Japanese versions. The attention to detail is astonishing. Also the Jobriath CD releases (Dec 2007) are amazing: exact replicas of the album covers, Quality printing, inner sleeves, etc.

Cheers for the link!
just picked these up for me and a friend...

Omg i saw that in hmv and was like THE SMITHS:D:D
then my mum gave me the evils because she hates them and
i left without it, i could barely sleep that night so i decided to go back the next day to get it and it was gone :tears::tears::tears::tears:

Any chance i could still get it somewhere? I'm devastated
CD promo single ( Japan) "November spawned a monster"

CD - radio promo "That's how people..."

More badges for my collection

the smiths vinyl
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