1995 Feb 1995 Ilford Island, London



12 February 1995
Ilford Island, London

Billy Budd
Have-A-Go Merchant
Spring-Heeled Jim
You're The One For Me Fatty
The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get
Whatever Happens, I Love You
We'll Let You Know
Jack The Ripper
Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself
National Front Disco
Moon River
Hold On To Your Friends
Now My Heart Is Full
/Shoplifters Of The World Unite

This concert was a very good one. Very few fans made it on stage because of the size of the pit between the stage and the barrier. The first person who got there was helped by Morrissey during the encore. The man himself was a bit more talkative than on the previous few nights. There was no change in the setlist.

Entering stage, Morrissey greeted his fans with "Hello to you too!". After "Whatever Happens, I Love You", he asked a girl who had shouted that he was sexy, "Did somebody just say that I was sexy?". Some male fan replied that he was "f***ing sexy" to which Morrissey enquired again "Who me?... I never realised that". Besides the usual lyric changes in "We'll Let You Know", Morrissey sang "I may seem old, and I may even be the most depressing person you've ever known...". After the song, he added "Of course, I realise that we're all completely grown-up now but, nonetheless, I'm still here...".

As was standard on this tour, the noisy "The National Front Disco" ended in an extended chaotic jam of feedback, then segued into a very gentle performance of "Moonriver" with acoustic guitar. After that, to someone who shouted at him to forget London and come back to Manchester, Morrissey replied "I'd rather not, actually". Before "Now My Heart Is Full", Morrissey had this to say about Eric Cantona who was making the news back then: "Since you keep mentioning him, I thought Eric was completely innocent... however, I could be completely wrong".

The crowd broke into a chant of Morrissey's name during the break before the encore. When the man finally returned to the stage, followed by his musicians, he introduced the encore of "Shoplifters Of The World Unite" with "And now, for the older section of the audience...". The fans went crazy for this only number from the Smiths' repertoire in Morrissey's live sets at that point in time. They sang along in ecstasy, almost drowning Morrissey himself.


A rather good audience recording of the full concert is circulated among collectors of bootlegs, either on cd or on the internet. The recording is sometimes listed under the title "Ilford Station 1995".

This concert is also available in its entirety on bootleg VHS. The footage is not professional, it was filmed from the audience just like the audio bootleg.

info from the site 'Passions just like mine'
Morrissey keeps resurrecting Your Arsenal songs that were played on this tour...

can we expect to hear You're The On For Me, Fatty soon too???
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