A couple more new songs?


It's all good
Just having a look through the Warner Chappell database, spotted what might be a couple of new Morrissey/Tobias compositions (unless I missed them off previous lists/posts):

I'm OK By Myself
Sorry Doesn't Help

Are these recent additions? Shame Is The Name Is Not up there, neither is Children In Pieces.


Just having a look through the Warner Chappell database, spotted what might be a couple of new Morrissey/Tobias compositions (unless I missed them off previous lists/posts):

I'm OK By Myself
Sorry Doesn't Help

Are these recent additions? Shame Is The Name Is Not up there, neither is Children In Pieces.



Thanks Peter.
"I'm OK By Myself" and "Sorry Doesn't Help" haven't been reported before.
They are either in Years of Refusal, future single potentials or B-side tracks.

Incidentally exactly three years ago today track listing of ROTT was announced in TTY.
Hopefully we'll get the news sometime soon.
Nice catch Pete ::::::::
all above mentioned songs are not on BMI. Children in Pieces is on ASCAP:

Also on ASCAP:

Unknown to me, at least, this Morrissey/Marr composition: "Fevgo (I Am Leaving)" (something from The Smiths must have been sampled):

and funny enough, for whatever reason a spanish version of How Soon is Now, Cuando es Ahora (probably words translated, but why would you republish the song?):

Likewise, "Mi Chica Es..." in a Coma:

And see if you can guess this one:
Incidentally exactly three years ago today track listing of ROTT was announced in TTY.
Hopefully we'll get the news sometime soon.

Hmph, they're late :o ROTT came out in April.
Some of the song titles of late have been a little less elaborate, Mister Costello will be pleased. :rolleyes:
Just having a look through the Warner Chappell database, spotted what might be a couple of new Morrissey/Tobias compositions (unless I missed them off previous lists/posts):

I'm OK By Myself
Sorry Doesn't Help

Are these recent additions? Shame Is The Name Is Not up there, neither is Children In Pieces.



These titles make me nervous.
You should see a Doctor if song titles make you nervous.
Were you attacked by a composer when you were a baby?

No, but I say sorry a lot and I always mean it.
Just having a look through the Warner Chappell database, spotted what might be a couple of new Morrissey/Tobias compositions (unless I missed them off previous lists/posts):

I'm OK By Myself
Sorry Doesn't Help

Are these recent additions? Shame Is The Name Is Not up there, neither is Children In Pieces.



These do not bode well. He continues down the obstinate path away from "Literary" to "Literal," in no small part due to the uninspiring "melodies" this cloth-eared clod provides. God damn the day that Morrissey hired Jesse Tobias...I've had my gutful of him and then some.

Just for the record I currently have no reason to say sorry because I live a dull life, absolutely faithful to perfection. This makes no sense because I am crazy. I have crazy sex dreams that NEVER come true too.
if you care to just jott them down LOL :horny:

Well I would but they're not about Morrissey, just an ordinary boy like yourself.
Just for the record I currently have no reason to say sorry because I live a dull life, absolutely faithful to perfection. This makes no sense because I am crazy. I have crazy sex dreams that NEVER come true too.

Hmm...I'm thinking you're taking the term "General Discussion" a little too loosely..:rolleyes:
Just having a look through the Warner Chappell database, spotted what might be a couple of new Morrissey/Tobias compositions (unless I missed them off previous lists/posts):

I'm OK By Myself
Sorry Doesn't Help

Are these recent additions? Shame Is The Name Is Not up there, neither is Children In Pieces.



Well spotted. I checked the site a couple of weeks ago and they weren't there then. Disappointing song titles tho. "I'm OK by Myself" echoes the closing lyric of That's How People Grow Up; not a good sign.
The other new titles on Warner Chappell sound a lot more convincing. Sounds like Moz has a ton of new material. Let's hope he puts the very best songs on the album and, if there is a god, please don't let it include "That's How People Grow Up"!
Well spotted. I checked the site a couple of weeks ago and they weren't there then. Disappointing song titles tho. "I'm OK by Myself" echoes the closing lyric of That's How People Grow Up; not a good sign.
The other new titles on Warner Chappell sound a lot more convincing. Sounds like Moz has a ton of new material. Let's hope he puts the very best songs on the album and, if there is a god, please don't let it include "That's How People Grow Up"!

It's probably a little boxing joke. OK, KO. You know when you're writing something you "knock it out?" Maybe he writes alone, that sort of thing.

People call me crazy but it's fun analyzing a song's content without even hearing the song. :p

In the grand scheme of things he's OK because he's from the UK.
The Warner Chappell site has been updated: Shame is the Name is a Morrissey / Whyte composition.

I like it already. :cool:

Thanks :)

I know, right? Alain wrote the music and Chrissie Hynde sings on it - what else do you need?

I'm hoping that some of the different influences you can hear on Alain's new tracks from his myspace site creep into this album. He is obviously on top of his game. I don't want it to sound like a bunch of warmed over glam rock. But if he's not playing on it, god only knows what his songs will turn out like.
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