Alain's band Stadium plays "This Charming Man"

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The singer is nothing worth noting but as far as the guitar goes, absolutely everything else Alain puts his hand to.

Still so sorely missed.
Reckon this rocks. I know there are no people on here from Uncle Steve's hometown, but where is this in Altadena? Is Alain still living in that condo in Redondo Beach? I reckon now I know why Steve fired Alain. Alain drinks Jose Cuervo and Steve is a Corona man.
Thank God for someone who can play that guitar part. I love Alain and it's always nice to see what he's up to, but part of me wishes he would stop posting these Smiths/Morrissey covers. It makes him look a bit desperate, and he's worth more than that.
Thank God for someone who can play that guitar part. I love Alain and it's always nice to see what he's up to, but part of me wishes he would stop posting these Smiths/Morrissey covers. It makes him look a bit desperate, and he's worth more than that.

Worth more than that? You sure? He wrote Dagenham Dave and Roy's Keen - two of the worst songs of all time.
Alain change the band's name to Corner Pub. It is the only thing you will sell out.
Quick note of possible interest... this is actually video I recorded and any perceived limitations on the quality of it are strictly my fault. The actual performance was amazing, as are the band. There is some exciting stuff in the works both from Stadium and Alain. I know many will appreciate what's to come :)
Reckon this rocks. I know there are no people on here from Uncle Steve's hometown, but where is this in Altadena? Is Alain still living in that condo in Redondo Beach? I reckon now I know why Steve fired Alain. Alain drinks Jose Cuervo and Steve is a Corona man.

You're a bit like the Alta Vista search engine, sadly outdated.
Alain is - still - a great guitarist and musician. He knows WE know this and I guess everyone in Team Morrissey knows it too. This is not the reason he's no longer in the band.
Most of all, I miss Alain's compositions and musical arrangements......not because the band are not doing great work too, just that Alain adds an extra dimension.
The problem with Roy's Keen is more lyrical than musical, even the vocal melody is not too bad. I don't see anything wrong with Dagenham Dave and it certain ranks higher than most YOR tracks. This performance is stronger than this one a few years back. here:
Different singer? I can't tell but Alain seems to play the song tighter.

I want to know when Alain is releasing his solo material he said he'd have out a few months ago with the facebook post of the song "Born To Hang"!
Morrissey’s solo career (for me) definitely changed for the worse when Alain left. Next to Johnny, he’s the best songwriting partner Moz has had. Of course there have been some good songs post Alain - but - in general, I liked the Moz sound much better with him.
First singer was like Shea Whigham playing Bono. New guy is...?
And please, before you go public, consider a different band name than "Stadium".

Nonetheless, Alain is a treasure. Yes, he co-wrote so many Morrissey songs that there are bound to be some stinkers in there, but that's not the always fault of the music. There are timeless modern classics in the canon.
I miss Alain as well. Moz was never as good live without Alain as he gave an edge that the butcher Tobias just doesn't have. Album wise there's been some interesting stuff since the departure though a couple of Alain compositions would have been nice additions.

Always curious about whose choice it was to leave the band. I always got the feeling there was some animosity between Boz and Alain.
I miss Alain as well. Moz was never as good live without Alain as he gave an edge that the butcher Tobias just doesn't have. Album wise there's been some interesting stuff since the departure though a couple of Alain compositions would have been nice additions.

Always curious about whose choice it was to leave the band. I always got the feeling there was some animosity between Boz and Alain.

Has there ever been speculation that Tobias himself pushed for him to leave the band
"Excuse me, but I believe the guitar is supposed to go DUR-DUR-DUR DURRDURR DURRDURR DUR DUR DURR DURR DUR DURR."
-Jesse Tobias
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