Anne Marie Waters: Morrissey supports For Britain

Well that was roughly about the same time when NME attached Moz in quite the same way that The Guardian and the Skinnybots on here are attacking him now.
So not that much has changed really.
Yes. Memory is selective here.
What a load of f***ing horseshit. If he cares about animals he could have supported the Greens or Lib Dems. But he didn't. He went for the Nazis.
@ Sinnybob You need to calm down!

Hey! Nice link. If Morrissey shut his gob, focused on music and tried to rekindle some of his long-lost lyrical prowess - his next album might chart somewhere higher than 25 spots below one of Taylor’s reissues!
What a load of f***ing horseshit. If he cares about animals he could have supported the Greens or Lib Dems. But he didn't. He went for the Nazis.

Your relationship with the truth is straight out of the Joeseph Goebbel's handbook. You really are rabidly deranged.
Another car crash of cynical support; an attempt at clarity and distancing from Morrissey for his support of this tawdry party. Another back fire.

So, if we accept these 2 issues as fact does it negate what the party itself stands for? No. No, it doesn't.

Neither he nor Waters will be affected by Brexit - they both hold dual nationality, Irish.

Shame on them both.
What a load of f***ing horseshit. If he cares about animals he could have supported the Greens or Lib Dems. But he didn't. He went for the Nazis.

"Nazis". I shudder each time I read someone refer to contemporary British political organizations as "Nazis". It's become the accepted norm it seems to me. And yet millions and millions and millions of us live with the knowledge of what actual Nazis did to our families. However abhorrent you may find AM Waters or Nigel Farage, they are not Nazis. They have not perpetrated genocide and do not advocate it now. Call them 'far right', 'racist' or 'bigots' or whatever you think they are. In my opinion you do your cause a disservice when you refer to them as Nazis.
Morrissey is not in trouble.

But these motherf***ing employees of MINE on the CLAPTON LIBERATION OF THE WORLD POOR TOUR are gonna be in a lot of trouble if I don't get the readout I asked for three FREAKING hours ago.

These people with GREAT health insurance THINK that what we are doing is a GAME when LIVES ARE ON THE LINE.

Ingrates are ALWAYS the MOST incompetent.

‘Morrissey is in trouble because he supports For Britain’

Well I guess if she repeats it enough, it may become true.

So desperate to claim him as one of their own.

Good luck with that.


I don't wanna know who skinny puppy supports but since he goes to this socialist boys club regularly he is like most socialists out there who pretend to be socialist but are in fact commies.

Why is it so hard for them to wave their Lenin and Stalin banners and stand up for what they believe in?
I'm opposed to halal slaugher too fwiw. Bigly.

Morrissey supports me too. Mostly because i'm a compliant bimbo with an IQ of 75. But also because I am a militant lesbian and vegetarian.

Ok. bye bye.
don't put yourself down poli I love bimbos ,cant get enough of them.long live the getting that on my gravestone.
for britain
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