Atlanta Show - 6/4 - CANCELED

Pissed beyond belief.. I am as big as a Morrissey fan as anybody. I spend thousands of dollars traveling to see him. I've wasted thousands of dollars with these cancellations and it's beyond a joke. This is absolutely ridiculous. Nobody, and I mean nobody, gets ill or sick so often to the point where they need to cancel. 4 times in the last couple of years for Atlanta. I'm f***ing furious and it just makes you question your devotion to Moz ad his music. This is ridiculous.
He needs a good steak down his Gregory. Vegans are always getting sick.

Ah, a topical response from someone who refers to Gregory Peck. You really are right up to the minute. And then ... a sweeping generalisation about vegans always getting sick. Morrissey has never declared himself vegan - vegetarian, yes.

I feel sorry for anyone who was supposed to be at the show. Morrissey has cancelled more shows than I care to remember and each was crushing - particularly if you have traveled considerable distances. When buying tickets I generally suspected that I would not get to see all of the gigs and this, in general, been the case. The disappointment of cancellation is a huge issue for fans but it is part and parcel of a Morrissey tour - big or small. The cancellation notice being denounced by Kirsteen Young is most annoying. Now there is just wide speculation as Kirsteen refutes the published information. Why couldn't 'they' just tell fans what had happened - the 'virus' clearly did not affect Kirsteen as stated.

To those worried about future shows. I'm sure some of them will go ahead. Constant cancellation affect Morrissey's insurance and he and his management will want to rectify this asap.

Good luck.
This is the 2nd year in a row he's canceled a show I held tickets for. He's truly a piece of shit. He's not sick, he's f***ing entitled. He has his head shoved so far up his pretentious asshole that he could careless about anyone else. He lives in LA, he should leave. Americans don't conduct business like this. We have work ethic and respect for other people. We honor our responsibilities. If I were England I wouldn't want to claim his sorry ass either. He hates it so much and doesn't like the monarchy, maybe he should go back to the piss poor village in Ireland where he came from. Milk a goat or two and rot!

So you bought tickets WHY exactly? Sounds like YOU are the piece of shit f***tard for wasting cash on someone you feel this way about, no?

Oh, and here in the UK, there's plenty who despise the monarchy - doesn't make us any less British or any less patriotic. The monarchy is symbolic, a cash-draining tourist attraction, nothing more. Anyone with even the most cursory grade-school understanding of British history knows that.

The real problem here is the endless hugs and handshakes - that's how you pick up viruses and other illnesses with such predictable frequency (especially when you're in your mid-50s). But I'm sure he wouldn't want to give that up and neither would the audience. Imagine if a "No stage invasions, no handshakes" rule was suddenly and strictly enforced - there'd be more of the above "so f***ing distant...out of touch (literally!)... more aloof than ever, doesn't care about fans, killed the whole Moz gig experience" etc etc. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. But I guess that's the way people here like it.
The reason he's still relevant at 55 is because *that bloke doesn't compromise*. He doesn't respond to your needs, he doesn't consider your feelings, he only responds to criticism with greater rage. He follows the flame, and he goes where it leads him.

Well said. I wish more artists would follow Morrissey's lead and cancel gigs because they are ill all the time. Then they might be relevant. There's nothing worse than buying a ticket to see a band, getting there and finding out they are actually going to play. That shit is SO annoying and lame.
Maybe Cobb Count(r)y should rethink its anti-gay, misogynistic, racist, and paramilitary politics? Just a thought. I live in Atlanta, and I will not spend a single penny in any of these places. Morrissey, enjoy the Cheez-its, and I will see you in far-off... well, not Cobb County.

I was going to be travelling to see the show from Carolina so I do not know anything at all about Cobb County or Atlanta but I think it is safe to assume that the overwhelming majority of fans going to a Moz show are not "anti-gay, misogynistic, racist". If that is really the reason he has suddenly become so sick 4 times in a row he is punishing loyal, die-hard fans and not homophobic asshole and racists...
I've never met a gay-hating Smiths/Morrissey fan... I don't think that is possible.
Crikey ! You have to be a full retard to fly to or travel any distance for a Morrissey show.
I feel lucky that I've only had one show cancelled: Olympic Sports Arena, Los Angeles, Summer 1994.

(Cancelled a couple weeks after tickets were sold without Morrissey's consent.)

You may have been lucky, but you memory is a bit blurry. The venue was the Grand Olympic Auditorium, and it was first booked in April 1994, and soon after Morrissey found out the show was scheduled, he had it "cancelled" - I remember it being "rescheduled" for the fall of 1994, and about a month before the reschedule, he had it "cancelled" again. (he explained this in an interview on KROQ when he was promoting Maladjusted, I still have it on a cassette, you know where he was happy to be interviewed and in between the interview, clips of songs from Maladjusted were being played.)
The arrogance of Americans is sickening. Many countries have no Morrissey concerts at all, you have like 30 shows and yet have impudence to moan about one cancelled show. If you weren't that lazy you would be able to see Morrissey many time this year already but no you'd better wait till he plays next door because you are too used to your couch to get up and travel. And seeing how bored you look at his concerts standing in the first rows like mannequins why bother going anyway?
Morrissey should cancel the remainder of the tour while he can...i plan on being at the last show of the tour...I'm just not going to tell you which one I'm planning on making it...pretty easy to sneak things through security at these venues...

I'm very worried about this post. Likelyhood doesn't come into it when the possible outcome could be this bad.

Do you remember the Noel Gallagher incident on stage in Canada in 2008? A fan snook under the stage, appeared from the back and tackled him to the ground. Noel remembers feeling the floor to be wet and initially thought he had been stabbed. When that happened I immediately thought of Morrissey. If a fan was going to do that to any artist, it'd be a Morrissey fan to Morrissey. People want to know if he is human.
Saw him last week in St. Pete....He looked and sounded great. The band played strong.

After the show I does he do it? He's singing almost all strong forceful songs,... almost no ballads with a driving, blasting band behind him. He's really singing...not just shouting. He puts himself into the performance totally. It's got to be a strain on the nervous system. If you look at the tour dates....there was very little breaks in between shows. His last show in Miami was excellent...I posted a link of a review in the Miami Herald.

Here's hoping that he and his crew recover quickly because his admirers need to see this performance....there's no one out there like Morrissey.

***Note to Webmaster here on Morrissey Solo.....I agree with the post above. Report this to the authorities....I has to be taken seriously.....
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She's going to curse the album like she's cursed this day. BUT, we get to feel sorry for her, that's right where she likes it. Poor Kristeen doesn't get to play. Poor Kristeen doesn't get paid. Poor Kristeen is only the backup singer. Toxic. Swap her out for a theramin is the best idea I've heard all day.

Crystal, you seriously need some help because your anti Kristeen posts are just ridiculous now. Grow up and get a life.
Maybe Cobb Count(r)y should rethink its anti-gay, misogynistic, racist, and paramilitary politics? Just a thought. I live in Atlanta, and I will not spend a single penny in any of these places. Morrissey, enjoy the Cheez-its, and I will see you in far-off... well, not Cobb County.

You live in Atlanta? Not Cobb County? Well, I live in Cobb County. I'm trying to think of the anti-gay, misogynistic, racist and paramilitary politics of the county to which you speak. Please cite some examples for me.

My two cents: Saw him at the last show here was here for (Tabernacle in Nov. 2007, it was fantastic) and didn't buy an advance ticket this time. Figured I'd wait because of his history and kept an eye on CL for the last couple weeks. That's the smart thing to do nowadays, especially here in Atlanta (or Asheville).
The arrogance of Americans is sickening. Many countries have no Morrissey concerts at all, you have like 30 shows and yet have impudence to moan about one cancelled show. If you weren't that lazy you would be able to see Morrissey many time this year already but no you'd better wait till he plays next door because you are too used to your couch to get up and travel. And seeing how bored you look at his concerts standing in the first rows like mannequins why bother going anyway?
You do realize the size and expense of traveling our lovely country. It's not as simple as it seems. Driving through my state alone can take up to ten hours to drive out of.
I was going to be travelling to see the show from Carolina so I do not know anything at all about Cobb County or Atlanta but I think it is safe to assume that the overwhelming majority of fans going to a Moz show are not "anti-gay, misogynistic, racist". If that is really the reason he has suddenly become so sick 4 times in a row he is punishing loyal, die-hard fans and not homophobic asshole and racists...
I've never met a gay-hating Smiths/Morrissey fan... I don't think that is possible.

I'm not shading the fans, just the COUNTY hosting the concert. Morrissey has always had a lovely time at the Fabulous Fox or the Tabernacle.

Edit: hosts — hosting. I should be awake.
Edit Again: Tabernacle, not Masquerade. I'm not even sure I've been to Masquerade.
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You live in Atlanta? Not Cobb County? Well, I live in Cobb County. I'm trying to think of the anti-gay, misogynistic, racist and paramilitary politics of the county to which you speak. Please cite some examples for me.

Anti-gay; misogynistic; as my friends tell me, don't DWB in C-O-B-B, and FFS THEY BOUGHT SURPLUS U.S. MILITARY TANKS (three if memory serves me). No need to knock and serve a warrant when the building can be knocked down.
I saw him for two shows in CA and two in TX, and I truly, truly hope this is a one-off cancellation for whatever reason. He is looking and sounding f*cking incredible. I have tix for AC, Boston and Brooklyn and was really looking forward to seeing and hearing the shows progress even more as the tour went on. Fingers crossed!!!
This is exactly why I waited till today to buy a ticket. When I went to the Cobb Energy website and saw that it was cancelled, I just started to laugh. Not about their poor health (so they say) but about the situation that keeps repeating for Atlanta shows. I am so so happy I waited. I will never buy tickets before the day of the show for him ever again.
With all your bitching Solo-Slime, you still buy the tickets, you still buy the music, you are still on a "fan site", he just needs to stop giving you the fodder to feed off of. You pathetic twats need to hold yourselves accountable for buying it and quit your sobbing.
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