Atlanta Show - 6/4 - CANCELED

I can't believe I was stupid enough to buy Morrissey tickets again. Johnny Marr is actually a lot better anyway. Looking forward to his tour if he takes it to the US.
If he doesn't play on Friday then something very bad happened. He was doing so well! The show in Miami got great reviews.
Kristeen Young Facebook comments. is she booted off the tour again? Is the tour cancelled? WTF IS SHE GETTIN AT?

Wow! This is scary. The US tour is over in a couple of weeks anyway, but this has an ominous tone:( I wonder is she just means that after this tour she is no longer Morrissey's "permanent" support. She suggested that in a recent interview. I do like her, but I'd be fine with that.
I don't think she meant the tour is ending this month, as she said " you will understand soon"

What exactly is going on? I saw my favourite comedian while he was on a punishing tour last fall. He had pneumonia, is 42 and a smoker and was practically half dead but he never cancelled a date.
This is the 2nd year in a row he's canceled a show I held tickets for. He's truly a piece of shit. He's not sick, he's f***ing entitled. He has his head shoved so far up his pretentious asshole that he could careless about anyone else. He lives in LA, he should leave. Americans don't conduct business like this. We have work ethic and respect for other people. We honor our responsibilities. If I were England I wouldn't want to claim his sorry ass either. He hates it so much and doesn't like the monarchy, maybe he should go back to the piss poor village in Ireland where he came from. Milk a goat or two and rot!

Hahaha, thanks for the Thursday morning giggle.
Davidt, as the moderator of this board you need to acknowledge the credible death threat that was posted on here. You are the responsible party that can track the IP address on anon posters and at least report location to the FBI. Posts like that should not be ignored and need to be addressed immediately.
So this is sort of ironic, I just drove down 75 on way to work past Cobb Energy Center where the show was to be. And right then on Sirius XM First Wave alt retro station comes on Morrissey's "Tomorrow." This is funny as a fan who has now had tix to several cancelled shows, and each time I have thought, ok, will catch him next time. So as Morrissey sang, I thought, truer words have not been spoken in some time:

Tomorrow, Will it really come? And if it does come, Will I still be human?...

Oh! The pain in my arms! Oh! The pain in my legs! Oh! My shiftless body. Tommorrow, It's surely nearer now.
You don't think I'll make it, I never said I wanted to. Well, did I?
I can't believe I was stupid enough to buy Morrissey tickets again. Johnny Marr is actually a lot better anyway. Looking forward to his tour if he takes it to the US.

Oh know you love Moz. And Johnny Marr already took his tour here....14 months ago! Guess you missed that too. Time to get caught up.
Does he know he won't get insurance if he cancels anymore tours? Hope his savings account has plenty in it.

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