Buffalo Rollcall

Dear WhippetGood,


Thank you for your fabulous pictures and videos!!!
Awesome videos!

I thought he said "that's my foot" during Ask! Awesome. I didn't get to see the stage invaders so well because I had to be behind the TALLEST man in the audience. And of course people had to stand. >.<
But I know they went CRAZY then. I loved how at least 2 people just wrapped their arm around his shoulders for a good 5 seconds each with this look like they were cuddling their favorite teddy bear.

I loved when he was talking about got Record Theater too, and he said he was looking for the Stinky Pots or something (which of course they don't have) and then someone near the stage yelled out something and then he mockingly said "I know Journey." Morrissey making fun of people who like Journey and Journey themselves = :love:
Take that obnoxious people behind me who screamed "Journey RULES". XP

And he had 3 clips of Shocking Blue, including them singing "Inkpot". They're like an awesomer version of Jefferson Airplane, I really need to look more into them.
totally swooned during seasick.... i couldn't see his facial expressions from where we were, but this video.... woah, you have to wonder.... he really feels the song, doesn't he?!
Morrissey making fun of people who like Journey and Journey themselves = :love:
Take that obnoxious people behind me who screamed "Journey RULES". XP

Journey DOES rule :guitar::p

Journey DOES rule :guitar::p


:rock: I have a giant pin with a photo of him singing while wearing that top. It's not even a shirt. It's a top, like laddies wear. But Steve Perry is the man.
buffalo ny
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