Celebrities and their schooldays - Morrissey included

Thank you very much Danny.

Again Aileen Power gave good comment about Morrissey. :)
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That woman has so misjudged him. Funny how much of a mystery he is to people who don't get him.
That woman has so misjudged him. Funny how much of a mystery he is to people who don't get him.

The description of him in his schooldays was probably spot-on, it has nothing to do with "not getting" him. Steven the private, introverted bookworm and the 'Morrissey' we see onstage are completely different people, he has always said that.
The description of him in his schooldays was probably spot-on, it has nothing to do with "not getting" him. Steven the private, introverted bookworm and the 'Morrissey' we see onstage are completely different people, he has always said that.

I agree with you on that. I wasn't clear. Sorry. What I mean is that she couldn't see his brilliance at the time.

Also, she played down his horrible school days by mentioning that he was never in much trouble. He's discussed this in interviews. He never claimed that he was often in trouble. He's said that they never beat him. It was the fear of it and the emotional abuse that affected him so deeply.
At first she says Morrissey was exaggerating the brutality then she says it was brutal, so I think there's a bit of rewriting history there. I think she doesn't want to admit her own complicity with such an institution. I wonder how many boys she sent to be caned?
Loved it!
At first she says Morrissey was exaggerating the brutality then she says it was brutal, so I think there's a bit of rewriting history there. I think she doesn't want to admit her own complicity with such an institution. I wonder how many boys she sent to be caned?

Your spot on Danny! I work as a teaching assistant in high school in a deprived area of the North West and as we all know comprehensive schools are far more informal than they used to be with mentors, pastoral ( to help with personal and home problems)and TA’s like me who works with dyslexic pupils and pupils with SEN.
The old intuitions were cold, unfeeling places which wanted to breed robots and machines. If he had been opinionated in disagreeing with her he may have been punished. The school didn’t have a music dept (poor Morrissey) they probably didn’t have a drama dept (too limp listed as they would say) so any promotion of creative arts was out.
Actually Morrissey excelled at sports, winning many medals on sports day. He said the 100 meters sprit was his specialty. This tells me that his running talent was natural ability and not encouraged judging by the mocking tones of the PE staff.
I’m really angry with her for trying to imply that she caused him to become passionate about animal welfare when we all know that when he was 11 he watched a TV documentary about abattoirs and he became a vegetarian then and there also his mum was a veggie long before that so oblivious had more influence. As for the pro-life thing, has Morrissey ever mentions this? Or is she using his name to try and highlight her own cause.
As for her (Mrs. Power, what a name) saying he wasn’t the cleverest well when you are in a cold, brutal, unwelcoming atmosphere you feel too uncomfortable to speak. Morrissey is self educated so I believe he probably didn‘t want to waste his time in challenging lesser intellects including her.
Sorry this is so long I’m really angry this. She should have kept it short and sweet instead of taking credit for his beliefs which he would have mentioned anyway if they were valid.
So please cheer me up with some facts about Morrissey’s running ability and exercise routine x
Schoolboy Moz picture from the article


Very nice.

Your spot on Danny! I work as a teaching assistant in high school in a deprived area of the North West and as we all know comprehensive schools are far more informal than they used to be with mentors, pastoral ( to help with personal and home problems)and TA’s like me who works with dyslexic pupils and pupils with SEN.
The old intuitions were cold, unfeeling places which wanted to breed robots and machines. If he had been opinionated in disagreeing with her he may have been punished. The school didn’t have a music dept (poor Morrissey) they probably didn’t have a drama dept (too limp listed as they would say) so any promotion of creative arts was out.
Actually Morrissey excelled at sports, winning many medals on sports day. He said the 100 meters sprit was his specialty. This tells me that his running talent was natural ability and not encouraged judging by the mocking tones of the PE staff.
I’m really angry with her for trying to imply that she caused him to become passionate about animal welfare when we all know that when he was 11 he watched a TV documentary about abattoirs and he became a vegetarian then and there also his mum was a veggie long before that so oblivious had more influence. As for the pro-life thing, has Morrissey ever mentions this? Or is she using his name to try and highlight her own cause.
As for her (Mrs. Power, what a name) saying he wasn’t the cleverest well when you are in a cold, brutal, unwelcoming atmosphere you feel too uncomfortable to speak. Morrissey is self educated so I believe he probably didn‘t want to waste his time in challenging lesser intellects including her.
Sorry this is so long I’m really angry this. She should have kept it short and sweet instead of taking credit for his beliefs which he would have mentioned anyway if they were valid.
So please cheer me up with some facts about Morrissey’s running ability and exercise routine x


"Limp wristed" really rubbed me the wrong way too. What a horrible way for a supposedly educated person to say that they suspected he was queer. No wonder he was miserable there.

I really get the feeling that time hasn't changed this woman's feelings towards that brutal school.
"Limp wristed" really rubbed me the wrong way too. What a horrible way for a supposedly educated person to say that they suspected he was queer.

i'm not sure why '"limp wristed"' should cause you any greater offence than 'queer'.
i'm not sure why '"limp wristed"' should cause you any greater offence than 'queer'.

any word she uses instead of another is a way of saying "I don't even know how to call him"
I didn't like "limp-wristed" :mad:
i'm not sure why '"limp wristed"' should cause you any greater offence than 'queer'.

Because "queer" is now a valid way of saying that someone's sexuality differs from the traditional norms. Also, it's a good way of defining Morrissey, because he's not really easy to place on the spectrum. It would be wrong to say he's gay or straight and bi doesn't quite fit either (even though that's how I think of him, really).

Either way, should she really have brought it up at all? I don't think so. What's her point?
Either way, should she really have brought it up at all? I don't think so. What's her point?
To put him down! After all he talks very bleakly about his time at high school but speaks fondly of his junior school. In the TV interview he says his secondary school was “Very sadistic school, very barbaric” and that the 5 years spent there had no affect on him want so ever. These are very strong words which to me imply violence and cruelty.
I’ve also read interviews where he lambasts the Manchester school system for his lack of education.
if this link doesn't work just type in, morrissey talks about his youth on youtube.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/3JOl3YaDCQI&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/3JOl3YaDCQI&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
and i hope he changed about the abortion thing... but I probably shouldn't even start...?

That's another thing. She's bringing up something he did once when young and has never spoken about again. So this anti-choice woman thinks she has Moz on her side. Hrmmm. :rolleyes:
She say's there wasn't a music department, so she was suprised when he chose that route.... School, music what the f***.
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