DAVID TSENG stop this now.

*Raises hand*. BG often posts informative, interesting news items, which are appreciated on a message board littered with useless posts (see above).
> http://www.morrissey-solo.com/comments.pl?sid=16166&cid=120196
> http://www.morrissey-solo.com/comments.pl?sid=16141&cid=119959
> http://www.morrissey-solo.com/comments.pl?sid=16141&cid=119946
> http://www.morrissey-solo.com/comments.pl?sid=16141&cid=119909 for more
> bullshit moderation please see:

> http://www.morrissey-solo.com/~Belligerent %20Ghoul/

> And any moderator cowards who have a problem with me and feel the need to
> -1 troll perfectly appropriate comments, please post here under your
> registered names and show yourselves.

Grow up. There is more to life than these crappy points. No-one cares about them. There's a whole world out there!
Re: You're Lucky!! I can't post on the ....

You're lucky that you can post on the main page at all. I'm not even allowed to post as 'anonymous!' I can't even use LOLA on this board. I've complained about that but nobody seems to care.

Be thankful for small things and cease the whine.

Life isn't fair and don't expect it to be.
Re: Honestly, does it really matter?

> lutewhine, BG is right- 90% or more of his comments are solely based on
> what is going on with Mozzer and the tour dates. He doesn't EVER come in
> to chit chat. He comes in here with a PURPOSE. Not to malign you, of
> course.

here here! if i were to have a baby, it's full name would be "belligerent ghoul karma point"
Re: Honestly, does it really matter?

> lutewhine, BG is right- 90% or more of his comments are solely based on
> what is going on with Mozzer and the tour dates. He doesn't EVER come in
> to chit chat. He comes in here with a PURPOSE. Not to malign you, of
> course.

Yes, I can see the point that he's being routinely marked down as -1 or whatever. My point is that I don't think the score a post gets makes any difference to his or anybody elses lives. The scores may as well not be there, really, and it's certainly nothing to get upset over.
Re: Honestly, does it really matter?

> Yes, I can see the point that he's being routinely marked down as -1 or
> whatever. My point is that I don't think the score a post gets makes any
> difference to his or anybody elses lives. The scores may as well not be
> there, really, and it's certainly nothing to get upset over.

exactly. there's so much more to life!
Seriously, do you actually care? You've wound enough people up here that it's no wonder. Actually (and amusingly) your little dummy spitting here is probably only going to make the situation worse.

(And, incidently, I've never moderated you down, although I _have_ moderated you up a few times, from -1 to 0.)
Bra,for the last time.....leave that poor man alone. David's busy with yoshinoya board meetings,he doesnt have time to deal with your crap. Plus,myself abd david and a few others,are about to go to some serious meetings in L.A. To expand the Yoshinoya franchise back east....
> Are you saying that you strategically time the marking down of my comments
> so as to do that when you think I am sleeping?

No, I'm just saying it seemed quite early for you to be posting. I may dislike you, but I'm not obsessed with you.

> So, the sicko that you are you troll my comments based on some wrongs you
> think I committing against your friend Mindy/Chill? Is that right? Chill,
> a person who has proven herself to be the most negative person on this
> site and a hater of Morrissey. Chill a person who posts non-Morrissey
> related threads and fights with everyone. Chill, who I have nothing to do
> with, and never respond to since her return from hiatus.

Well, there's a bit more to it than that. You've admitted you are a troll, so I only place the moniker you ascribe to yourself on your posts.

> And you who incessantly made reprehensible remarks, fabricating mental
> disorders I don't have and making fun of the one that I do have.

It's not incessant, I haven't really been bothered with this site much at all lately. Life really is too short.

> You, a sick person, who should apologize to me for your reprehensible
> conduct, especially when there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Alain
> Whyte is on the extreme end of mental illness.

Yeah, but Alain's not running around sending death threats to people and leaving abusive threatening messages on people's answering machines to my knowledge.

> You, -1 troll my comments? You moderate down my comments?

Frankly hardly ever these days, as I say - life's too short. Honestly.
Who knew that (rightfully) thinking Quarry is a lowpoint in Morrissey's career and an utterly inconsequential, forgettable album means I hate the man? What a fantastically sophisticated logical deduction.

And Bore, bon voyage! Take care of yourself. Thanks for your message.
Re: Honestly, does it really matter?

Whoever is fighting here I suggest some bare knuckle boxing, that or just f*** off!!!
> Bra,for the last time.....leave that poor man alone. David's busy with
> yoshinoya board meetings,he doesnt have time to deal with your crap.
> Plus,myself abd david and a few others,are about to go to some serious
> meetings in L.A. To expand the Yoshinoya franchise back east....
I agree, and may I add:
If he doesn't get help from Charter he needs to get help somewhere.
> No, I'm just saying it seemed quite early for you to be posting. I may
> dislike you, but I'm not obsessed with you.

> Well, there's a bit more to it than that. You've admitted you are a troll,
> so I only place the moniker you ascribe to yourself on your posts.

> It's not incessant, I haven't really been bothered with this site much at
> all lately. Life really is too short.

> Yeah, but Alain's not running around sending death threats to people and
> leaving abusive threatening messages on people's answering machines to my
> knowledge.

Or my personal favorite visiting grave sites for sick twisted reasons known only to himself.
> Who knew that (rightfully) thinking Quarry is a lowpoint in Morrissey's
> career and an utterly inconsequential, forgettable album means I hate the
> man? What a fantastically sophisticated logical deduction.

> And Bore, bon voyage! Take care of yourself. Thanks for your message.

Adieu a toi aussi! Interesting times all round.

*happiest little bore ever*
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