Did anyone happen to watch"22 greatest bands of all time"????

  • Thread starter Mr.Improper PIMP of the fuckin nation...and proud
  • Start date

Mr.Improper PIMP of the fuckin nation...and proud

on vh-1??? who was the ugly ass little 15 yr old wearing the smiths shirt using "like" every other f***in word?????? I wanted to slap the shit outta her."I so like like the cure,all my friends are like wow the cure rock".wtf are you saying whore??????? who was that ugly beeyatch and what is this fascination people have with using the word "like" every other word in a f***in sentence??????

Onto my next point on the shitty show,how do:alice in chains/the smashing idiots/mecrappica/and linkin f***in shitty park make the list and moz and the boys do not??????? who votes for this shit??? i serious doubt it was the "fans" as they claim.
Here's a better question. What's with people like you who use "f***" and "shit" every other word?
in fact both questions are fasctinating. answers, answers, answers
Here's a better question......"why are inbred dickf***s like you allowed to breed????"
And th answer is...

To put intellectual weaklings like you in their place.
Re: And th answer is...

No,thats not true...because had he/she wanted to match wits,i wouldve checked my brain at the door so we could start even.....nice try anus......go back to your job suckin dick on the corner.

Pimp, if I may, you sell yourself so short, and make yourself sound like such an ignorant person. You use vulgarity when its not necessery and are quick to draw when it comes to peoples mothers. You degrade people, yes, but most of all you degrade yourself. I am not one to get involved, but you really do polute this message board. Please think before you post, none of us care about what you eat, who you hate, how long you have been a fan or what you do on your free time. Understand this message and respect it. I am in no way disrespecting you, just stating fact. I know, I know, I am a #$*@ and a !*$#&^@#@ and of course that is so predictable of you. Please tame yourself for the sake of descency and class. Mozzer would appreciate you having some sort of class, think about that next time you post.

Anyone second that?
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