Do you like Elvis?



Or do you believe his success was merely a product of racism? Proof of the supression of black artists.
> Or do you believe his success was merely a product of racism? Proof of the
> supression of black artists.

Yes - lots! Elvis was bigger than almost all artists of the period, white or black - with the exceptions of perhaps Dylan and the Beatles who each overtook him in their own way He was certainly influenced by black artists but used their influence to create his own unique sound and what we now know as Rock n Roll in the process - although Elvis just thought of it as the same rhythm abd blues he had always listened to. He was personally known for his intolerence toward racism btw - quite a stance to take in the late 50s and early 60s. I prefer later Elvis musically myself - 69/72. Try the albums "From Elvis In Memphis" (68) and "Elvis Country" (71)if you are at all curious. They are very cheap these days, remastered, and come with all the singles/b-sides from the same sessions as extra tracks.
he means nothing to me.

great performer. didn't write his own songs. he was just a pop star who managed to have a tremendous impact and then get very fat.
> Or do you believe his success was merely a product of racism? Proof of the
> supression of black artists.

Elvis is the single most important artist in history, right time, right place, right look, AMAZING VOICE!nuff said! It has nothing to do with politics or race.
Elvis - a god-like creature.

Much as it hurts me to say so, the Elvis Sun sessions were possibly just as precious to me as the early Smiths sessions on Kid Jensen and Peely's shows.
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