"England Is Mine" trailer

My feeling is that is if it's something about him that he personally is not making any money out of, he won't like it.


That was my thought. If it does poorly, Morrissey will absolutely trash it. If it does well, maybe wins some awards, watch him attach himself to it like a Remora fish to a shark.

I feel that he'll secretly like it, that someone thought his youth interesting enough to make a film about it, and I'm sure he's proud of the fact that he's come so far from them rotten days, simply for being who he is.

Also, I think he may 'trash it' no matter how good or bad it does.
It can't hurt that this will be released maybe please oh please around the time a new album might drop
It looks interesting to me.I`d like to watch it and make up my own mind.Mind you I`ll probably have to wait until it`s released to dvd. I don`t think I`ll be able to see it in a theater near me.I`d love to though.
Jessica Brown Findlay is stunning. Linder Sterling...not so much...Excellent choice to change the title- "England is Mine" is such an important sentiment from Still Ill and a very early iteration of The Smiths. I know M had the shaggy hair, but it is distracting. I actually get annoyed looking at it. I have no clue how they chose this guy to portray M. His looks are extraordinarily off. His nose is particularly un-Moz-like...whatever...I can't wait to see it.
Like many have noted already, the scene with JM knocking alone seems worth the effort.
It worries me that you are so normal these days. Did they put you on heavy meds or what?

Old CG would have slammed this poor trailer and film project and would have used a very big tool on their ankles and then posted a very scary close up where you look like the woman in "Misery".

I've always been normal. You just saw what you wanted.
I've always been normal. You just saw what you wanted.
Oh come on all those crazy close ups you posted of yourself and all the rants and ravings about this and that and the other.

You were just more alive back then and I miss that.

I think I said it'd be shit but watching this trailer makes me want to fall in love with him again and it looks so well done. It'll be a good thing for him now.

I'm sure he'll nitpick the shit out of the dialogue. "I'd NEVER say that." Etc. f***, knowing how prolifically he lies I wouldn't doubt he was on set giving direction secretly half the time. :p
How many people would be just fine with a movie about them?
How many people would be just fine with a movie about them?

Moz could be one of them despite any comment he would make about the movie when asked.
Oh come on all those crazy close ups you posted of yourself and all the rants and ravings about this and that and the other.

You were just more alive back then and I miss that.

Its called "acting," Urban. You should try it some time. :D
Its called "acting," Urban. You should try it some time. :D
See, I was right all along. That was the real you, the actress inside. Being the daughter of Kathy Bates means you have certain standards to live up to.

Give us a whacky close up!

I see a young Spencer Cobrin in this pic lol

It doesn't end with Johnny Marr knocking on the door and knowing the end of the story doesn't necessarily make for a bad film. After all everyone knew that Ian Curtis would be dead at the end of Control.

See, I was right all along. That was the real you, the actress inside. Being the daughter of Kathy Bates means you have certain standards to live up to.

Give us a whacky close up!

You are the luckiest perv in town. Now stay on topic.

@ around 1:10

' you are the only version of yourself in existence'

not any more! :lbf:
england is mine movie
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