Essen - Colosseum (Nov. 24, 2014) post-show

Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.

Set List:

Suedehead / Staircase At The University / The Queen Is Dead / Kiss Me A Lot / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / World Peace Is None Of Your Business / Scandinavia / Earth Is The Loneliest Planet / Istanbul / One Of Our Own / Trouble Loves Me / How Soon Is Now? / Yes, I Am Blind / Neal Cassady Drops Dead / Kick The Bride Down The Aisle / Meat Is Murder / Speedway // Everyday Is Like Sunday

set list provided by Viva Mozza, order corrected by an anonymous person.

  • Photos by Christoph! / Flickr (32 total), review. Link posted by -Christoph-.

  • Zuschauer stürmen Morrissey-Konzert in Essen - Fans sauer - (30 photos by Sebastian Konopka). Link posted by Viva Mozza.
  • Morrissey bricht Konzert im Essener Colosseum ab - Ruhr Nachrichten (21 photos by Dennis Werner). Link posted by Viva Mozza.
  • Morrissey bricht Konzert ab! - (1 photo by Marc Oliver Hänig). Link posted by an anonymous person.
  • Photos by sabinebrenda / Flickr (14 total). Link posted by May.
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Yet you come on here everyday, what a hypocrite you are as well as being a tosser.

Oh dear. This old chestnut again from another cult member cum genius.

There was a time, and not so very long ago, Morrissey could be mentioned in the same breath as Bowie, perhaps, at times even Dylan and Lennon & McCartney. He was that good, that important. Now his career has reached Essen on a Monday night that is no longer the case. Rather than deliver vital, witty, trenchant songs as he once did he has grown moribund and comfortable flogging a dead horse around at, for tax purposes, a loss.

I've explained here repeatedly that Morrissey today has moved from being a talented songwriter and iconoclast to a sub-Russell Brand multi-millionaire political agitator. He even writes songs as well as Brand. He lies, and lies and lies again and is never challenged by the compliant, terrified, desperate Internet media he deigns to communicate with at arms length. It is not in the interest of these music blogs to ask tough questions. Most read like a poor student newspaper, except their desperation for clicks makes them even more obsequious.

As such, and bearing in mind his decreasing fanbase has never been as moronic as today as your post illustrates, his viewpoints must be challenged and defeated, until the day he either retires or dies.

Lord Haw Haw was hanged. Fortunately for Morrissey we no longer do that, but he deserves to be challenged every bit as strongly as he himself dishes it out.

He is a coward, a liar, and a fool.
Oh dear. This old chestnut again from another cult member cum genius.

There was a time, and not so very long ago, Morrissey could be mentioned in the same breath as Bowie, perhaps, at times even Dylan and Lennon & McCartney. He was that good, that important. Now his career has reached Essen on a Monday night that is no longer the case. Rather than deliver vital, witty, trenchant songs as he once did he has grown moribund and comfortable flogging a dead horse around at, for tax purposes, a loss.

I've explained here repeatedly that Morrissey today has moved from being a talented songwriter and iconoclast to a sub-Russell Brand multi-millionaire political agitator. He even writes songs as well as Brand. He lies, and lies and lies again and is never challenged by the compliant, terrified, desperate Internet media he deigns to communicate with at arms length. It is not in the interest of these music blogs to ask tough questions. Most read like a poor student newspaper, except their desperation for clicks makes them even more obsequious.

As such, and bearing in mind his decreasing fanbase has never been as moronic as today as your post illustrates, his viewpoints must be challenged and defeated, until the day he either retires or dies.

Lord Haw Haw was hanged. Fortunately for Morrissey we no longer do that, but he deserves to be challenged every bit as strongly as he himself dishes it out.

He is a coward, a liar, and a fool.

Why does Morrissey's SUPPOSED struggle to write songs as important and powerful as he once could matter if the same situation doesn't matter for the other artists you mentioned? Dylan hasn't released a good album since 1976, Bowie since 1979, and the last album released by McCartney that was genuinely good was released in 1973.
Of course this is just my opinion and you may say that Tempest is the greatest album released in the last ten years (Doubtful, I expect), but many, many people have been impressed with Morrissey's more recent albums and many people, including me, see him as STILL having the song writing ability to write powerful music. In my view, he certainly does. Are you really telling me that Bowie is as important as he once was??
You're absolutely right barleycorn, at one time morrissey could have been mentioned in the same breath as Bowie, but after the latest excuse for an album from Bowie morrissey has left Bowie far behind, as for playing Essen on a Monday night, morrissey should be praised for playing small venues in out of the way places, he does it for his fans so we all get the chance to see him, and in intimate venues, one of my favourite moz concerts was in Dunoon of all places, morrissey doesn't have to do this, he keeps it real, when was the last Bowie tour? I'm sure Bowie fans would love to see him play a small venue in Essen on a Monday night, you must be gutted about this moz tour jb, so many dates completed, so few cancelled, so much for you're 40% cancelled nonsense
Wouldn't miss this for the world Jay, after the performance there will be a limited number of stencils and t-shirts available outside with the words "Save more penny's shop at Bennys" or "Eating meat is none of your beeswax" on the reverse "f*** Tosserry".
Also available free samples of my award winning sausages and a good friend is letting us bring some Bury black puddings, lean ones as well (thanks Cliff)
There is a free Christmas hamper (includes huge turkey)for any Benny references during meat is tasty.
Let's just hope he doesn't pull a sicky due to poor ticket sales and if he does perform let's pray he performs more than the minimum six songs before throwing his rattles out the pram.
Whatever it's gonna be meaty, enjoy.

Benny-the-British-Butcher ������

Thank you for providing such an excellent service. I'm going to cancel my Terrific British Christmas box from Able and Cole and order one from Benny the Butcher instead.
Oh dear. This old chestnut again from another cult member cum genius.

There was a time, and not so very long ago, Morrissey could be mentioned in the same breath as Bowie, perhaps, at times even Dylan and Lennon & McCartney. He was that good, that important. Now his career has reached Essen on a Monday night that is no longer the case. Rather than deliver vital, witty, trenchant songs as he once did he has grown moribund and comfortable flogging a dead horse around at, for tax purposes, a loss.

I've explained here repeatedly that Morrissey today has moved from being a talented songwriter and iconoclast to a sub-Russell Brand multi-millionaire political agitator. He even writes songs as well as Brand. He lies, and lies and lies again and is never challenged by the compliant, terrified, desperate Internet media he deigns to communicate with at arms length. It is not in the interest of these music blogs to ask tough questions. Most read like a poor student newspaper, except their desperation for clicks makes them even more obsequious.

As such, and bearing in mind his decreasing fanbase has never been as moronic as today as your post illustrates, his viewpoints must be challenged and defeated, until the day he either retires or dies.

Lord Haw Haw was hanged. Fortunately for Morrissey we no longer do that, but he deserves to be challenged every bit as strongly as he himself dishes it out.

He is a coward, a liar, and a fool.

You're talking about a singer, JB. Get a hold of yourself.
Oh dear. This old chestnut again from another cult member cum genius.

There was a time, and not so very long ago, Morrissey could be mentioned in the same breath as Bowie, perhaps, at times even Dylan and Lennon & McCartney. He was that good, that important. Now his career has reached Essen on a Monday night that is no longer the case. Rather than deliver vital, witty, trenchant songs as he once did he has grown moribund and comfortable flogging a dead horse around at, for tax purposes, a loss.

I've explained here repeatedly that Morrissey today has moved from being a talented songwriter and iconoclast to a sub-Russell Brand multi-millionaire political agitator. He even writes songs as well as Brand. He lies, and lies and lies again and is never challenged by the compliant, terrified, desperate Internet media he deigns to communicate with at arms length. It is not in the interest of these music blogs to ask tough questions. Most read like a poor student newspaper, except their desperation for clicks makes them even more obsequious.

As such, and bearing in mind his decreasing fanbase has never been as moronic as today as your post illustrates, his viewpoints must be challenged and defeated, until the day he either retires or dies.

Lord Haw Haw was hanged. Fortunately for Morrissey we no longer do that, but he deserves to be challenged every bit as strongly as he himself dishes it out.

He is a coward, a liar, and a fool.

But you don't "explain" anything, JB, it's just angry, adolescent ranting. You come here day after day, week after week, to peddle your daft "everything Morrissey does is wrong" agenda and to insist that you no longer care - which is pretty odd considering the amount of time you spend here given that you think Morrissey is a washed up "coward, liar and fool". It's also pretty bizarre that you believe you know how history will judge Morrissey. Nobody can predict how history will unfold, not even the great brain of JB. So in the meantime, please tell us why you come here every day. Tell us why you spend so much time and energy on "a coward, a liar and a fool". If you seriously believe that troll-like postings on an ephemeral internet forum represent a cogent "challenge" that's going to change anything Morrissey says or does or the way he is perceived by the public at large, then you're even more moronic and deluded than the Russell Brands of this world. I doubt I'm the only one who is interested to know why you expend so much time and emotional energy on someone you profess to despise. To my mind, there's only one coward, liar and fool around here. As others have said here in the past, the spectacle of you desperately trying to claim moral superiority over a pop star is beyond pathetic; it's the most sad, pointless, wasteful exercise. You behave exactly like a bitter, rejected lover who stalks his ex online every single day. Get some help for your issues with anger and low self-esteem and then limit yourself to 2 hours on the net per week. You'll be much happier once you've let go, love.
You're absolutely right barleycorn, at one time morrissey could have been mentioned in the same breath as Bowie, but after the latest excuse for an album from Bowie morrissey has left Bowie far behind, as for playing Essen on a Monday night, morrissey should be praised for playing small venues in out of the way places, he does it for his fans so we all get the chance to see him, and in intimate venues, one of my favourite moz concerts was in Dunoon of all places, morrissey doesn't have to do this, he keeps it real, when was the last Bowie tour? I'm sure Bowie fans would love to see him play a small venue in Essen on a Monday night, you must be gutted about this moz tour jb, so many dates completed, so few cancelled, so much for you're 40% cancelled nonsense

I bet Mr Bowie could sell out the 02 for several nights running so let's see our Steven Action Tosserrey manages in just one shall we.
I'm not a Bowie fan either it's just a simple logic, even you should get it, go on think hard you can do it if you put your mind to it.

Oh dear. This old chestnut again from another cult member cum genius.

There was a time, and not so very long ago, Morrissey could be mentioned in the same breath as Bowie, perhaps, at times even Dylan and Lennon & McCartney. He was that good, that important. Now his career has reached Essen on a Monday night that is no longer the case. Rather than deliver vital, witty, trenchant songs as he once did he has grown moribund and comfortable flogging a dead horse around at, for tax purposes, a loss.

I've explained here repeatedly that Morrissey today has moved from being a talented songwriter and iconoclast to a sub-Russell Brand multi-millionaire political agitator. He even writes songs as well as Brand. He lies, and lies and lies again and is never challenged by the compliant, terrified, desperate Internet media he deigns to communicate with at arms length. It is not in the interest of these music blogs to ask tough questions. Most read like a poor student newspaper, except their desperation for clicks makes them even more obsequious.

As such, and bearing in mind his decreasing fanbase has never been as moronic as today as your post illustrates, his viewpoints must be challenged and defeated, until the day he either retires or dies.

Lord Haw Haw was hanged. Fortunately for Morrissey we no longer do that, but he deserves to be challenged every bit as strongly as he himself dishes it out.

He is a coward, a liar, and a fool.

And the bit you dont't get is that this is your view, others may not share your view, yet you come here trying to force your view on others. Odd behavour but if this is what floats your boat, so be it.

I just think you are a tosser
yeah bowie hasnt been relevant to anyone in my generation really except as an old retired act. the buddha of suburbia, geez. album was almost as bad as the cover
Oh dear. This old chestnut again from another cult member cum genius.

There was a time, and not so very long ago, Morrissey could be mentioned in the same breath as Bowie, perhaps, at times even Dylan and Lennon & McCartney. He was that good, that important. Now his career has reached Essen on a Monday night that is no longer the case. Rather than deliver vital, witty, trenchant songs as he once did he has grown moribund and comfortable flogging a dead horse around at, for tax purposes, a loss.

I've explained here repeatedly that Morrissey today has moved from being a talented songwriter and iconoclast to a sub-Russell Brand multi-millionaire political agitator. He even writes songs as well as Brand. He lies, and lies and lies again and is never challenged by the compliant, terrified, desperate Internet media he deigns to communicate with at arms length. It is not in the interest of these music blogs to ask tough questions. Most read like a poor student newspaper, except their desperation for clicks makes them even more obsequious.

As such, and bearing in mind his decreasing fanbase has never been as moronic as today as your post illustrates, his viewpoints must be challenged and defeated, until the day he either retires or dies.

Lord Haw Haw was hanged. Fortunately for Morrissey we no longer do that, but he deserves to be challenged every bit as strongly as he himself dishes it out.

He is a coward, a liar, and a fool.

Oh for f***'s sake Johnny - does it really matter? He's a singer-songwriter, he didn't start the Iraq War. Think what Bush and Blair have to answer for and ask yourself whether a pop singer is really an important, necessary target for your dumb little campaign of (self-)righteous indignation.

Added to which, your comment about Bowie & McCartney is completely fatuous. ALL artists have peaks and troughs, even the greats. And in the case of the greats, the troughs don't diminish the peaks. McCartney has written nothing remotely memorable or enduring since the mid-70s (FORTY years ago!), but this inconvenient truth doesn't diminish his reputation which is predominantly based on the impact of The Beatles and the songs he wrote with Lennon. I can't even remember when Dylan was last relevant, but it doesn't detract from the legacy of his early work. Everything Bowie did between '83 and '93 was horrendously, embarrassingly, toe-curlingly awful and derivative, but none of it diminishes his reputation which is based on the strength and importance of the work he did before and after this period. Likewise, Morrissey's current (comparative) trough in no way diminishes his reputation which is predominantly based on the impact and enduring influence of The Smiths, the songs he wrote with Marr, and his Bona Drag/Your Arsenal/Vauxhall/Quarry material. And does anyone seriously care about the public pronouncements made by pop singers? Bowie, McCartney, Lennon, Dylan, Bono et al have also spouted some serious shite over the years, but it's quickly forgotten because it's the music for which they are always remembered - and inconsequential social/political remarks don't diminish musical reputations either.

Grow up and get a life (and a sense of perspective) Johnny, you'll never impress or convince anyone with such abject naivete. The implication that you come here all the time out of a sense of duty or purpose, the altruistic need to offer a moral and intellectual challenge to a pop singer is without doubt the most hilarious thing I've heard in ages. You don't honestly think people actually *believe* you? You're being laughed at and ridiculed, not taken seriously, I can absolutely assure you of that, my friend.
just a few random comments:

as noted, Bowie can sell out the O2 for a week straight, Moz cannot sell out one date.
secondly, nothing puts perfect on a cold rainy sunday than a 0-0 match, watched while served sparkling wine coolers and daft watercress sandwiches.
Oh dear. This old chestnut again from another cult member cum genius.

There was a time, and not so very long ago, Morrissey could be mentioned in the same breath as Bowie, perhaps, at times even Dylan and Lennon & McCartney. He was that good, that important. Now his career has reached Essen on a Monday night that is no longer the case. Rather than deliver vital, witty, trenchant songs as he once did he has grown moribund and comfortable flogging a dead horse around at, for tax purposes, a loss.

I've explained here repeatedly that Morrissey today has moved from being a talented songwriter and iconoclast to a sub-Russell Brand multi-millionaire political agitator. He even writes songs as well as Brand. He lies, and lies and lies again and is never challenged by the compliant, terrified, desperate Internet media he deigns to communicate with at arms length. It is not in the interest of these music blogs to ask tough questions. Most read like a poor student newspaper, except their desperation for clicks makes them even more obsequious.

As such, and bearing in mind his decreasing fanbase has never been as moronic as today as your post illustrates, his viewpoints must be challenged and defeated, until the day he either retires or dies.

Lord Haw Haw was hanged. Fortunately for Morrissey we no longer do that, but he deserves to be challenged every bit as strongly as he himself dishes it out.

He is a coward, a liar, and a fool.

Rigorous intellectual challenges require rigorous research, new evidence and fresh insights. Some time ago I read a very persuasive book about Lewis Carroll which exploded the lazy myth of his alleged obsession with little girls with compelling evidence (newly discovered letters, papers and other material ephemera) that it was far more likely it was not Alice Liddell with whom Carroll was obsessed, but rather that he was having an affair with her mother.

You're not doing this though, Barleycorn. You're just re-hashing existing myths, rumours, gossip and hearsay and spinning them to suit your own pre-existing prejudices. Real thinkers don't have pre-existing prejudices, they go where the evidence leads them. Real thinkers are suspicious of unreliable sources and they don't cherrypick evidence to fit their own agenda. Unless you're commenting on the song lyrics, the autobiography or the statements on TTY (the only instances in which Morrissey's words are ever unedited, rearranged, rewritten or otherwise taken out of context), then you cannot guarantee that your source is 100% reliable. Unless you've seen Morrissey's medical records or had his belts and footwear tested for leather, then it's nothing more than conjecture. If you're commenting on what X, Y or Z was reported to have once said in an interview that someone has partially quoted online many years later, then you're dealing with irrelevant hearsay. And if you're making vast imaginative leaps or writing melodramatic hyperbole (you know – the kind you deplore when Morrissey talks about vegetarianism) by imagining how the band members “must” feel when “ordered” to wear T-shirts with slogans on - or by drawing nonsensical comparisons with Lord Haw Haw - then you're just as guilty of the exact same things for which you repeatedly attack Morrissey; and a big fat hypocrite too.

Where are the fresh material evidence and the original insights, Barleycorn? You have none. Show us Morrissey's UKIP membership card, or a video clip of him racially abusing someone or eating in McDonalds, then we might listen to you. But for now, we're all well aware of your tedious prejudices and how you spin every reported incident, whether true or not, to suit your own predictable agenda. So we can really do without your daily diet of dross - and the ludicrous, deeply dishonest pretence that you're providing an important moral/intellectual challenge. Your words may be applauded by Skinny, Skylarker, Brummie, Benny and Tseng (now that would be one f***ed-up reboot of Top Cat. Who would you be - Officer Drivel?), but everyone else can see right through you. Your adolescent anger and hilariously self-righteous bullshit will remind many of Rik Mayall's character in The Young Ones. In fact, whenever I spot your name on here, I automatically picture you in red beret and yellow dungarees...

You say you come every day to provide a necessary challenge to Morrissey? Then I'm afraid it's you who is the liar, the coward (for not having the courage to admit why you're here) and the fool.
I bet Mr Bowie could sell out the 02 for several nights running so let's see our Steven Action Tosserrey manages in just one shall we.
I'm not a Bowie fan either it's just a simple logic, even you should get it, go on think hard you can do it if you put your mind to it.

You're missing the point benny, morrissey plays small venues not because he has to, he does it to give something back to the fans, to get close to the fans, we should all be grateful for that, he could play 10 large venues instead of 60 small venues and sell the same amount of tickets but he doesn't, I'm sure Bowie could sell out several nights at the O2 and I'm sure that's what he would do rather than spend the time and energy to get close to his fans in smaller venues, I appreciate what morrissey gives back to us, he really does care for his fans, now if he would only announce a scottish date, got my standing tickets for Dublin, can't wait, the smyths in glasgow on sat night fly out to Dublin sun afternoon, it's great being a morrissey fan
You're missing the point benny, morrissey plays small venues not because he has to, he does it to give something back to the fans, to get close to the fans, we should all be grateful for that, he could play 10 large venues instead of 60 small venues and sell the same amount of tickets but he doesn't, I'm sure Bowie could sell out several nights at the O2 and I'm sure that's what he would do rather than spend the time and energy to get close to his fans in smaller venues, I appreciate what morrissey gives back to us, he really does care for his fans, now if he would only announce a scottish date, got my standing tickets for Dublin, can't wait, the smyths in glasgow on sat night fly out to Dublin sun afternoon, it's great being a morrissey fan

Bollocks, bollocks, bollocks, bollocks, bollocks, and just for good measure bollocks !
"He does it to give something back to the fans, to get close to the fans" do you really believe that ? He's a business man, and here is a good example.
Autobiography his book ! Normally you get a hardback on release but he released on paperback, all the fans moaned they wanted hardback but lined up at midnight and parted with their cash the next thing when sales have peaked he releases the same book in hardback and the lemmings went out and bought the same book again ! ! ! f***in genius ( maybe slight picture changes). He should be on the f***in apprentice, Lord Sugar would be proud of that stunt.
You enjoy being a Tosserrey punter and don't forget to buy, yes buy your Tosser's-Template (£10:00 I believe) and make your local community look really attractive to ambitious outsiders.
I've heard enough now . . . . . . . Iorish you are shallow, narrow minded and easily led ! ! YOUR FIRED ! And I won't be conversing with you on the matter again.

You're proud of murdering turkeys? What do *I* have to do with you being a murderer? I'm not your victim, the animals are. You might try long-pig if it wasn't illegal and less easy of a kill. Coward.

Only people can be murdered.

Animals should be afforded protection, not rights.

There's something called a "food-chain" and humans are on it (like it or not).

When are the leftist vegetarians and vegans going to try to get wild animals off of meat?

Are you saying very many animals are allowed to eat each other?

If animals are the same as humans (which clearly they are Not), shouldn't they be stopped from killing other animals too?

Now go f*** yourself, you leftist asshole. People like you and Morrissey are the problem with this world.
Only people can be murdered.

Animals should be afforded protection, not rights.

That's cultural. You could just as well say that "Only white people deserve rights" if you lived in a culture where black people were considered "less than human".

Giving animals a right to live and a right to live without us needlessly hurting them makes sense, as animals do want to live and do suffer when we hurt them.

There's something called a "food-chain" and humans are on it (like it or not).

That doesn't really mean anything. The fact that we can eat animals doesn't mean that we should, just like the fact that we can murder (and always have murdered) other people doesn't mean that we should murder other people. The idea of a "food chain" isn't forcing us to do anything, like it or not.

When are the leftist vegetarians and vegans going to try to get wild animals off of meat?

Are you saying very many animals are allowed to eat each other?

If animals are the same as humans (which clearly they are Not), shouldn't they be stopped from killing other animals too?

This is the argument that people usually come up with when they are trying to defend animal abuse. The fact that wild animals kill each other isn't forcing us to do anything. We are naturally omnivores, which means that we can either choose to be vegetarians or eat meat too. In modern society there are many very good reasons to choose to be a vegetarian, and that's why a lot of people are doing that.

Wolves are the same as humans in terms of the biological capacity to suffer, but no, they are not intelligent omnivores living in a modern society where they can choose to boycott industrial animal abuse.

People like you and Morrissey are the problem with this world.

No, the problem with this world are people defending different forms of violence with shaky arguments.
Only people can be murdered.

Animals should be afforded protection, not rights.

There's something called a "food-chain" and humans are on it (like it or not).

When are the leftist vegetarians and vegans going to try to get wild animals off of meat?

Are you saying very many animals are allowed to eat each other?

If animals are the same as humans (which clearly they are Not), shouldn't they be stopped from killing other animals too?

Now go f*** yourself, you leftist asshole. People like you and Morrissey are the problem with this world.

You're clearly incredibly stupid. How can you say ''if animals are the same as humans (which clearly they are NOT)''? Humans are animals - if not, what are we? Saying that animals deserve protection but not rights is like saying that mentally challenged humans deserve protection but not rights. Of course your opinion is utterly ignorant and uneducated. MY opinion is that people like YOU are what's wrong with the world.
Just because human law-makers decided that the legal definition of "murder" should have a "homicide" element doesn't mean that meat aint murder. You can say that "meat is not homicidal-murder," but to purport that meat is not general all around murder is quite foolish.

I don't think I'll stoop to your level with the swearing & name-calling because my argument is intelligent and doesn't need any hostility to strengthen it.

Only people can be murdered.

Animals should be afforded protection, not rights.

There's something called a "food-chain" and humans are on it (like it or not).

When are the leftist vegetarians and vegans going to try to get wild animals off of meat?

Are you saying very many animals are allowed to eat each other?

If animals are the same as humans (which clearly they are Not), shouldn't they be stopped from killing other animals too?

Now go f*** yourself, you leftist asshole. People like you and Morrissey are the problem with this world.
animals eat each other. try to explain to them in a rational manner they cannot do so anymore since they have rights.
morrissey plays very small venues, which in most cases fail to sell out, because he cant fill larger ones.
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