Found this interesting - 30 Iconic Voices American Idol Would Hate

They left out Robert Smith.
Ah,ah - hey that was funny :thumb:

You know, they're probably right and I'm glad Moz made the list :guitar:

I watched American Idol once, and found it awful :eek:
I agree with every entry on that list. In fact, this list illustrates exactly what Morrissey was talking about in the latest Hot Press interview about a singer's voice.

None of these people listed are classical singers or even voices that are technically strong or pretty and yet, people are drawn to them because in what their voice can convey, that is true emotion. Whether it would be joy or sadness or melancholy, all these folks listed here are so unique and so original and so loved.

If Simon Cowell ever heard true originality, he would drop dead on the spot and would have to be scrapped off the floor.

I'd add Nico, Marc Bolan, and Kalus Nomi because Moz would have wanted me, too.
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