Girlfriend In A Coma



While walking through the library I spied this book by Douglas Coupland. I'm pretty sure I've seen a post about it before, but I wondered if anyone had any info about this guy. I have to say, the book was so much more enjoyable with all of the Morrissey quoters throughout!
I don't know a lot about the book, I haven't read it myself (should I?), but I know Douglas Coupland has said in some interview that he hated pop-music in general, except the songs by The Smiths and by Morrissey. By the way, another writer who quotes Morrissey on almost each page of his books is Herman Brusselmans, a popular writer from Belgium.

Reader meet author!
douglas coupland created the term 'generation x'

it was the title of his first book.
Re: douglas coupland created the term 'generation x'

I read Girlfriend in a Coma a couple of years ago and was only somewhat impressed. I've read a lot of Coupland's books including his most recent novel, Miss Wyoming, which I found to be really quite good. I think the more of his work I read, the more I enjoy his kind of bizarre style of writing. Life After Death, a collection of his short stories is also worth checking out.
> I don't know a lot about the book, I haven't read it myself
> (should I?), but I know Douglas Coupland has said in some
> interview that he hated pop-music in general, except the songs
> by The Smiths and by Morrissey. By the way, another writer who
> quotes Morrissey on almost each page of his books is Herman
> Brusselmans, a popular writer from Belgium.

> Reader meet author!

I doubt he hates pop music. He wrote something for the liner notes
of a St. Ettiene album not long ago.

I wouldn't recommend the book. It's OK, but I never would've kept reading it if it didn't have the Smiths references. I don't think he's that good a writer. Microserfs was decent though.
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