Henry Rollins is nice about Morrissey

This interview/chat was done a while back so sorry if it's already been posted. Anyway, it's something as novel as Henry Rollins talking very kindly about Morrissey, how sweet ;)

Here's the link to the whole chat -


Here's the bit about Morrissey -

Washington, DC Bubba: Morrissey and The Cure send their regards. (Based on your supreme dislike for them on your many spoken word CDs) What's your take on the current state of music? Who's on your iTunes--recently downloaded menu?

Henry Rollins: I don't hate the Smiths or the Cure at all. I think -- especially Morrissey -- is very creative and brilliant. It's that downward spiral, down in the mouth thing they had going for years which I could just not leave alone. I had to take a couple of shots at it. But I hold no malice toward either party at all.

I don't download music. I just upload CDs I own. Well, the thing I'm listening to right now is the new Fall album called "Fall Heads Roll."
that's really interesting cause i remember riding around with my friend who really likes henry rollins' spoken word stuff and he had a few jabs at the smiths.
Look at this:

He also talked about a talking show put on in L.A.... the same one that got taped for the video Talking from the Box. He produced the show as well as having performed at it. At some point, somebody came up to him and asked if he could get a backstage pass for Morrissey. Rollins thought the assistant was joking with Rollins distaste for the former lead singer of the Smiths and told him to f*** off... a little while later he looked out into the audience and saw: it really was Morrissey. The Mo-man himself!

Later, during the show, he did this little bit where he talked about the riots in L.A. He talked about how he hit the streets to go check out the carnage. There was a record store (a chain store) that was being protected...rather pathetically, actually...by two unarmed security guards. "All right, you cement. Stay there!" So anyway, the looters started to close in on the record store. The rent-a-cops, in a wild mood of creativity, came over to the group of on-lookers (of which Rollins was a part) and put forth the proposition that they were going to deputize the group in order to 'protect the neighborhood.' Rollins, being "more cynical than your average stadium full of people" came up with the following argument against it:

"Ok...so what you're saying is you want me to take a rock in the face for Paula Abdul. Now, ok, let me get this right. I'm supposed to take a 2"x4" across my chest for Bono..."

At this point, Rollins paused to explain to the British audience the cultural differences of digital insults on either side of the Atlantic. The United States has its all-too-familiar method: clenching the fist with the exception of the single longest digit in the center of the hand - the eternal middle finger. In Britain, this is generally understood, but it's more characteristic to use both the middle and index fingers (a reversal of the peace sign...ironically, all the hippies and peaceniks were/are just flipping themselves off.)

He continued... "I'm supposed to stand in front of a huge piece of plate glass and try and defend it from five gnarly youths who want to go right over my head...for Morrissey."

It was at this point where Rollins, rather inexplicably on the video without the knowledge of this little story, flipped off Morrissey where he sat in the audience, all the while screaming "f*** YOU! f*** YOU! f*** YOU! f*** YOU! f*** YOU!" The audience, froze, turned to look straight at the Mo-Man, laughed, clammed up, and turned quickly back to face the stage. This occurred during the first ten or fifteen minutes of his talk. He had to sit and live with this insult for another hour or so. Ouch... But if you watch the video and notice the expression on his face, he doesn't really seem to be in so light a mood for several seconds.

oh dear...

So do you actually SEE Morrissey in the audience in the video, or is it just Rollins' facial expression?
is that the 'Talking From The Box/Henry Rollins Go To London'?

He, Rollins, was on Swedish TV last night (we receive two Swedish channels in Denmark) in a programme about Punk - Attitude. It was a brilliant programme and Rollins made some very insightful and funny comments about punk. He came across as being a very sympathetic man. Other good clips included Howard Devoto being interviewed (he even mentioned Morrissey briefly, in connection with the Sex Pistols concert in Manchester that Devoto and Pete Shelley organised) and it was also good to see Jim Jarmusch talking about his relationship to punk. He genuinely IS coolness itself :) Furthermore, Ari Up was interviewed, talking mainly about reggae in her slightly amusing Jamaican/German mix -up-accent, it's only amusing because the Jamaican part seems a bit forced. Chrissie Hynde was interviewed as well and she also mentioned reggae as being the main thing that connected the up-and-coming punk groups in the early days in London, ie they were 'all' listening to it/influenced by it.
Hey, I just watched that Documentary "Pun<-Attitude" here in the U.S. on the Independent FiIm ChanneI [IFC] yesterday......For anyone interested, I beIieve it's going to be showed again today from 7-9am and probabIy again next wee<end [not sure though] ....anyway, I found the program very interesting.....Ioved the way Henry RoIIins made fun of how intoIerant pun<s are about other music......I aIways find RoIIins to be quite inteIIegent, I ususaIIy watch his IFC show every wee< because it's smart, so I'm surprised that he wouId go after Moz in this vicious manner at that show being discussed above, poor Moz! I never wouId've been abIe to just sit there after something Ii<e that, I'd either storm out aII emberrased and raging with fury or I wouId totaIIy go psycho on his ass [raging with fury aIso] .....but just sitting there wouIdn't be an option for me.....I'm not sure whether to consider Moz to be a brave man for handIing it with cIass or consider him whimpy for not doing anyhting about it :confused:

It was great when Morrissey's name came up in the program but I beIieve it was a BuZZcoc<s concert and not Sex PistoIs.....I might be wrong but that's how I remember it.

Oh yeah, ....on Saturday I was fIipping through the channeIs and when I saw the cover of MaIadjusted on one of them I stopped to see what was going on.....it was on FUSE music channeI [which I hate because aII they show there is EMO shit and other simiIar trash] anyway, it was a show about the "NERD" band FaII Out Boy.....they were showing the house of the guy in the band who's obsessed with Moz [vomit] this retard had about 4 MOZ aIbum covers hanging in his upstairs bathroom waII, where he said he enjoys ta<ing showers [gross!] it's funny how he aIways Ioo<s dirty.... He said he Ioves Moz and that Moz wouId probabIy not be happy about having him in the bathroom :rolleyes: They went on to show the rest of his house and his famiIy [boooooring] this Ioser coIIects toys and other retarded shit, he's such an idiot! I swear to God, these peopIe in Emo bands are the most annoying, retarded, imature, stupid, boring peopIe on earth, not a singIe inteIIigent comment was made throughout the
entire show....Yes, I finished watching it aII, it was simiIar to watching
a rare wiId species out in it's naturaI habit and I just couIdn't heIp myseIf. I was waiting for something interesting to occur but nothing....This show onIy served to prove to me that my pre-conceived notions about EMOs was 100% right on.......they are the biggest NerdTards in the pIanet. I F'N Hate them and their foIIowers. :)

PS - Even the parents of the FOB guy are major Dor<s!
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I've always thought Henry Rollins comes across as an over-compensating closet homosexual. I think he's secretly in love with Morrissey.
Well, DAnn, remember that those "emo-nerds" are in a way just like us: they have the same adoration of Morrissey. But we [seem to] cannot stand when they "utter" this. But we can stand when others [not spoken-out emo's] do. Doesn't this show a bit of intolerance then? Anyway, I'm totally not keen on these emo-kids, but I don't get mixed up with them and hopefully they don't with me. But what IS annoying is: I really cannot find a connection with these bands and The Smiths (or Morrissey.) Anyway, these points are probably already discussed somewhere and closed.

Oh and by the way: an old friend of mine (not a best or good friend, someone I know for quite a long time and I love to discuss music with him when we're drunk on parties - an easy victim, you know, "in the land of blind ppl, One-Eye is king" [or something like that, I'm translation literally now from a Dutch saying] ) is quite into emo and screamo and whatever you've got, and I once let him listen to Morrissey, and he found it absolute crap. Another friend, who's a total Charmed-freak (!!), listened to How Soon Is Now? [ the original version - not the cover they use for the Charmed programme] and he didn't like it at all, he said the music sucked and he didn't like the singer's voice.
From that day, I always turn my head when I see him.
Stupid teenagers! (myself not included;))

edit: sorry, I'm being totally off-topic!
wolve said:
Well, DAnn, remember that those "emo-nerds" are in a way just like us: they have the same adoration of Morrissey. But we [seem to] cannot stand when they "utter" this. But we can stand when others [not spoken-out emo's] do. Doesn't this show a bit of intolerance then? Anyway, I'm totally not keen on these emo-kids, but I don't get mixed up with them and hopefully they don't with me. But what IS annoying is: I really cannot find a connection with these bands and The Smiths (or Morrissey.) Anyway, these points are probably already discussed somewhere and closed.

I'm sorry, but these EMO-NERD-TARDS are just pathetic, I am nothing Ii<e them at aII, they are the ugIy Ioser dor<s whom I hated in high schooI, the ones I spent pIenty of time trying to get of my bac< and trying to get them to stop copying me and my friends cooI styIe, these peopIe are cIassIess, fiIthy, and unpoIished besides everything eIse I mentioned above. As much as I cannot stand hip-hop, rap and aII that crap, I aIways weIcomed the company of Homeboys and stiII do, I get aIong with them weII dispite the huge waII that devides us, these peopIe are cooI, confident and have great attitude ...everything the EMO Iosers are missing.

......The onIy thing I have in common with them is the Moz thing and most times I question the authenticity of their Iove for the man......I just hate when they try to connect their crap "music" to The SMITHS or MOZ. I'm aware that I'm very intoIerant towards these peopIe, and very Proud to be so....they don't deserve any better!

PS - Jones, Henry RoIIins is such a HOMO! I've aIways thought this myseIf being that I'm gay and have very reIiabIe gaydar ...;) He probabIy wants to bang both Moz and Robert Smith at the same time which is just gross.
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